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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

AS-Frigate is an Assault map from Unreal Tournament.

Map description[]

An arena featuring a hijacking scenario, this map can offer heavy resistance if you neglect strategies of stealth and speed. One can access the ship from the front or underwater.

The attackers start in a cargo bay connected to a bar-like room, while the defenders start inside the ship itself.

The ship has several open rooms, with some of them housing items. There is also a moonpool entrance, with a large passage ending in the ship's most frontal room. Among the rooms, there are several stairs leading to a table room with chairs, and more stairs guiding to the Control room. Outside the ship, there is a Sentinel Minigun, targeting attackers traveling across the wooden bridge, along with several decorations such as cannons.

Both the initial attackers' area and the ship are connected by a narrow wooden bridge.


"The door to the ship’s control room is controlled by a hydraulic compressor which is located in the aft cabin of the boat. This compressor must be destroyed before the control room can be entered."
Mission description

There are two ways to reach the compressor's area: from below the ship or from the front bridge. Once inside, regardless of where you enter, you can take a direct route or a shortcut by crossing the rooms. The latter will lead you near the Compressor, but you have to face the right side. Once facing the right side, shoot the Compressor until it explodes.

"You must hijack the warship via the dock and find your way to the control room on the top floor of the vessel. There, you will find a red button that will activate the boat’s cannons and allow the boat to leave the harbor."
Mission description

When the Compressor is destroyed, seek ladders near the rooms and ascend. You will reach the control room. Go up the ladders and touch the controls to win the round.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Frigate's mid lower chamber.
Ammo: 2x Next to the BioRifle.
W: 2
A: 3
Weapon: 1x Control Room, near the buttons. 1x Cargo Bay, near the table.
Ammo: 1x Control Room, near Shock Rifle. 2x Cargo Bay, near Shock Rifle.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Cargo Bay, above the table.
Ammo: 2x Cargo Bay, near the Ripper.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Cargo Bay, near the table. 1x Lower entrance's end.
Ammo: 2x Cargo Bay, near the Minigun. 2x Lower entrance's end, near the Minigun.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Underwater entrance. 1x Ship's table room.
Ammo: 2x Underwater entrance, near the Flak. 2x Ship's table room, near the Flak.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Cargo Bay, Storage area.
Ammo: 2x Cargo Bay, Storage area, near the Rocket Launcher.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Cargo Bay, near the table.
Ammo: 2x Cargo Bay, near the Sniper Rifle.

Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Frigate's mid lower chamber.
Ammo: 2x Next to the BioRifle.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Cargo Bay, above the table.
Ammo: 2x Cargo Bay, near the Ripper.
W: 3
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Cargo Bay, near the table. 1x Lower entrance's end. 1x Below Control Room, near the stairs.
Ammo: 2x Cargo Bay, near the Minigun. 2x Lower entrance's end, near the Minigun. 1x Control Room, near the controls.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Underwater entrance. 1x Ship's table room.
Ammo: 2x Underwater entrance, near the Flak. 2x Ship's table room, near the Flak.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Cargo Bay, Storage area.
Ammo: 2x Cargo Bay, Storage area, near the Rocket Launcher.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Cargo Bay, in a corner.
Ammo: 2x Cargo Bay, near the Sniper Rifle.


Pickup Count Location
2x Cargo Bay, end of the stairs. 1x Ship's table room, near the table. 1x Open room, near the Compressor. 1x Compressor Room, attacking corner. 1x Instructions room.
1x Compressor Room, below the stairs.
1x Below Control Room, below stairs.
1x Cargo Bay, Storage room, above a large box. 1x Open room, near the Compressor.
1x Underwater entrance's end, between ladders.

Pickup Count Location
2x Cargo Bay, end of the stairs. 1x Ship's table room, near the table. 1x Open room, near the Compressor. 1x Compressor Room, attacking corner. 1x Instructions room.
1x Compressor Room, below the stairs.
1x Below Control Room, below stairs.
1x Cargo Bay, Storage room, above a large box. 1x Open room, near the Compressor.
1x Underwater entrance's end, between ladders.


