Overview |
If you're looking for the Unreal Championship version of the map, you might want to check BR-Kalendra.
Remember, think warm thoughts."
BR-IceFields is a Bombing Run map from Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In both cases, it's a stock map.
Map description[]

Inspired by the Canadian weather, this map features dense fog and heavy snowfall, resulting in a rather cramped Bombing Run arena as well. The rocky cliffs give shape to narrow canyons, and passing through them can be quite a task. There are a few shortcuts that can be used, as well as plenty of ledges, which add a bit of a Z-Axis to the map's gameplay. The Bomb spawns in the center region of the map, on a clearing. The teams must then pass through a series of canyons to reach the other team's base (which are both on open fields as well). The Goals are on the top floors of the bases and can be reached via an elevator. Unlike other maps, there are no terminal consequences for jumping through the goal in this map.
The named areas of the map are the following:
- Middle Area: An area that spans from the base entrances all the way to the west, where the Ball and the Redeemer are located.
- SuperShield Area: Located at the opposite extreme of the Middle Area, this small area houses the eponymous item as well as a few health items.
- Blue/Red Base Entrance: The area that connects the Bases with the midfield, recognizable by its broken communications tower as well as the health/armor cache located deep inside.
- Blue/Red Base: Located at polar opposite extremes (northwest for Red, southwest for Blue), these areas of course contain the Goal, located atop of a natural structure maintained with human hardware.
- Below Blue/Red Base: Two unnamed areas below the goal path that house several items of interest.
Weapons and pickups[]
Weapon | Count | Location |
W: - A: 4 |
Weapon: - Ammo: 2x Blue Base, next to the platform to the Goal Path. 2x Red Base, next to the platform to the Goal Path. | |
W: 2 A: 8 |
Weapon: 1x Connection between the Blue Base and the Blue Base Entrance. 1x Connection between the Red Base and the Red Base Entrance. Ammo: 2x SuperShield Area. 2x Near the Blue side weapon. 2x Near the Red side weapon. 2x Middle Area, next to the Ball. | |
W: 3 A: 8 |
Weapon: 1x Below Blue Base. 1x Below Red Base. 1x Middle Area, lower level. Ammo: 2x Near the Below Blue Base weapon. 2x Near the Below Red Base weapon. 3x Near the Middle Area weapon. 1x SuperShield Area. | |
W: 1 A: 2 |
Weapon: Middle Area, opposite to the Ball. Ammo: Near the weapon. | |
W: 2 A: 6 |
Weapon: 1x Blue Base Entrance, next to the tower. 1x Red Base Entrance, next to the tower. Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Base Entrance weapon. 2x Near the Red Base Entrance weapon. 2x Middle Area, near the Ball, at opposite sides. | |
W: 2 A: 7 |
Weapon: 1x Blue Base, lower level, near the goal platform. 1x Red Base, lower level, near the goal platform. Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Base weapon. 2x Near the Red Base weapon. 1x SuperShield Area. 2x Middle Area, next to the Ball. | |
W: 1 |
Weapon: Middle Area, at a ledge, only reachable via Translocator. |
Weapon | Count | Location |
W: - A: 4 |
Weapon: - Ammo: 2x Blue Base, next to the platform to the Goal Path. 2x Red Base, next to the platform to the Goal Path. | |
W: 2 A: 8 |
Weapon: 1x Connection between the Blue Base and the Blue Base Entrance. 1x Connection between the Red Base and the Red Base Entrance. Ammo: 2x SuperShield Area. 2x Near the Blue side weapon. 2x Near the Red side weapon. 2x Middle Area, next to the Ball. | |
W: 3 A: 8 |
Weapon: 1x Below Blue Base. 1x Below Red Base. 1x Middle Area, lower level. Ammo: 2x Near the Below Blue Base weapon. 2x Near the Below Red Base weapon. 3x Near the Middle Area weapon. 1x SuperShield Area. | |
W: 1 A: 2 |
Weapon: Middle Area, opposite to the Ball. Ammo: Near the weapon. | |
W: 2 A: 6 |
Weapon: 1x Blue Base Entrance, next to the tower. 1x Red Base Entrance, next to the tower. Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Base Entrance weapon. 2x Near the Red Base Entrance weapon. 2x Middle Area, near the Ball, at opposite sides. | |
W: 2 A: 7 |
