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If you're looking for the mutator which enables the Camouflage and Pint-Sized combos in Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004, you might want to check Bonus Combos.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"Tasty and nutritious, Adrenaline provides you with the extra energy needed to execute special Adrenaline abilities."
UT2004 manual

"Tasty polysaccharide adenosine triphosphate provides all the extra energy combatants need for their special abilities."
UC2 manual

Adrenaline is an item found on Unreal Championship, Unreal Tournament 2003, Unreal Tournament 2004, and especially Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.


Adrenaline can be collected by picking up adrenaline pills scattered throughout the arenas, or by achieving certain goals, such as killing opponents and capturing flags. It was originally thought of to allow breaking through stalemates in team-based games.

Once 100 Adrenaline points have been collected, the player can start an "adrenaline rush" by quickly executing a sequence of movement keys. This rush will give the player an advantage, but only for a limited amount of time. If the player carries the flag or bomb in the relevant gametypes, the amount is shortened.


Below is a list of methods of gathering adrenaline, and the associated amount gathered.

  • Get pill: 3 in UT2003, 2 in UT2004, 20 in UC2
  • Frag in DM/TDM: 5
  • Frag in CTF/BR/DDOM: 2
  • First blood: 10
  • Spree: 10
  • Ending enemy's spree: 10
  • Multi Kill: 10
  • Death: 0
  • Suicide: -2
  • Frag Flag/Bomb carrier: 10
  • Return Flag/Bomb: 5
  • Capture Flag/Bomb: 25

Unreal Championship and Unreal Tournament 2003/2004[]

In UT2003 pills give the player 3 Adrenaline points, whereas in UT2004 they give the player 2. Adrenaline doesn't feature in Last Man Standing, Onslaught and Assault. Because Adrenaline adds a certain amount of randomness it is often manually disabled in competitive games.


Below is a list of default combos with the associated key sequence, an estimate of the amount of time the rush lasts in seconds, and the result of the combo.

  • ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Speed (18) - Move faster, jump higher, drawing yellow tracks with your feet. In UT2004 this combo lasts half as long as most. It drains even faster if you are carrying the flag in a CTF or VCTF game. In Unreal Championship the combo is called Agility, and the input to perform it is ↓ ↓ ↑.
  • ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Booster (27) - (Re)generate health up to 199%, then shield up to 150%, by 5 points per second or so. The player will emit green crosses. In Unreal Championship the combo is called Regeneration, and the input to perform it is ↓ ↓ ↓.
  • → → ← ← Invisibility (27) - Turn invisible, albeit it with some shimmering effect.
  • ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ Berserk (27) - Increases rate of fire and knockback, including that of the Shield Gun, allowing its user to jump much higher with it. Three orange lines revolve around the player. In Unreal Championship the input to perform this combo is ↑ ↑ ↑, and instead amplifies the damage of the weapons.

"Pint-sized!" and "Camouflaged!" are additional combos that become available in 2003 through official mutators included in an Epic Bonus Pack, and are available out-of-the-box through the Bonus Combos mutator in 2004.

  • ← ← ← ← Pint-sized! (27) - Become half as big; disables crouching.
  • → → → → Camouflaged! (40.5) - Projects a, usually very conspicuous, holographic object around the player. The object depends on the static meshes used in the map.

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict[]

The Adrenaline system was rethought for Unreal Championship 2, and plays a much more important role in combat situations, because it can be constantly used. The majority of adrenaline abilities are only using 50% of your adrenaline bar, while the bar refills itself automatically. Adrenaline pick ups are shared in the same proportion as ammunition, while one pick up fills 10% of the adrenaline bar. There is also a Super Adrenaline power up, which gives you instantly 100%. Killing opponents, capturing the flag in CTF games, delivering the ball in Overdose or rejecting shots also scores you some extra adrenaline. Adrenaline abilities can easily be activated by a small ingame menu.

The different characters have different kinds of abilities available to them, partly dependent on the character's race. Every character has six abilities in total, two default abilities, three abilities depending on the race and one character specific special ability. Race abilities mostly include one defensive, one healing and a hunting ability.

Not everyone can use every ability. Each character has a set of six abilities: the universal Nimble and Speed, three race-specific abilities, and a personal ability.