Pickup Count Location
At the frigate's exterior, one above the main entrance and the other on the opposite side.

Pickup Count Location
At the frigate's exterior, above the main entrance.


PC (Retail/GOTY)[]

"A somewhat antiquated Earth warship, the restored SS Victory is still seaworthy. A dual security system prevents intruders from activating the guns only by allowing crew members to open the control room portal. However, should the aft boiler be damaged beyond repair the door will auto-release, allowing access to anyone."
Mission description

Spawning in the building, there are various routes you can take to reach The Ship. The most obvious is by running along the wooden gangway to the ship's front door, under the minigun turret, although defense will expect you there. Reaching The Ship's door will cause the defenders to move closer to the Compressor, making its destruction harder. Bots will take time to get through the door, so use this time to find other ways to sneak onto the ship. There is a hole in the underside of the ship that you can use by jumping into the water and swimming.

There are also plenty of spots from which to hammer-jump, the best being from the big wooden platform at the top of your spawn area. Hammer-jump backward and land on the ship's deck. From there, you can enter through the door and drop straight down to the Compressor. This is easier if you instruct your teammates to Hold Position in the spawn base, preventing them from triggering The Ship objective and causing the opposition to fall back.

If you have the Ripper, it is also possible to shoot primary blades through one of the four tiny holes in the ship's deck. Try standing beside the hole on the bottom right, the one nearest your spawn point. Experiment with angles and keep firing blades down through the hole (hint: face the tree)—if done correctly, they will ricochet around in the Compressor room and hit the objective. Experiment for yourself if you want—it's worth it.

You could also try sitting on the first level of the stairs and throwing grenades down into the corridor, bouncing them off the wall so they land near the Compressor.

Regardless of your approach to the Compressor, destroying it should not be difficult. Once it's gone, the upper doors will take some time to open, and defense will head upstairs to defend the final objective.

Missile activation is the hardest objective to complete, as defense camps right next to it. Try firing a bunch of grouped rockets through the upper door from your spawn point—this can often take out two or three campers. Rippers work, too—send several blades into the room from far away.

You can try attacking through the ship's interior, though this is more challenging than attacking from the roof. Find a spot from which you can hammer-jump up to the upper or lower roof—there are many such spots. Most of the defense will be upstairs, leaving powerups free for the taking. Collect as many as possible on each attack to gain an edge.

During the first minutes of the defense phase, the attackers will all come along the same narrow route, just as in Guardia, the tutorial map, making it easy for you and your teammates to eliminate them before they reach the ship's door. If attackers fall into the water, they will swim through the hole in the ship's underside, so keep an eye on any who fall in and make sure you take the Shield Belt, as these sneaks will pick it up on their way in.

If attackers breach the door, they will all run along the ship's main corridor toward the Compressor. Again, eliminate them before they reach it.

Your teammates will occupy the upstairs room if the Compressor goes, so you should defend farther forward, preferably back down at the door. Keep taking nearby powerups and spam the door, helped by the minigun turret. The attackers run mindlessly up the ship's staircases, providing several camping points for a defender. To defend the Missiles button, try camping at the top of the highest stairs, sending shock combos down at any attackers who approach the bottom.

You might also try arranging your bots in a staggered formation, rather than leaving them all freelancing at the back. Position yourself at the ship's lower door, with one bot in the main spawn room, another at the Thigh Pads, and the last one at the Missiles. The lower two share the flak ammo (with one always collecting the pads), while the last one gets the shock ammo, ensuring that none will ever run out of firepower and be forced to defend with Enforcers.[1]

PlayStation 2[]

"An antiquated Earth warship, the restored SS Victory is still seaworthy. A security system prevents intruders from activating the guns by only allowing crew members to open the control room portal. If the aft boiler is damaged the door will auto-release, allowing access to anyone."
Mission description