Weapon: 1x Blue Base, lower level, near the goal platform. 1x Red Base, lower level, near the goal platform. Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Base weapon. 2x Near the Red Base weapon. 1x SuperShield Area. 2x Middle Area, next to the Ball. | |
W: 1 |
Weapon: Middle Area, at a ledge, only reachable via Translocator. |
Pickup | Count | Location |
8 |
4x Path between Middle Area and Blue Base Entrance. 4x Path between Middle Area and Red Base Entrance. | |
10 |
2x Blue Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. 2x Red Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. 2x Middle Area, near the Ball. 2x SuperShield Area. 1x Below Blue Base. 1x Below Red Base. | |
2 |
1x Blue Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. 1x Red Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. | |
1 |
SuperShield Area. | |
8 |
4x Blue Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. 4x Red Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. |
Pickup | Count | Location |
8 |
4x Path between Middle Area and Blue Base Entrance. 4x Path between Middle Area and Red Base Entrance. | |
10 |
2x Blue Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. 2x Red Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. 2x Middle Area, near the Ball. 2x SuperShield Area. 1x Below Blue Base. 1x Below Red Base. | |
2 |
1x Blue Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. 1x Red Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. | |
1 |
SuperShield Area. | |
8 |
4x Blue Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. 4x Red Base Entrance, at the health/armor cache. |
Unreal Tournament 2004[]
Remember, think warm thoughts."
Tips and tricks[]
- The goal hoop is located well above the ground level. So skilled players who are "punt" masters can display some action, while making a score.
- A tight defensive formation can make enemy advances of moderate level pretty useless.
- Watch out for Shield packs located around the junction at the neutral zone.
- Because of the many narrow passages, it is hard for just 1 carrier to make it to the other team's base. Always have a teammate nearby to enable the use of the shortcuts.
- Make sure to move the bomb around as much as possible. Pass to teammates regularly, or even to an opponent (who is then suddenly unable to fire his weapon, making him a sitting duck for a brief moment). Also, the "Translocate behind the opponent and pass the ball" maneuver works very well in this map.
- Then there's the last stretch to the opponent's base. Luckily, the goal is out in the open, and the carrier could theoretically score from as far as the other end of the clearing. This, however, requires a lot of practice, a bit of luck and a boost from the Shock Rifle's primary fire.
Prima Official Guide[]
Bases: The team goals stand vertically on top of raised platforms at opposite ends of the M-shaped level. An elevator on the valley floor near each goal takes you directly up to the goal. You can put the ball through the goal from either side.
Underneath each goal platform are a Lightning Gun, a Link Gun, and a Health Pack +25.
Heading away from either team goal toward the center of the arena takes you to a small platform with a Shock Rifle on the valley floor.
On the opposite side of the valley from the Shock Rifle is a short tunnel cut through the cliff wall that takes you to the center of the level. It's a handy shortcut, but you need to use your Translocator to reach it. If your aim is true, fire your Translocator so that the beacon flies through the tunnel and lands on the other side of the cliff, making it easier to instantly appear on that side of the arena.
Past the Shock Rifle and tunnel shortcut on either team's side of the arena is a Rocket Launcher.
Past the Rocket Launcher and away from the middle of the arena is a small alcove with four Adrenaline capsules, two Health Packs +25, and a Shield Pack +50. This alcove appears on each team's side of the arena.
Between each team's alcove with the Shield Pack +50 is a single alcove in the center of the arena that contains two Health Packs +25 and a Shield Pack +100. Enter this alcove through one of two narrow pathways—one on each team's side—along the valley floor.
