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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

AS-Bridge is an Assault map from Unreal Tournament. It's the pre-order bonus for the CompUSA version of the Game of the Year edition, as well as an Ownage map.

Map description[]

Zones of the map include:

  • Outside:
  • Base Entrance:
  • Inside The Bridge:
  • Pressure Room:
  • Lower Base:
  • Pressure Door:
  • Upper Base:


"Get to the main gates and break the lock by shooting at it."
Mission description

"Open the water passage. This will enable our team to penetrate the base from there."
Mission description

"Manipulate the door pressure control to overheat the tank. This should open the upper base pressure door after a few seconds."
Mission description

"Shoot the wooden platform until the metal crate falls down. This will unblock our final assault entrance."
Mission description

"Go to the bridge and enter it through the maintenance cabinets. Place an explosive charge in each corner of the bridge (1 to 4). You can place the charges in any order."
Mission description

"Get to the other side of the bridge and use the detonator. Be warned the enemies might use their advanced guard tower."
Mission description

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 3
A: 4
W: 2
A: 4
W: 2
A: 4
W: 2
A: 3
W: 3
A: 9
W: 3
A: 7
W: 3
A: 7
W: 6
A: 12


Pickup Count Location


Pickup Count Location

Tips and tricks[]

Author's Advice (from the Readme)[]

"There are a lot of places where you can take several ways or even hammerjump. With the 2 more Assault spawnpoints there sould be non-stop action as soon as the base has been entered.

When defending be sure to check out the 'advanced guard tower'. It's located in the defenders starting base on the 2nd floor. When you're in front of the panel it will activate the missile cannon. You can even snipe incoming attackers while standing there. Hope you like this new feature."
Claude Meyer



"Okay, stop what you're doing. If you've ever liked any game that I've worked on then you'll trust my opinion and go download this map now. Go, get it, play it, laugh like a kid, and then come back and read what you'll already know.

This is just about one of the coolest god damned maps I have ever seen. It is the pinnacle of UT's Assault mode. You feel like you're in a friggin action movie.

The AI works extremely well in this map, Claude has obviously put some serious work into tweaking and testing the bots, and it shows. If I was killed, then I'd wait a second and one of my bots would lead the way to the next objective. You know that feeling you had when you were a kid and you were playing war, running through the woods towards your invisible enemies' base, toy gun in hand, ready to whup some ass? Yup, that's what this map makes you feel.

When I downloaded this map I thought "could be cool, shots looked good." I then did a dry-run through it. I spawned as an attacker, and proceeded to make my way towards the base. I hit F3 to see my objectives- there they were. I busted open the first doors- they exploded in a cacophony of falling parts and explosions. I knew I was in for something special.

Make sure you have an ass-kicking machine, though, otherwise this map is going to kick your ass. It really needs 16+ players in order to maximize its playability. From the first moment where that door collapses and the turret is spitting out grenades at you to the final collapsing of the bridge, there is only one way to describe this map.


I do NOT get this excited over much. This map is the current pinnacle of what UT's Assault is about. Claude has single-handedly shown up every Epic designer.

Now, there are a few misaligned textures here and there, and the poly/node count is kind of nuts in some areas but I'm willing to just throw out that crap because the map works so well. Also, there aren't enough playerstarts! Kind of a huge shame, as this map is meant to be played with GOBS of players...you spawn and telefrag people. A glaringly goofy oversight in an otherwise incredible map.

Stop reading, already. Go play it and be a kid again."

Readme Notes[]

"This is my second map.

This map is rather large; your goals are:

- to enter the enemy base
- fight your way through the lower and upper base to reach the bridge
- Set 4 explosive charges on the bridge and detonate it

You have a total of 16 minutes time to finish the mission. 2 more assault spawnpoints can be discovered (not necessary to finish but recommended)."
Claude Meyer

Review Notes[]

  • NaliCity gave the map a 10/10
"You have probably heard of this one. If not, then prepare to be astounded. Yes I have tested for a long, long time, and yes it is still worth the 10. You need this map. I'm not even sure that my humble review can do justice to such a map, but much has been written about it elsewhere, and even the erstwhile CliffyB has recognised that this map owns.

A large and long AS level, you have 16 fun packed minutes, and you may well need them. Starting in two distinct spawning areas, the attackers must make their way to the beachside gates (through water, or down rocky slopes), and open them with force (a few shots needed), avoiding the grenade throwing cannon, and swathe of defenders firing from all angles... all the time the ominious bridge is visible way above. Alternatively the cunning may hammer jump the walls, and sprint in to unlock the second spawn point - and this provides a glimpse of the real genius of AS-Bridge - the availability of different assault & defence tactics. One really can learn new ways to play it, after hours and hours of play. Defenders, don't miss the many and varied opportunities for frontal, and sniping defence, here, and throughout. Did I say "Wow!" yet?

So, back to the objectives: after opening the gate (it literally explodes and rumbles with realism), you will want to initiate the second spawn point (there is a further spawn point to initiate later - neither are needed for winning, but you will want to use them). Next manipulate a door pressure controller (another explosion) to open the upper base. You are probably already feeling exhausted & exhilarated at the same time. No time to wait around, catching breath, run up the base (two good routes here) to face an electric blue pulse cannon, after which one can unlock the third attackers spawn point - essential for avoiding a long siege at a strong defensive point. Next on to the wide open bridge itself. Again wow! There is an underground room within the bridge where you'll place four explosive charges - quick, quick, the defenders are on to you (incidentally, the messages at each crucial point of the assault really do keep you all informed as to where the important action is). Lastly, run (what do you mean you are tired?) across the last stretch of bridge, facing the defenders' last stand, and it is a good one. The defenders have a three level building here, with sniping points, and a triggered cannon (and teleports to points all-over the level, for this is where they start), all overlooking the detonator which you must reach to blow the bridge, for the truly satisfying end sequence explosion.

I'm out of breath just describing all that, so I'll be brief on some of the essential review details. Textures and lighting are just wonderful - a real immersive, and believable play - even better after a couple of minor errors were removed in the last update. Slowdown is amazingly only really possible in the wide open area by the first gate, and then only when a good 16 bots are all in view. Weapons are laid with true genius - tucked subtly in corners, and never overdone, stretching your skills. You will find some of the better placements after several games. Bots are good - I mean stunningly good, especially seeing as the map is so large and detailed. On first play they will probably complete the game leaving you well behind. Play on God-like and you'll never get a look in. They attack and defend with variety and skill - take tips! Human play also excels - but you'll need plenty of friends - 8 players is a bare minimum. And most importantly playability - yes, I have already indicated that this map has the lasting playability to make it your best download yet.

A map to beat some of the game-provided assault levels. A game to remember. It is up to the hype. It is the new standard for it's genre."


External links and references[]

  1. Bleszinski, Cliff. "CliffyB's Ownage Archive". CliffyB's Ownage. Archived from the original on November 1, 2006. Retrieved April 23, 2019.
  2. Avoiderman. "Nali City Review - as-bridge". NaliCity (PU). Archived from the original on Jun 9, 2000. Retrieved Nov 22, 2024.
  • "Bridge". Unreal Archive. Retrieved Oct 24, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Assault maps
Pre-order bonuses: AS-Bridge (CompUSA GOTY)