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If you're looking for other uses of ElecFields, you might want to check ElecFields.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"The static towers of the Marakan flow have proven to be one of the most popular venues in the Tournaments since their introduction last season. The true nature of the modern gladiator is revealed as participants butcher their way to victory. Whether competing in CTF or Bombing Run competitions, players must keep one thing in mind at all times as they do battle in the poisonous skies of Purgatory -- It's a long way down."
Map description

BR-DE-ElecFields is a Bombing Run map for Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In the former game, it's part of the DE Bonus Pack, while in the latter it's one of the stock maps.

Map description[]


This unusual Bombing Run arena is set high in the sky on a series of catwalks. The arena consists of rusting metal structures and grates and uses a seemingly simple layout. The teams spawn in between their own Goal and the Bomb. The Bomb is placed atop the central structure and can be reached via a set of 2 lifts on both sides as well as from a walkway from the roof of the spawnroom. The large tower on top of the central room is the only object that somewhat obstructs the otherwise wide-open horizon in this map. The Goals are located beyond the team's spawnpoints, on a rather desolate location. There are no lethal consequences for jumping through the goal in this map.

Named areas of the map include:

  • Top Middle Area: The top floor of the middle zone, where the Ball spawns.
  • Lower Middle Area: The lower floor of the middle zone. The area comprises both the Lower Inner Ring and Lower Outer Ring. It also contains an unnamed Shield Platform, which is a small platform containing the Shield Pack.
  • Blue/Red Front Upper Ramp: The ramp that starts on the Front zone and ends all the way onto the Top Middle Floor. Basically the rooftop level of the Spawning Area.
  • Blue/Red Front Lower Ramp: Two ramps that start at the Front area and end at the Lower Outer Ring. For description purposes, we'll name them Blue/Red North Front Lower Ramp and Blue/Red South Front Lower Ramp.
  • Blue/Red Spawning Area: A covered location that acts as both a spawning point for that team's players as well as an extra path towards the goal.
  • Blue/Red Front: The exit from the platform from the Spawning Area. It also comprises the area that connects the side ramps with the Front Lower Ramps.
  • Blue/Red Base Ramp: Two named areas per base sharing the name. For description purposes, we'll rename them as Blue/Red North Base Ramp and Blue/Red South Base Ramp.
  • Blue/Red Base: The goal base itself. Contains the goal and other elements.

It has a Capture the Flag counterpart in CTF-DE-ElecFields.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Top Middle Area, slightly to the red side. 1x Lower Middle Area, outer ring, at the north-center section.
Ammo: 2x Near the Top Middle Area weapon. 2x Near the Lower Middle Area weapon.
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: Lower Middle Area, outer ring, at the south-center section.
Ammo: 2x Near the Lower Middle Area weapon. 1x Blue North Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Blue South Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Red North Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Red South Base Ramp, mid point.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Blue Spawning Area, lower point of the ramp. 1x Red Spawning Area, lower point of the ramp.
Ammo: 2x Blue Spawning Area, upper point of the ramp. 2x Red Spawning Area, upper point of the ramp. 1x Blue North Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Blue South Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Red North Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Red South Base Ramp, mid point.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Lower Middle Area, inner ring, blue side.
Ammo: Near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Front, next to the exit from Blue Spawning Area. 1x Red Front, next to the exit from Red Spawning Area.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Front weapon. 2x Near the Red Front weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Top Middle Area, slightly to the blue side.
Ammo: Near the Top Middle Area weapon.

Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Top Middle Area, slightly to the red side. 1x Lower Middle Area, outer ring, at the north-center section.
Ammo: 2x Near the Top Middle Area weapon. 2x Near the Lower Middle Area weapon.
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: Lower Middle Area, outer ring, at the south-center section.
Ammo: 2x Near the Lower Middle Area weapon. 1x Blue North Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Blue South Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Red North Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Red South Base Ramp, mid point.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Blue Spawning Area, lower point of the ramp. 1x Red Spawning Area, lower point of the ramp.
Ammo: 2x Blue Spawning Area, upper point of the ramp. 2x Red Spawning Area, upper point of the ramp. 1x Blue North Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Blue South Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Red North Base Ramp, mid point. 1x Red South Base Ramp, mid point.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Lower Middle Area, inner ring, blue side.
Ammo: Near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Front, next to the exit from Blue Spawning Area. 1x Red Front, next to the exit from Red Spawning Area.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Front weapon. 2x Near the Red Front weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Top Middle Area, slightly to the blue side.
Ammo: Near the Top Middle Area weapon.