General abilities[]

All characters have access to "Nimble" and one variant of "Speed".

  • "Nimble" increases the user's agility, gives the possibility of quad jumping and reduces the effects of gravity.
  • "Speed" has two variations. Both of them provide a much-needed burst of speed:
    • The 50% variant of "Speed" is used by medium and heavy characters.
    • The 100% variant is used by light characters. Lasts longer than its 50% counterpart.
Nimble (50%)
Increases agility and reduces effects of gravity. Available to all competitors.
Speed (50%/100%)
(50%) Provides a much-needed burst of speed.
(100%) Additional burst of speed when you need it most.

Nakhti characters[]

The Nakhti characters have access to the "Heal", "Repulse" and "Warrior Spirit" abilities.

  • "Warrior Spirit" increases their rate of fire and speed and includes a special blue viewing mode which helps them see other players (including invisible ones) by brightening them.
Heal (50%)
Partially recovery from your injuries.
Repulse (50%)
Magnetic field pushes away explosive projectiles.
Warrior Spirit (50%)
(In-game) Ancestral spirits drive you to perfection.
(Manual) Increases firing rate and speed and helps you spot enemies.

Anubis/Merc Anubis and Mirage have "Energy Burst" as their personal ability. "Energy Burst" can be combined with the UDamage item for extra damage.

Energy Burst (50%)
Deadly eruption of energy that injures nearby opponents.

Apophis and Sobek have "EMP" as their personal ability. "EMP" detonates explosive projectiles and hurts Liandri robots.

EMP (50%)
Electromagnetic pulse that detonates most projectiles.

Darius and Nepthys have "Energy Shield" as their personal ability. "Energy Shield" reduces damage from the Bio Rifle, Shock Rifle, Sniper Rifle and Stinger.

Energy Shield (50%)
(In-game) A shield that blocks energy projectiles.
(Manual) A shield that reduces energy damage.

Hyena and Memphis have "Discharge" as their personal ability. "Discharge" works similarly to "Energy Burst", but lasts longer and has a smaller radius.

Discharge (50%)
Creates a charge which arcs to a nearby foe.

Selket and Ra have "Flash" as their personal ability.

Flash (50%)
Blinds nearby enemies for a few precious moments.

Human characters[]

Human characters have access to the "Heal", "Homing" and "Iron Spirit" abilities.

Heal (50%)
Partially recovery from your injuries.
Homing (100%)
(In-game) Your projectiles home towards your locked target.
(Manual) Makes your projectiles home on your target.
Iron Spirit (50%)
Encases your body in solid armor.

Malcolm's personal ability is "Sentinel".

Sentinel (100%)
Launches allies that fire upon enemies.

Sapphire's personal ability is "Ice Burst".

Ice Burst (100%)
Nearby enemies are frozen solid.

Juggernaut characters[]

Juggernaut characters have access to the "Heal", "Berserk" and "Unstoppable" abilities.

Heal (50%)
Partially recovery from your injuries.
Berserk (100%)
Rage makes you tougher, fire faster, do more damage, and helps you see enemies.

"Berserk" increases speed and rate of fire, adds a special red viewing mode which helps you seeing other players by brightening them, and allows its user to see invisible players can be seen.

Unstoppable (100%)
Makes you invulnerable, but you slowly lose health.

Arclite's personal ability is Concussion.

Concussion (50%)
Dazes and disorients your enemies.

Gorge's personal ability is Smash.

Smash (50%)
Pound the ground and people get hurt.

Jackhammer's personal ability is Earthquake.

Earthquake (100%)
Mangles your enemies with every step.

Necris characters[]

Necris characters have access to the "Ethereal", "Vampire" and "Wraith".

  • "Ethereal" grants Invisibility to its user, and adds a slighty more visible and out-of-position fake image of themselves.
  • "Wraith" turns them into ghosts. Enemies can't lock on to them, and a special grey viewing mode helps them seeing other players (including invisible ones) by brightening them.
Ethereal (50%)
Enemies see you slightly out of position.
Vampire (50%)
Heal yourself by damaging your enemies.
Wraith (50%)
Become a ghost, barely affected by enemies, that detects enemy life force.