Storm the ship from below; jump into the water and you will see an opening at the ship's bottom. Get your team to follow you, since they will likely storm in through the front door and get mowed down quickly. The enemy does not often guard this area of the ship, so you may relax for a moment. Grab the Flak Cannon and go through the door slightly covered with a blue field. Run up the stairs and shoot any enemies around; if you have the Rocket Launcher, pull it out and fire a few shots into the hallway. Duck into the side room and follow it to the end, going through several other rooms. When you come out, you will be near your first target. It is just down the stairs, so destroy it, and then the blue team will eventually retreat to the upper levels, so try to get there before them, or else you'll have another small battle on your hands. You have to get to the upper level of the ship and get near the control panel, at which point the battle will end.

On defense, patrol the main corridor of the ship, killing anybody who enters the door with the Flak Cannon. You can also booby-trap the entrance of the ship with the Bio Rifle; just shoot some balls on the floor when people are running down the ramp, and it should explode when they are near or on top of it. The enemy usually never gets past here, but sometimes somebody slips through; if that's the case, tell your team to defend and use the same strategy as before.[2]

Tips and tricks[]


  • Get the Body Armor as soon as you can; you're going to need it.
  • For the first objective, divide your team into two sub-teams, with one utilizing the main entrance and the other entering underwater.
  • A trickier but potentially rewarding entrance involves weapon-jumping to the ship's cannons and entering through the open hole below them. Beware of the autocannon on the back of the ship, though.
  • Try to obtain the best items in the ship as quickly as you can. They'll come in handy in many situations.
  • Sneaking tends to be better than engaging in combat on this map. You can enter via the underwater entrance, then instead of taking the first ladder you see, take the other ladder, then enter the open rooms and sneak your way to the Compressor. For the final objectives, you can go around the ship on the outside and use one or two well-placed weapon jumps to reach the Control Room faster than the enemy team can. This way, you also avoid the bottleneck which the Control Room ladders tend to be.
  • If the defenders begin to infiltrate the warehouse itself, don't bother fighting them. Killing them will only spawn them back inside the ship. A better idea is to abandon the weapons and take the underwater route immediately into the ship. Each defender in the warehouse is one less in the ship. Once inside, a Flak Cannon and Minigun are available.[3]
  • Although it takes quite a concerted effort to reach the compressor room, one attacker might force his way up to the control room door so that when it opens, he can end the game in one second. The doorway is well hidden from any defenders who don't make a special trip up the stairs to check on it.[3]


  • If you decide to guard the main entrance, use the Bio Rifle to fill the area with green goop.
  • In the final objective, learn how to time your Shock combos. You'll be using them a lot.
  • Deny the enemy team as many items in the ship as you can. The ship has the Super Health, the Shield Belt, and the Flak Cannon.
  • The hallway toward the ladder/compressor tends to be a bottleneck. Use it to your team's advantage.
  • Once the compressor goes down, defenders should take up positions on the stairs and force the action back down to the main level. Rather than passively wait at the control room, defenders should make the attackers work for ship entry.[3]


  • The beta version of the map lacked the boxes in the Cargo Bay, the Compressor objective, several weapons for attackers, the Minigun turrets, and had an open door above the Compressor room.
  • The PlayStation 2 version of the map lacks the Shock Rifle altogether (absent in the attackers' base, replaced with the Minigun in the defenders' side) and features heavily simplified geometry.

External links and references[]

  1. Orgulo (May 2, 2017). "Unreal Tournament (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough". GameFAQs. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  2. El Greco (May 11, 2005). "Unreal Tournament (PS2) FAQ". GameFAQs. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 David Perkins, Doug Radcliffe. "Assault Map Strategies: AS-Frigate (Cont.)". PlanetUnreal. Retrieved May 2, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Assault maps
Pre-order bonuses: AS-Bridge (CompUSA GOTY)
Unreal Tournament (PS2) Assault maps
Available from start: AS-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: AS-FrigateAS-GuardiaAS-HiSpeedAS-MazonAS-OceanFloorAS-OverlordAS-Rook