Pickup Count Location
1x Blue Front, next to the exit from Blue Spawning Area. 1x Red Front, next to the exit from Red Spawning Area. 1x Lower Middle Area, outer ring, next to exit from the Blue South Front Lower Ramp. 1x Lower Middle Area, outer ring, next to exit from the Red North Front Lower Ramp. 1x Lower Middle Area, inner ring, red side.
Shield Platform.
1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base.

Pickup Count Location
1x Blue Front, next to the exit from Blue Spawning Area. 1x Red Front, next to the exit from Red Spawning Area. 1x Lower Middle Area, outer ring, next to exit from the Blue South Front Lower Ramp. 1x Lower Middle Area, outer ring, next to exit from the Red North Front Lower Ramp. 1x Lower Middle Area, inner ring, red side.
Shield Platform.
1x Red Base. 1x Blue Base.


Unreal Tournament 2004[]

"The static towers of the Marakan flow have proven to be one of the most popular venues in the Tournaments since their introduction last season. The true nature of the modern gladiator is revealed as participants butcher their way to victory. Whether competing in CTF or Bombing Run competitions, players must keep one thing in mind at all times as they do battle in the poisonous skies of Purgatory -- It's a long way down."
Mission description

Prior to this match, you can switch for the map BR-Canyon by paying 220 game units.

Tips and tricks[]

  • This is one of the most "open" Bombing Run maps in the game. This, in combination with it's limited size, provides fast and steady action.
  • The Minigun chamber located on both sides is also the one and only respawn area for the bots. A player with maxed out defense and Minigun can infiltrate the enemy's Minigun chamber and mow down all bots that respawn inside. The more allies you have by your side, the greater the carnage. This simply translates to lesser competition for the Ball seeker/carrier out on the open arena. Another perk of this approach is that the players involved in the mass murder can earn the coveted "Ludicrous Kill" or even "HOLY SHIT!!" kill streak awards.
  • The quickest route from the spawnpoints to the bomb is via the broad exit of the spawnroom. Then turn either left or right and then follow the roofed path at the end. Halfway down this path is a lift which leads to the roof, with the bomb on it. Alternatively, one can also translocate to the roof, making the lift obsolete.
  • Long shots work most effectively in this map. The only downside to this strategy is the ease with which the ball will fall out of the level, making it respawn in the middle. A bit of practice will compensate that risk though.
  • A steady aim and tactically placed teammates will get the Bomb from one end to the other in 2-4 passes, and only a few seconds.
  • Pickups are low and defenses are weak in this level. The best point of defense is near the exit of the lift from the spawnroom, using the Rocket Launcher right next to the exit. This also partly bridges the gap caused by spawning a distance form the Goal.
  • The only pickup that isn't in the vicinity of the Goals is the Shield Pack in the middle of the map. However, because it's distanced from the Goals, and because defenders need to remain alert and ready every moment of the game, this pickup is only really useful for those who happen to be in the area.


  • The map was scheduled to be included in the retail version, but it got cut out because "the shadows/decals were killing it". This version, however, made the cut for the DE Bonus Pack.[1]
  • This was the map's previous description in the UT2003 betas:
"The smell of ozone and singed flesh assaults your nostrils as you translocate in from the troop transport. Breathe deeply soldier, for that is the smell of victory."
UT2003 Beta Description

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • There are graffiti inscriptions in the map called "XceptOne", reference to the nickname of Eekels himself. One of those is located in the Lower Middle Area, in the inner ring, at the blue side.

