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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"Sobek joins you for the trip to the Nakhti capitol, where you will register for the Ascension Rites. It's a long ride from the Imperial Legion base in the Nakhti Barrens, and it's good to have company."
Map description

Map description[]




"Sobek joins you for the trip to the Nakhti capitol, where you will register for the Ascension Rites. It's a long ride from the Imperial Legion base in the Nakhti Barrens, and it's good to have company."
Mission description

Selket learns of Anubis entrance in the Rites. Needless to say, she isn't exactly happy. Cue a scene in the Liandri HQ.

[Screen] Selket: "I thought we had a deal!"
Liandri Officer: "Ah, whatever do you mean, dear Selket?"
[Screen] Selket: "Anubis! He's in the Tourney."
Liandri Officer: "By tradition, your Ascension Rites are open to everyone."
[Screen] Selket: "I told you before. I want him out."
Liandri Officer: "Hmmm... His file says he comes from a strong line of champions. But he hasn't had much success."
[Screen] Selket: "He's a coward. Ten years ago, he dropped out of the tourney and ran like a dog."
Liandri Officer: "Joined the Legion, I see. Left his young bride behind as well. But you knew that, didn't you?"
[Screen] Selket: "Just take care of it."

Selket beats a random soldier and the screens shuts up.

Liandri Officer: "Oh, we will, no need to worry!"

In the next cutscene, Anubis and Sobek are going to the Capitol. Suddenly, they got ambushed...

Anubis: "Sobek, we have company!"
Sobek: "What the...?"

(They get shot and fall. Cut to the Liandri HQ)

Liandri Officer: "Hmmm... Another little firebrand, just like Selket. Decisions, decisions."

When you start, you will have to kill a robot. Then a cutscene of Sobek on the ground will start. Then a door will open and two robots will come out. Then three more will come out. Then two more will come out. Then a door will open, and you'll beat the level.[1]

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

  1. J0lly_R0ger (June 8, 2005). "Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict FAQ v2.4". Neoseeker. Retrieved May 27, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Tutorial maps
Capture the Flag maps:
Bonus Pack maps: CTF-Monoxide
Deathmatch maps:
Bonus Pack maps: DM-EvilHandsDM-Sever
Overdose maps:
Bonus Pack maps: OD-Ascension