Brock and Calypso have "Fear" as their personal ability. "Fear" fires a homing orb that slows down enemies, impairs their view, and disables their adrenaline abilities.

Fear (50%)
(In-game) Drains an enemy's will to fight.
(Manual) Stops an enemy from using adrenaline.

Judas has Vampire Cloud as his personal ability. "Vampire Cloud" is released over one point of the map, and steals the health of his enemies. This cloud also heals the Necris characters.

Vampire Cloud (50%)
Nanoblack cloud drains that enemies health.

Lauren and Lilith have Siphon as their personal ability. "Siphon" makes homing nanoblack orbs appear. These orbs drain health and then return it to them. Only one Siphon can be active at any time for any player. If the player, or anyone else, kills a Siphon victim before the Siphon's normal duration has expired, the caster will still receive any health drained before the victims' death. Siphon adds health to both segments of their health bar, not just the first. When returning to it's caster, the nanoblack orb can pass through walls and other obstructions, and there's no limit to the distance it can travel across an arena. UDamage does not increse the amount of health stolen by Siphon. Necris characters get healed by enemy siphoning.

Siphon (50%)
(In-game) Nanoblack orbs drain health then return it to you.
(Manual) Nanoblack cloud that drains enemy health.

Selket as her Necris self retains Flash as her personal ability.

Flash (50%)
Blinds nearby enemies for a few precious moments.

Liandri characters[]

Liandri characters have access to the "Cannibalize", "Radar" and "Upgrade" abilities.

  • "Cannibalize" makes ammunition out of their robot body at the cost of some health.
  • "Radar" shows the position of every player including invisible ones, even through walls.
  • "Upgrade" works slowly like the Skaarj characters' "Regenerate".
Cannibalize (50%)
Construct ammunition from your robot body.
Radar (50%)
Activates threat detection software.
Upgrade (100%)
Summons robots to repair your chassis.

Corrosion has "Teleport" as its personal ability. "Teleport" teleports him to one of the map's respawning points. If they're locking on to a opponent, it will teleport them behind them. They can even telefrag an enemy, provided they're next to a wall.

Teleport (100%)
Instantly teleports you across the arena.

Devastation has "Head Turret" as its personal ability. "Head Turret" fires small laser rounds at her opponents.

Head Turret (50%)
Activates visor-mounted automated defenses.

Raptor and Syzygy have "Self-Destruct" as their personal ability. "Self Destruct" activates a countdown that will be heard across the arena. This ability makes them commit suicide. Can also be triggered during the countdown, if another player kills them, which stops the ability to be counted as a suicide.

Self-Destruct (100%)
Overheat your core, causing massive meltdown.

Skaarj characters[]

Skaarj characters have access to the "Blade Shield", "Predator" and "Regenerate" abilities.

  • "Predator" gives them enhanced speed and damage for melee weapons, and adds a special green viewing mode which helps them seeing other players (including invisible players) by brightening them.
Blade Shield (50%)
A shield of blades reduces explosive damage.
Predator (50%)
Boosts speed and damage for your blades and helps you spot enemies.
Regenerate (100%)
Slowly increases your health.

Garek and Korig have "Poison Cloud" as their personal ability. "Poison Cloud" is a Bio Mist Cloud similar to the Bio Rifle's that surrounds them. Enemies caught inside of it slowly lose health, are slowed down, and their view is impaired. Liandri robots resist this and the Skaarj characters are immune to it.

Poison Cloud (50%)
Blights enemies with a debilitating toxin.

Szalor and Kraag have Blade Burst as their personal ability.

Blade Burst (100%)
Deadly orbiting blades injure nearby opponents.

Torgr has Primal Scream as his personal ability.

Primal Scream (50%)
(In-game) Drains the will to fight from nearby enemies.
(Manual) Stop nearby enemies from using adrenaline.

Elder God characters[]

As the only character in his own category, Raiden has four personal abilities: "Heal", "Warrior Spirit", "Stun Trap" and "Teleport".

