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Third-party mod
This article is about an officially-released third-party mod.
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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

"The Bastard Sword is very deadly, but for obvious reasons, you close with your enemy to score hits. Don’t just constantly keep the fire button pressed; time your attacks to make them more effective! Some practice time with the bots should help you get a feel for this weapon. Block by pressing the alternate fire button. This is very effective against most types of attacks, such as the sniper rifle. You must be facing the attack for the defense to be effective. A good player will defend himself as he approaches and wait to time his. (Hint: with a bit of luck and some practice, most types of projectiles can be blocked... try it!)"
UT: GOTY manual

The Bastard Sword is a weapon which comes with Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition as part of the mod Chaos UT.


Classification Sword
Primary fire Attack – The Bastard Sword is very deadly, but for obvious reasons, you must be close to your enemy to score hits. At first this seems to be a major drawback, but with the swords defensive properties, it’s a much better weapon than it appears. While it might be tempting to just hold down the fire button when using the sword, timing your attacks can be much more effective, especially if your opponent also has one. Some practice time with the bots should help you get a feel for it. It has five different attack animations, and four defense animations, which add to the realism.
Secondary fire Defense – The block feature is used by pressing the alternate fire button and is very effective against most types of attacks, such as the sniper rifle. You must be facing the attack for the defense to be of any use. A good player will defend himself as he approaches and wait to time his attack when he’s in your face. (Hint: with a bit of luck and some practice, many types of projectiles can be blocked… try it!
Source: UT Weapon Priority menu + Chaotic Dreams website[1]

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

  1. Chaos: UT Weapons @ ChaoticDreams.org

See also[]

Unreal Tournament weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RiflePulse GunRipperMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper Rifle
Special weapons: ChainsawTranslocatorSuper Shock Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer
Chaos: UT weapons: Grappling HookBastard SwordCAS12 ShotgunUtility GunCrossbowThe ClawProximity MinesChaos Sniper V2The VortexSentry Turret