Unreal Wiki
Unreal Wiki

Unreal The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali.


The Biterfish are small fish found in the waters of Na Pali in Unreal. They can cause a minor amount of damage by biting the player. They mostly rely on attacking the player in an entire school, as the Biterfish are rarely found in small numbers. On Easy mode, Biterfish are simply ambient creatures that cannot attack the player.


Tips and tricks[]

  • Biterfish cannot be killed by a hitscan weapon; the player has to use a weapon with splash damage.
  • It is usually better to just swim around the Biterfish instead of wasting ammo on them; as long as the player is vigilant, they should not get injured by the Biterfish.
  • They are formidable foes in schools, but not much of a threat as individuals.


  • The Biterfish in the 1998 beta had sharp teeth and were purple.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal creatures
Monsters: Behemoth - Brute - Cave Manta - Devilfish - Fly - Gasbag - Giant Gasbag - Ice Skaarj - Krall - Krall Elite - Lesser Brute - Manta - Mercenary - Mercenary Elite - Pupae - Skaarj Assassin - Skaarj Berserker - Skaarj Gunner - Skaarj Infantry - Skaarj Lord - Skaarj Officer - Skaarj Scout - Skaarj Sniper - Skaarj Trooper - Skaarj Warrior - Slith - Tentacle - Titan
Bosses: Skaarj Queen - Stone Titan - Warlord
NPCs and other creatures: Baby Cow - Biterfish - Bloblet - Horsefly - Nali - Nali Bird - Nali Cow - Nali Priest - Nali Rabbit
Beta: Dragon - Squid