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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal II: The Awakening. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"Axon is on our side. They're a private company who works hand-in-hand with our military to research and develop new weapons."
John Dalton

Axon Research Corporation is one of three major conglomerates in the Unreal series.


The Axon Research Corporation is one of the four known major corporations in the Unreal universe. While Liandri is primarily concerned with mining and its Tournament, Izanagi with whatever makes money, and Phayder's motives are unknown, Axon is heavily invested in much scientific and technological research. While generally presented as the "good" corporation (or, perhaps, the least "bad"), Axon is not above direct assault and theft of competing corporations' research and developments such as the Ion Plasma Tank on Lamdon 3. They are a large weapons supplier for the New Earth Government for some time and later Liandri's Tournament. However, in the years following UT2004, Liandri has apparently intimidated Axon to the point of being capable of running them out of some facilities like DM-AxonCompressor.

Axon Research Corporation is the only major corporation which has no known military or mercenary force under its direct control. Axon seems to rely on the NEG and its child organization, the TCA, for defense, apparently in return for the research and weaponry they supply. The closest thing to a military team Axon has is its Juggernaut program.

Involvement in the games[]

Unreal II: The Awakening[]

In Unreal 2, Axon is among the four factions competing for the Artifacts, fighting against Liandri, Izanagi, and the Skaarj. Before the conflict over their possession began, Axon had recovered three of the seven artifacts, which were being researched on two separate worlds.


On Hell, Axon had been studying the effects of the unique radiation and other physical properties of one of the Artifacts on various unintelligent creatures at the Elysium Weapons Research Facility. An accident allowed a massive number of Araknids to enter the radiation, causing a mutation which increased their size, aggressiveness, and lethalness. The entire facility was overran by the araknids, killing every scientist in the lab. The situation was brought under control by John Dalton, who infiltrated the facility, destroyed the araknid queen, and recovered the artifact.


Scientists on Janus' Polaris research base, led by Dr. Meyer, were performing similar experiments and testing on two artifacts. However, the facility was ambushed by Izanagi Ghost Warriors, who were looking to steal the two artifacts. Dalton arrived soon enough to save Meyer from the torture he was enduring and cleanse the facility of the Izanagi invaders. Before the two could escape with the two Artifacts, Liandri Angels assaulted the facility and destroyed the exit. Dalton led Meyer to the roof, clearing the way of Angels, and then defended against several Liandri assaults with NEG Marine help while Meyer established communications with the orbiting TCA Atlantis.

After the incident, Dr. Meyer was secretly smuggled off-world by Dalton due to orders to terminate non-military personnel and gave the two artifacts to his crew.

Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004[]

Teams Juggernauts and Goliath[]

Axon Corporation sponsors both geneboosted teams in Liandri's Tournament, the Juggernauts and Goliath. Axon first started with the former team; after winning a Tournament championship with its captain Gorge, Axon fielded the second team in hopes of an all-Juggernaut final round. It is not clear if Axon itself is responsible for the existence of the genetically modified Juggernauts or not, even though they sponsor the teams in Liandri's events.


Axon supplied Liandri's Onslaught vehicular combat event with six (later expanded to nine) vehicles ranging from a gigantic mobile assault station to a nimble fighter aircraft. The vehicles continued to be used in the follower of the Onslaught event, Warfare.

Axon's vehicles are:


Main article: AS-Glacier
Main article: Corporation wars

Lamdon 3 is an example of Axon's willingness to do whatever is necessary to further their research, even assault and theft. In 2260, during the Corporation wars, Axon staged an assault against the Izanagi facility on Lamdon 3 to steal the prototype Ion Tank and destroy the base. Curiously enough, though Axon had sided with the NEG merely 10 years before against the Izanagi, the base was defended not by Ghost Warriors but by the NEG's elite Thunder Crash squad. The Axon assault was a huge success on their part.

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict[]

Team Marauders[]

Axon fielded Gorge with a new team of Juggernauts, the Marauders, in Liandri's Nakhti Ascension Rites Championship. The Corporation designed new armor for the team in return for a percentage of their winnings.


  • DM-AxonCompressor: Used to be an Axon energy facility. The facility was abandoned when Liandri forces arrived, and while it is not made clear whether or not this occurred because Liandri arrived, it is strongly implied.
  • DM-Morbias3: Called a "painstaking remake" of the DM-Morbias arena, was subjected to review by the Liandri Rules Board before its acceptance in the Tournament.

Unreal Tournament 3[]


"There's a reason why we drive Axon vehicles: they're the best"

All of the Onslaught vehicles from 2004 return, this time outright confirmed as being Axon property. Several of them did indulge into changes: the Scorpion now releases energy balls and has a self-destruct mechanism while the Hellbender now has only two seats instead of three, and the SPMA had its camera lock removed when in Artillery mode. In addition, the Titan Pack introduced an Eradicator turret (basically the SPMA in permanent Artillery mode) and a StealthBender vehicle that acts like the Necris Nightshade, having a cloaking mode and being able to leave deployable items in select areas.

Act II: With Caesar's Coin[]

Axon is the focus of the chapter. The company hired the Iron Guard team to wrestle control of the Izanagi Corporation's Tarydium mines, the latter company being fresh off hiring Reaper and his entire team as well as Malcolm. The objective of the chapter is to secure and reinforce positions. As such, many fights in the game take place in Axon territory.