Location bugs[]

  • Both Blue Base Ramps, Red Base Ramps, Blue Front Lower Ramps, and Red Front Lower Ramps have a name sharing problem which can become problematic in team games, as they refer to opposite areas leading to communication problems. There's also an unnamed . Thankfully, all this can be fixed without the need to modify the map, just create a file named BR-DE-ElecFields.int in the System folder with the following content:
LocationName="Blue South Base Ramp"

LocationName="Blue North Base Ramp"

LocationName="Red North Base Ramp"

LocationName="Red South Base Ramp"

LocationName="Blue South Front Lower Ramp"

LocationName="Red North Front Lower Ramp"

LocationName="Blue South Front Lower Ramp"

LocationName="Blue North Front Lower Ramp"

LocationName="Red North Front Lower Ramp"

LocationName="Red South Front Lower Ramp"

LocationName="Red South Front Lower Ramp"

LocationName="Blue North Front Lower Ramp"

LocationName="Shield Platform"

Author's Notes[]

"ElecFields was taken out because of the main reason that the shadows/decals were killing it. The occlusion was fairly minimal as well, although that was not that much of a problem. It was running fine until the decals and shadows came back. I would have had to do a massive overhaul of the map and I just did not have the time to do this. Maybe I'll do it one day when machines get faster. I do liked the map a lot and felt that it had a unique place and had a lot of atmosphere. (...) You see there are plenty of maps that do the same thing and I really get bored quickly doing that sort of thing. That's why HallOfGiants, LavaGiant and less popular maps of mine came to be. So I hope this explains it a bit more. UT2003 is a crazy game that does not need maps like LavaGiant2 and Elecfields to be fun. It has many other maps that are fun to play!"
Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels[1]

Developer's Notes[]

"As for Electric Fields, this is the problem with people stealing early versions. Sometimes things have to be cut for various reasons. Electric Fields was one of the first maps and had some major construction flaws that kept it from making the final cut.

It was a very cool map with an excellent layout, but in the end the problems couldn't be solved without a complete rework. And believe me, we tried to find a solution. I for one hope DE either remakes it for
UC (they have more time there) or does it for a bonus pack cause it was a great map."
Joe 'DrSIN' Wilcox[2]
"The map may make a return as a bonus pack map at a later date. The problem with the map was that the majority of it was built in Lightwave. It was the result of trying to figure out what the pipeline should have been for the game. Turns out that the FPS on the map just wasn't working out as well as we had hoped...its open nature was hard to occlude, etc... Also, the weather effects are slow and have to be used sparingly in maps that are well occluded. There's no conspiricy here, guys. It's not like Epic/DE were like "Aaaaw, gee, this map looks great! Let's show it to everyone and then take it away and laugh!" The old Ion effect looked too similar to the original redeemer blast, so it was modified. etc... Cliff"
Cliff Bleszinski[3]


External links and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Eekels, Juan Pancho (Sep 19, 2002). "CTF-Magma and No BR-Electric Fields (thread)". BeyondUnreal Forums. Archived from the original on Mar 18, 2003. Retrieved Oct 20, 2024.
  2. Wilcox, Joe (Sep 18, 2002). "Electric Fields (thread)". Infogrames Forums. Archived from the original on Nov 21, 2002. Retrieved Oct 20, 2024.
  3. Bleszinski, Cliff (Sep 19, 2002). "CTF-Magma and No BR-Electric Fields (thread)". BeyondUnreal Forums. Archived from the original on Mar 18, 2003. Retrieved Oct 20, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 Bombing Run maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: BR-Canyon
DE Bonus Pack maps: BR-DE-ElecFields
Unreal Tournament 2003 DE Bonus Pack maps
Deathmatch: DM-DE-GrendelKeepDM-DE-IronicDM-DE-Osiris2
Capture the Flag: CTF-DE-ElecFieldsCTF-DE-LavaGiant2
Bombing Run: BR-DE-ElecFields
Unreal Tournament 2004 Bombing Run maps