Moving toward the arena's center, you'll pass by a row of Health Vials +5. The other side of the shortcut tunnel through the cliff is just overhead.
This pathway takes you into the center of the arena. At the end of this wide-open area nearest the Health Vials +5 is the Minigun. Translocate on top of the platform above the Minigun to get the Ion Painter, a powerful weapon in an open arena.
Head away from the Minigun toward the other end of the center of the arena to pick up a Link Gun, two Health Packs +25, and the ball.
Game Plan
Offense: Ice Fields has a lot of ground to cover and many valuable weapons and items. Use your Translocator to cover ground quickly, and know where the weapons and items are so you can teleport to them on your way to the ball.
It's a long trip from goal to goal. Travel in a pack on offense to improve your chances of getting the ball to the enemy's goal without getting blasted to atoms.
Take advantage of the arena's vertical levels. If one or two of your offensive players translocate along the narrow plateaus jutting out from the arena walls, they can clear a path for your ball carrier by picking off distant enemies with the Lightning Gun or Rocket Launcher.
In Ice Fields, a good passing game can spell the difference between victory and defeat. Don't hesitate to lob the ball if the defense is too tough. One of the best tricks in the game is to pass the ball up to a waiting receiver near your opponents' shortcut tunnel. Try to lob it all the way through the tunnel. Then, while some of your offensive teammates hold off the defense, someone on your team runs for the goal.
Don't forget about the three alcoves with Shield Packs near the middle of the level. Although you regenerate health (up to 100 points) when carrying the ball, it never hurts to have some shields.
Defense: The offense has to come straight down the long valley to your goal. Because you have a Lightning Gun right underneath your goal, camp at least one defender on the goal platform or other elevated surface to pick off opponents from a distance.
Several plateaus on your team's side of the arena are of great strategic importance. Experiment with translocating up to these plateaus and racking up head shots. Any plateau with a clear view of any area with strategic importance (such as a goal, the shortcut tunnel, or the ball) is a good spot to occupy.
Your opponents have two ways to reach your goal from the ball's starting location: They can pass it through the shortcut tunnel or they can run it along the valley floor. You can't see a team's goal until you've reached the Shock Rifle near it, so focus your defense between the goal and the shortcut tunnel near the Shock Rifle."
- In the Single player intro, "Kalendra Ice Fields" is the arena where Malcolm's and Gorge's teams must fight in.
- The name for this map in the 926 Beta was BR-Kalendra. This is possibly why the name in the SP Intro was "Kalendra Ice Fields" as this beta was only 3 1/2 months before UT2003 was released. The map filename was retained for the Unreal Championship version.
- Like it happened with BR-Bifrost taking the description of this map, the Prima Official Guide uses the description of that map for this one.
Location bugs[]
The areas we name "Below Blue/Red Base" are signalled by Volumes, however these aren't given a name. This is easily solvable: create a file named BR-IceFields.int in the System folder with the following content:
LocationName="Below Red Base"
LocationName="Below Red Base"
LocationName="Below Blue Base"
LocationName="Below Blue Base"
Author's Notes[]
Dave (Digital Extremes): BR-Kalendra was inspired by a typical drive into work for me way up here"
External links and references[]
- ↑ "Chat with the Developers of Unreal Championship". Xbox.com. Archived from the original on Jan 9, 2010. Retrieved Oct 20, 2024.
See also[]
Unreal Tournament 2003 Bombing Run maps |
BR-Anubis • BR-Bifrost • BR-Disclosure • BR-IceFields • BR-Skyline • BR-Slaughterhouse • BR-TwinTombs Epic Bonus Pack maps: BR-Canyon DE Bonus Pack maps: BR-DE-ElecFields |
Unreal Tournament 2004 Bombing Run maps |
BR-Anubis • BR-Bifrost • BR-BridgeOfFate • BR-Canyon • BR-Colossus • BR-DE-ElecFields • BR-Disclosure • BR-IceFields • BR-Serenity • BR-Skyline • BR-Slaughterhouse • BR-TwinTombs |