  • "Warrior Spirit" increases their rate of fire and speed and includes a special blue viewing mode which helps them see other players (including invisible ones) by brightening them.
  • "Teleport" teleports him to one of the map's respawning points. If they're locking on to a opponent, it will teleport them behind them. They can even telefrag an enemy, provided they're next to a wall.
  • "Stun Trap" is released over one point of the map.
Heal (50%)
Partially recovery from your injuries.
Warrior Spirit (50%)
(In-game) Ancestral spirits drive you to perfection.
(Manual) Increases firing rate and speed and helps you spot enemies.
Stun Trap (50%)
Creates a electrical trap to stun an unwary enemy.
Teleport (100%)
Instantly teleports you across the arena.


  • The unused announcement Berserker! might have been planned to be announced after excessive use of the Berserk! combo.
  • Unreal Tournament 2003 had an adrenaline combo Superjump! that was added to compensate the loss of the Jump Boots in UT2003. For unknown reasons this combo didn't make it to the full release.
  • The adrenaline system in Unreal Tournament 2004 was originally intended to be a lot more complex, quite like the one of Unreal Championship 2. The unused announcements still remain in the game and reveals the combos that were planned but never made it:
    • Confusion - unknown, maybe confuses enemies by showing multiple players instead of one.
    • Holograph - probably was replaced by the Camouflaged combo.
    • Invulnerable - makes the user invulnerable, like the Invulnerability item in UT3.
    • Low Grav - should work somewhat like the Nimble combo in UC2, just simply makes the user low gravity.
    • Retribution - kills or damages the user's killer after death. Probably like the Vengeance relic.
    • Silencer - makes the user absolutely silent and harder to detect - weapons and footsteps can't be heard (works a bit like the Dampener in Unreal).
    • Whirlwind - unknown, maybe summons a destructive whirlwind that works like the Gravity Vortex of ChaosUT2.
    • Loaded - the user regenerates ammo.
    • Lock on - makes all user's weapons homing.
    • Vampire - health taken is transferred to the user. Replaced by a mutator.
    • Instagib (questionable) - gives you the Super Shock Rifle for a small amount of time.
    • Burn out (questionable) - unknown, maybe makes you incendiary or works like the Vengeance relic.
    • Lock and load (questionable) - unknown.
    • Pile up (questionable) - unknown, maybe summons some team mates to the same area.
    • Rage (questionable) - unknown.
    • Sudden death (questionable) - unknown, maybe makes all the players low on health.
    • Totalled (questionable) - unknown.
  • In the same vein, Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict features many unused combos:
    • Awaken (0) - Awaken from being stunned or frozen
    • Blade Burst (50) - An ability for another Skaarj?
    • Chain Lightning (100) - A possible ability for Raiden?
    • Decay (9999) - ????
    • Heal (Light) (50) - An ability for another Lightweight character?
    • Invisibility (0) - Replaced by the actual item.
    • Sandstorm (50) - ????
    • Silence (50) - ????
    • Sun Flare (50) - ????
    • UDamage (0) - Replaced by the actual item.
    • Wall Crawl (50) - Used by the mutator of the same name.

Preview notes[]

Unreal Tournament 2003[]

"Also new to the game are the special abilities, which are available when you fill the adrenaline meter. You can pick up small amounts of adrenaline from fallen enemies or pick-ups on the map, but you get much more for special kills, like headshots or when you get multiple kills in quick succession."

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict[]

"Adrenaline takes melee combat to a higher level. It is used to access a variety of race-specific powers. Examples are speed boost (great for a flag run), anti-gravity, blinding, life drain, poison, shield, and freeze. While a novice player like myself would need to cumbersomely look at the menu of skills while playing, an experienced player will be able to remember simple key-combinations. This is very much akin to doing combination moves in fighting games. Furthermore, each of the adrenaline skills requires a specific amount of adrenaline, meaning that you’ll need to collect adrenaline capsules relatively aggressively in order to use the most beneficial powers. "


External links and references[]

  1. Parker, Sam (May 22, 2002). "E3 2002: Unreal Tournament 2003 impressions". GameSpot. Archived from the original on December 9, 2002. Retrieved July 10, 2020.
  2. redef (March 18, 2004). "Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Preview". PlanetUnreal. Archived from the original on May 9, 2006. Retrieved August 8, 2020.

See also[]
