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If you're looking for the Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004 version of the map, you might want to check BR-IceFields.
Remember, think warm thoughts."
BR-Kalendra is a Bombing Run map from Unreal Championship.
Map description[]
Inspired by the Canadian weather, it is no surprise that this map features dense fog and heavy snowfall. What's more surprising, is that it results in a rather cramped Bombing Run arena as well. The Ice Fields' rocky cliffs give shape to narrow canyons (for BR standards), and passing through them can be quite a task. There are a few shortcuts that can be used, as well as plenty of ledges, which add a bit of a Z-Axis to the map's gameplay. The Bomb spawns in the center region of the map, on a clearing. The teams must then pass through a series of canyons to reach the other team's base (which are both on open fields as well). The Goals are on the top floors of the bases and can be reached via an elevator. There is no terminal consequence for jumping through the goal in this map.
Weapons and pickups[]
Weapon | Count | Location |
Pickup | Count | Location |
Match 1[]
Remember, think warm thoughts."
Match 2[]
Remember, think warm thoughts."
Winning this rung nets you the Bombing Run Championship.
Tips and tricks[]
Prima Official Guide[]
The action in Kalendra is intense. Its many tight corners and narrow passageways lead to more than a few surprise confrontations, and it’s cloaked in thick fog.
Stay above the fray with skilled translocator use if you wish, but the real battle is on the ground. Players who can switch quickly between big weapons and translocators have a leg up on the competition.
Another interesting element of this map is that both goals are in the open. The offense faces a long attack run, and the defense a daunting challenge.
Offensive Strategy
Kalendra has more than its fair share of shield power-ups strewn across the landscape. That’s advantageous for attackers. If you carry the bomb, don’t worry about taking the quickest route to the goal. Divert to a shield pack so you can take a few extra hits on the long run to the enemy goal.
The most difficult part of a bomb run is the final stretch across a long open area. Enemy defense inevitably gets a couple of shots off at you, so do your best to dodge their shots. Zigzag left and right, even throw in a couple of jumps.
Your health increases quickly while you carry the bomb, so you just need to dodge direct shots and multiple shots. Efficient dodgers are hard to stop.
You can soften up the defense with an ion blast, but be sure to run right through the carnage. Your foes respawn quickly.
Defensive Strategy
At first glance, Kalendra looks perfect for defenders. When the match starts, you soon realize the challenges you face. Sniper defense is difficult because the fog impairs visibility. Other defensive weapons are less effective because the spacious environment gives attackers plenty of room to run and dodge.
If you’re aggressive, you can cause serious problems for your enemy. Push your defense forward, toward the narrow opening of the bomb area. From there, hit attackers early, before they reach the open area.
On this map, a good offense is the best defense. If your team controls the bomb, the other team can’t challenge your goal. This is a map made for risk-taking.
Teamplay Strategy
Because of the complexity of Kalendra, single-player bomb runs are very possible. The team focus should be on controlling the middle section of the map and pushing the enemy back into its base.
Move everyone to the middle and communicate diligently, so that each teammate knows where the bomb is. When one player gets the bomb and takes it forward, the others can lay back and stop any counterattack in the middle before responding with a counter-attack of their own.
Try to control the shield packs. Divvy up the shield spawning areas among players. Each player picks up the assigned shield each time it reappears. If your team controls all three, you have a distinct advantage over an unshielded foe.
Single-Player Strategy
The bots love a tight, intense battleground. But they hate trying to hit an erratic bomb carrier. It will be difficult to get the bomb, but once it’s yours, do everything possible to get to the open enemy goal area (first picking up a shield if you can).
If you make it this far, start swerving, jumping, and dodging to frustrate the bots. Done right, it’s an all-but-certain score.
Sniping Spot
The thick fog in Kalendra limits the effectiveness of long-range sniping, but the wide-open area around each goal provides plenty of short-range sniping possibilities.
Two good sniping spots come to mind. The first is simple. Just stand near your goal and target anyone who runs toward you. If you’re a good shot, you needn’t even zoom in—the fog precludes that, anyway.
The other spot is on one of the many platforms close to the shortcut door to the middle of the map. From this perch, you can see enemies as they go through the door or run around the corner. Either way, you get a couple of easy sniper shots.
Defensive Position
Push your back line forward in Kalendra. The best place to station defenders is on the arch near the shortcut door to the middle area. From here you can see anyone trying to make a bombing run in plenty of time to stop them.
Kill Zone
Kalendra is full of dangerous kill zones. The deadliest is the junction of two corridors leading directly to the bomb spawning point. Both teams feed to this area, resulting in many surprise encounters. If you’re patient with the minigun, you have kills to spare."
- According to the author (Dave Ewing), this map was inspired by "a typical drive into work"[1]
- In the betas, this was the only map which allowed the use of vehicles, due to its size. Also from the betas is a much, much longer map description:
Contemplation of the moral implications of these practices is best left to philosophers, most of which were used for target practice during arena training. The League needs no moral high ground to stand on. What can be used, will be used.
Take, for example, the ice mining facilities of Alleria. The plasteel alloy used in the manufacture of mineral extraction processors is inexpensive and relatively disposable, while the iridium and other minerals hidden below the ice are not. Once an area has been stripped out of resources, it is often easier to simply abandon the mine and construct another elsewhere than dig the existing structure out of the ice.
Taking its name from the ice fields on which it was built, the Kalendra Iridium Storage Facility was designed with the purpose of protecting the valuable resources contained within its massive bunkers. Previous to Imperial rule the sector was known for violent raids by transport hijackers who felt that stealing the ore was much more preferable to digging it out of the ground.
The bunkers were built with raider attacks in mind. Facing each other across the valley floor, each structure was able to provide the other with cover fire and ground support in the event of an attack. This defensive strategy required attackers to divide their forces between both bunkers, weakening their position significantly. Now it provides the Tournaments with an excellent team-based arena competition that always ends with a bang.
A quick survey of the area offers a glimpse of hard snowpack spread deeply across the rocky surface, with steep ridged that form narrow trenches across the ice field. Bridging the trenches are several light-alloy trestles, allowing foot soldiers to move between locations without having to scale the slick ice of the trench walls. Before taking part in a competitive Bombing Run match, competitors should run through the Virtual Tournament Simulator to get a feel for the arena.
For those with an aversion to exercise, vehicles can be found in the rear hangar bays of the binkers, allowing combatants to rush the enemy with greater speed. The steep inclination of the terrain bracketing the lowlands limits wheeled vehicles to the trenches, so be aware that while you may be faster the enemy will have the advantage of greater elevation.
Once a competitor enters the enemy stronghold, they will have to make their way to the demolition target area, and plant the detonator. The odds will not be in their favor. Bets may be placed at the local League Recruitment Center, but take note of this friendly reminder, don't sign anything."
External links and references[]
- ↑ "Chat with the Developers of Unreal Championship". Archived from the original on Jan 9, 2010. Retrieved Oct 20, 2024.
See also[]
Unreal Championship Bombing Run maps |
BR-Adrift • BR-Anubis • BR-Disclosure • BR-Endagra • BR-EyeOfJahan • BR-Kalendra |