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If you're looking for the Unreal Championship version of the map, you might want to check BR-Anubis (UC map).

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"The infidels seek to defile your ancestors. Send them to meet theirs."
Map description

BR-Anubis is a Bombing Run map for Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In both games, it's one of the stock maps, and it also comes with the demo version of 2003.

Map description[]


This vast arena is highly inspired by the ancient Egyptian civilization in its utmost glory. Sporting highly ornate structures as well as strategically designed pathways, this map is bound to distract new players. The central area is a large open space allowing for unrestricted gunfire, while also opening to sideways as well as bottleneck entrances to the team bases. Each of the goal hoops is placed right in center of the death pits. Therefore, any player jumping through it, whether carrying the Ball or not, will get killed.

The areas of the map are the following:

  • Blue Base: A room which can only be entered from the Blue Courtyard, holds the Blue Goal above a laser pit.
  • Blue Courtyard: The big courtyard located at the western side of the map, acts as the blue forebase.
  • Blue Respawn: Two separate areas that serve the same purpose:
    • Blue North Respawn: A small corridor located in the northwest corner of the map, in addition to its intended role it also connects the Super Shield Sand Dune with the Red Courtyard.
    • Blue South Respawn: A small corridor located in the southwest corner of the map, in addition to its intended role it also connects the Redeemer Sand Dune with the Red Courtyard.
  • Blue Top Entrance: Two corridors that serve the same function:
    • Blue North Top Entrance: A small corridor starting from the Flak Cannon room, leading to the Blue Courtyard's northeast corner.
    • Blue South Top Entrance: A small corridor starting from the Rocket Launcher room, leading to the Blue Courtyard's southeast corner.
  • Super Shield Sand Dune: Located north of the map, also a sand dune, and the eponymous item is located among the monoliths.
  • Flak Cannon: A room located between the central area and the Super Shield Sand Dune, a two-levelled room where a ramp leads onto the above area. Contains two statues in a balcony with secret passages to each team's courtyard.
  • Center: Located at the very center of the map, this room holds the Ball. It also comprises the two pillar rooms that connect the area with each team's Courtyard.
  • Rocket Launcher Room: A room located between the central area and the Redeemer Sand Dune, a two-levelled room where a ramp leads onto the above area. Contains two statues in a balcony with secret passages to each team's courtyard.
  • Redeemer Sand Dune: Located south of the map, it's a sand dune. The eponymous weapon is located among the monoliths.
  • Red Top Entrance: Two corridors that serve the same function:
    • Red North Top Entrance: A small corridor starting from the Flak Cannon room, leading to the Red Courtyard's northwest corner.
    • Red South Top Entrance: A small corridor starting from the Rocket Launcher room, leading to the Red Courtyard's southwest corner.
  • Red Respawn: Two separate areas that serve the same purpose:
    • Red North Respawn: A small corridor located in the northeast corner of the map, in addition to its intended role it also connects the Super Shield Sand Dune with the Red Courtyard.
    • Red South Respawn: A small corridor located in the southeast corner of the map, in addition to its intended role it also connects the Redeemer Sand Dune with the Red Courtyard.
  • Red Courtyard: The big courtyard located at the eastern side of the map, acts as the red forebase.
  • Red Base: A room which can only be entered from the Red Courtyard, holds the Red Goal above a laser pit.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Courtyard, below entrance from Blue North Top Entrance. 1x Red Courtyard, below entrance from Red North Top Entrance.
Ammo: 2x Red Courtyard, southwest corner. 2x Blue Courtyard, northeast corner.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Center. 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Center.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Red Base. 1x Red Courtyard, northwest corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Blue Base. 1x Blue Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Red South Top Entrance. 1x Blue South Top Entrance.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Blue Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance from Red South Respawn.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, northeast corner. 1x Red Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Center. 1x Blue Courtyard, northwest corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, southwest corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Center.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance from Red South Respawn. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance from Blue South Respawn.
Ammo: 2x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Center. 2x blue Courtyard, near entrance to Center.
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: Flak Cannon room, at a ledge near entrance from Center.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, northeast corner. 1x Red Courtyard, near antrance to Center. 1x Blue Courtyard, northeast corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, near antrance to Center. 2x Blue South Top Entrance.
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: Rocket Launcher room, at a ledge near entrance from Center.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Red Base. 1x Red Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Blue Base. 1x Blue Courtyard, northwest corner. 2x Red North Top Entrance.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Red North Respawn. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Blue North Respawn.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, northwest corner. 1x Red North top Entrance. 1x Blue North top Entrance.
W: 1
Weapon: Redeemer, among the monoliths.

Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Courtyard, below entrance from Blue North Top Entrance. 1x Red Courtyard, below entrance from Red North Top Entrance.
Ammo: 2x Red Courtyard, southwest corner. 2x Blue Courtyard, northeast corner.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Center. 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Center.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Red Base. 1x Red Courtyard, northwest corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Blue Base. 1x Blue Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Red South Top Entrance. 1x Blue South Top Entrance.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Blue Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance from Red South Respawn.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, northeast corner. 1x Red Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Center. 1x Blue Courtyard, northwest corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, southwest corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Center.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance from Red South Respawn. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance from Blue South Respawn.
Ammo: 2x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Center. 2x blue Courtyard, near entrance to Center.
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: Flak Cannon room, at a ledge near entrance from Center.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, northeast corner. 1x Red Courtyard, near antrance to Center. 1x Blue Courtyard, northeast corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, near antrance to Center. 2x Blue South Top Entrance.
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: Rocket Launcher room, at a ledge near entrance from Center.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Red Base. 1x Red Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Blue Base. 1x Blue Courtyard, northwest corner. 2x Red North Top Entrance.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Courtyard, near entrance to Red North Respawn. 1x Blue Courtyard, near entrance to Blue North Respawn.
Ammo: 1x Red Courtyard, southeast corner. 1x Blue Courtyard, northwest corner. 1x Red North top Entrance. 1x Blue North top Entrance.
W: 1
Weapon: Redeemer, among the monoliths.


Pickup Count Location
12x Flak Cannon, among the sphinx monliths. 12x Rocket Launcher, among the sphinx monliths. 6x Blue Base, near the goal. 6x Red Base, near the goal.
2x Red Courtyard, below entrance from Red North Top Entrance. 2x Red Courtyard, below entrance from Red South Top Entrance. 2x Blue Courtyard, below entrance from Blue North Top Entrance. 2x Blue Courtyard, below entrance from Blue South Top Entrance. 1x Flak Cannon room, ledge opposite to the weapon. 1x Rocket Launcher room, ledge opposite to the weapon.
1x Blue Courtyard, center. 1x Red Courtyard, center.
Super Shield Sand Dune, among the monoliths.
8x Redeemer Sand Dune, four above one monolith, four above another. 8x Super Shield Sand Dune, four above one monolith, four above another. 6x Center area, pillar room to Red Courtyard. 6x Center area, pillar room to blue Courtyard.

Pickup Count Location
12x Flak Cannon, among the sphinx monliths. 12x Rocket Launcher, among the sphinx monliths. 6x Blue Base, near the goal. 6x Red Base, near the goal.
2x Red Courtyard, below entrance from Red North Top Entrance. 2x Red Courtyard, below entrance from Red South Top Entrance. 2x Blue Courtyard, below entrance from Blue North Top Entrance. 2x Blue Courtyard, below entrance from Blue South Top Entrance. 1x Flak Cannon room, ledge opposite to the weapon. 1x Rocket Launcher room, ledge opposite to the weapon.
1x Blue Courtyard, center. 1x Red Courtyard, center.
Super Shield Sand Dune, among the monoliths.
8x Redeemer Sand Dune, four above one monolith, four above another. 8x Super Shield Sand Dune, four above one monolith, four above another. 6x Center area, pillar room to Red Courtyard. 6x Center area, pillar room to blue Courtyard.


Unreal Tournament 2003[]

"The infidels seek to defile your ancestors. Send them to meet theirs."
Mission description

Unreal Tournament 2004[]

"The infidels seek to defile your ancestors. Send them to meet theirs."
Mission description

This rung features this arena alongside BR-Bifrost. Switching between them before the match costs 165 game units.

After winning this match, the Assault ladder becomes available.

Tips and tricks[]

  • Due to the vast nature of the map itself as well as the distant placement of various kinds of ammo, using the Translocator will help to grab them faster, instead of running around with empty guns.
  • The sand dunes located at the extreme sides of the map contain Super Shield pickups.
  • Jumping through the goal hoops of this map is absolutely suicidal. Therefore, if a Ball carrier does not want to kill himself, he can still make a shot through the goal hoop for a 3 point score.