  • DM-ShangriLa: In the chapter, Axon scouts were found spying on Izanagi operations. This is Reaper's first test after his 1-on-1 against her sister.
  • CTF-Reflection: In the chapter, yet another Axon cell is found, and this one has Respawners powered by Field Lattice Generators (FLaGs).
  • WAR-Sinkhole: Visited once in the chapter, with the briefing outright stating that the tunnels must be sealed for good, this time it's a Power Core the device powering Axon's respawners.
  • WAR-MarketDistrict: Another Power Core mission in the chapter, also taken over by Axon.
  • WAR-TankCrossing: The map's description mentions the zone as a demilitarized buffer zone between Axon and Izanagi territories. Axon's Power Core is protected by a blast door that can only open with the Goliath.
  • VCTF-Kargo: Set in the harbors of the Alluvion River, these shipping lanes are shared by all factions and monitored by the N.E.G..
    • The map is first visited in the chapter for yet another Axon vs. Izanagi battle and the introduction to the Vehicle CTF gamemode.
    • The map is visited later in the game during the first in-game invasion of the Krall in all chapter routes. Here, regardless if the treaty between Axon and Izanagi was firmed or the area reinforced, with Reaper mentioning that "The Axon are quiet - no attempts to recapture the Alluvion Corridor. Four recon teams went into Oxida Nova. Only one made it out.".
  • WAR-Torlan: When the map is introduced, Reaper mentions in the briefing that "Axon forces are amassing a huge force across the central gorge".
  • CTF-Hydrosis: Mentioned in the description as an hydro facility running over the canals of the Alluvion river, also serving as an emergency power backup and Tarydium processing plant. Team Ronin are tasked with capturing the area for strategic reasons.
  • VCTF-Suspense: Also quoted as being a strategical location for Axon because it's "the only bridge across the Alluvion strong enough to support the weight of heavy combat vehicles".
  • WAR-Serenity: Mentioned in the description of the map as "a small Tarydium mine buried deep in the trees of this old forest" and also property of Axon. Axon uses it as a supply depot and refueling center for their shipping convoys in addition to it being a minor source of outcome. In the chapter, Axon tried to sneak a Leviathan through the forest, having stopped in the area to refuel. In some branches, completing the mission nets the Iron Guard Reinforcements card, which comes in handy at certain points.
  • WAR-Downtown: Taking place in the warehouse district of Oxida Nova, also Axon territory, with its storage facilities being the only remaining supply points available to Axon forces; as a result, they've enforced martial law to ensure that their supplies remain unthreatened.
  • DM-Defiance: Mentioned in the description as being "a busy hub for Axon colonists" as part of Oxida Nova. The area is surrounded by tall buildings, including the central rail station, employment offices, and shopping centers designed to resemble those back on Earth. When Team Ronin arrives in certain branches, they find Axon's elite guard, the Iron Guard. If you didn't obtain Iron Guard Reinforcements in WAR-Downtown, you may get it here, depending on the branch you've chosen to follow.
  • DM-Diesel: One of many maintenance facilities designed to run a city the size of Oxida Nova and the personal playground of the Iron Guard, as well as testing grounds for new Axon tech. Winning this match nets the Enhanced Respawners card and unlocks Lauren as a playable character.

Act IV: Calculated Losses[]

It's worth mentioning that several of the arenas were also taken over by the Necris by the time the chapter rolls, more specifically WAR-Serenity, WAR-Torlan and WAR-Downtown. In addition, the Necris and Krall invade other territories that wither used to be part of Axon or are still in their power, such as DM-Defiance and VCTF-Suspense.

Three more arenas are revealed here to be Axon property:

  • DM-Deck: An Axon-run storage and disposal facility on the outskirts of Oxida Nova. Here's where the boss fight against Scythe and his pack of Krall are fought.
  • DM-Biohazard: Set in the Onyx Coast, yet another hidden Axon facility, discovered when an Izanagi expedition noted trace amounts of Tarydium during a survey operation, only to discover a storage facility where the Axon had been stockpiling massive amounts of Tarydium reserves. In the chapter, Izanagi found Necris assassins hidden there.
  • WAR-OnyxCoast: Two military bases used for training and storage purposes, one taken over by the Necris. The joint Taryd forces' base contains a Leviathan.

Titan Pack arenas[]

While none of the Titan Pack arenas (or any arena introduced by any post-release DLC) appear in the campaign, the description of many of them still refer to the corporation:

  • DM-DarkMatch: One of many Axon facilities that fell victim to bombings from the Izanagi, mentioned as running on backup power.
  • DM-Turbine: A geothermal power station that takes place in the northern reaches of Taryd. Supplies power to the research facilities and military installations common to the area.
  • VCTF-Rails: Set in a construction zone in Oxida Nova, the namesake rails allow Turret users to reach the enemy base as part of the defenses the Iron Guard established in Oxida Nova.
  • VCTF-Stranded: Set in an island, it's a cargo ship full of Axon supplies that fell in Izanagi territory.
  • WAR-ColdHarbor: Home of Axon's Stealth Research Division, where they obtained information about the Nightshade and are reverse-engineering it into a creation of their own. It was meant to be shipped with the game, supposedly as part of Act IV. However, the map didn't made it in time, and was a post-release release. The mission briefing says that Axon loaned Team Ronin a StealthBender of their own.
  • WAR-Confrontation: It's a training ground for Axon forces, improving unit readiness by providing highly realistic, stressful training across the full spectrum of infantry and mechanized conflict. It also acts as the premiere facility for heavy armor training, with all forces being required to complete courses there before assignment to a Leviathan unit.
  • VCTF-Suspense_Necris: A necrified version of VCTF-Suspense.
  • WAR-Downtown_Necris: A necrified version of WAR-Downtown.

Unreal Tournament 4[]

Despite not having vehicles and instead having a severely reduced presence in this installment, Axon is still present in the game.

  • DM-ASDF: The arena is credited to them as a "makeshift arena to simulate Tournament combat in urban conditions".


External links and references[]

See also[]