Prima Official Guide[]

"The Anubis Bombing Run arena is a wide-open level, with interior and exterior areas. Many of the interior areas have open ceilings, making the arena's two Ion Painters very useful indeed. It's easy to get lost in this arena, since not only are the two teams' sides of the level nearly identical, the other two sides are as well. Expect plenty of direct combat, since there isn't much to hide behind and there aren't that many different ways to get from one place to the next.
Each team base is in a large room at one end of the arena. The goal stands vertically in the recessed area at one end of the room, and it floats atop a pit lined with laser wire. Falling into this pit means instant death. Along the sides of the recessed area facing the opposing base are Health Vials +5.
There is only one doorway in the goal room, and it leads out into a huge open area with six obelisks in the center of it. In the middle of the obelisks is a Shield Pack +50.
On the ledge that runs around the entire room, you can pick up (clockwise from the door to the goal): a Lightning Gun, a Link Gun, a Shock Rifle, a Bio-Rifle, and a Minigun. There is also ammunition for the various weapons, as well as several Health Packs +25, scattered between them on the ledge.
The doors to the right and left (as you stand with your back to your goal) lead into small, empty side rooms. There is only one other doorway in each, and both doors lead into nearly identical sandy outdoor areas.
The outdoor area to the left (as you face the blue base; right as you face the red) has a Redeemer behind a large obelisk. The other one has a Super Shield Pack +100 behind an obelisk.
The door directly across from the goal room in the large, open room leads to a tiny circular room with a giant pillar in the middle of it. The pillar is surrounded by Adrenaline capsules, and there is a doorway into the center room of the arena.
In the middle of the center room is the ball. Doors to the right and the left (as you face towards or away from the round rooms) lead to identical rooms.
Each of these rooms has a large ramp in the center with twelve Health Vials +5 on either side of it. The ramp leads to a ledge with a Health Pack +25 and either a Rocket Launcher or a Flak Cannon. There are also two passageways from this ledge that lead to each team's six-obelisk room.

Game Plan
Offense: Anubis seems like more of a Team Deathmatch level than a Bombing Run level. Its wide open areas lend themselves to down and dirty frag-fests, so don't come to the party empty-handed. Other than the Flak Cannon, all of the other weapons (as well as most of the ammunition) in the level are found in the huge rooms with the six obelisks on either side of the arena. Stock up in here before going after the ball. You don't have to worry about your opponents getting by you as you equip yourself, since they have to come through that room on their way to your goal.
Pay attention to the banners and logos on the walls to prevent yourself from getting lost. Most team-based game maps are identical at either team's end, but the left and right sides of Anubis (as you face a goal) are identical as well. If you keep one eye on the team colors displayed above the doorways, you'll always know the goal that the doorway leads to.
The Redeemer is best used by a point man running ahead of the ball carrier. The best place to launch it is in the opponent's six-obelisk room. The Redeemer will take out all defenders, giving the ball carrier a free run in. Be sure that the ball carrier doesn't get caught in the blast; the point man has the option of sacrificing himself for the team.
Defense: It's hard to come up with a coherent defense in a level as crazy as Anubis. The best place to position a defender is in the small round room with the giant pillar. Hide around the side of the pillar, and you can squeeze off at least one point-blank shot at an unwitting enemy as they run by.
Defenders should generally float around the six-obelisk area and the goal. They should continually be loading up on weapons, ammo, Health, and Shields; there is a Shield Pack +50 in the center of the room and six Health Vials +5 near the goal, all of which should be used to your defenders' best advantage. Not only do you want healthy defenders, you don't want a near-dead opponent to make it near your goal and then pick up a Shield Pack that you left lying there for them."


  • Although there is a music track in the game called "Ghosts of Anubis", this similarly named map does not use it.
  • The Prima Official Guide mentions that the map contains two Ion Painters, when this weapon is totally absent from the map.

Developer's Notes[]

"Anubis is shaping up to be a great Bombing Run map."
Cliff Bleszinski[1]


External links and references[]

  1. QAPete (May 17, 2002). "Cliff Bleszinski Interview". BeyondUnreal. Retrieved April 17, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 (Demo) maps
Deathmatch: DM-AntalusDM-Asbestos
Bombing Run: BR-Anubis
Capture the Flag: CTF-CitadelCTF-Orbital2
Unreal Tournament 2003 Bombing Run maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: BR-Canyon
DE Bonus Pack maps: BR-DE-ElecFields
Unreal Tournament 2004 Bombing Run maps