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Third-party mod
This article is about an officially-released third-party mod.
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If you're looking for the Shotgun from Unreal II: The Awakening, you might want to check Shotgun (Unreal II).

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

"It's gonna hurt. Get your point across quick with the CUT Automatic Shotgun, aka the CAS12. This 12 gauge beauty comes with a clip full of standard shells, and there are 2 additional ammo types available to pick up."
Chaotic Dreams[1]

The CAS12 Shotgun is a weapon from the Chaos: UT mod, which comes with Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition. It's added to the arsenal once the latest version of the mod is installed.


Regular shells[]

"Standard shotgun shell, green in color. They do less damage than the other 2 types, but you'll get more per clip."
Chaotic Dreams[1]

Classification Automatic Shotgun - Standard Shells
Primary fire Fires one shell at a time, hold key down for automatic fire. When you select the CAS12, your HUD will display a row of shotgun shells, color coded to indicate which ammo type is loaded. This represents the number of rounds left in your current clip. As you fire, the shells will be removed one by one, until your clip is empty. If you have more ammo, your gun will automatically reload when the clip runs out.
Secondary fire However, even though the automatic reloading is quick, if it happens at the wrong time, it can be costly, and painful. But you don't have to wait. Simply hit the Alt Fire key when you've got time, then you're fully loaded and ready for battle. To rotate between ammo types, simply continue pressing the shotgun's select key.
Source: Chaotic Dreams[1]

Armor Piercing shells[]

"Armor Piercing shells are blue in color, and are more powerful than a standard shell. These are also the most accurate of all three ammo types."
Chaotic Dreams[1]

Classification Automatic Shotgun - Armor Piercing Slugs
Primary fire Fires one shell at a time, hold key down for automatic fire. When you select the CAS12, your HUD will display a row of shotgun shells, color coded to indicate which ammo type is loaded. This represents the number of rounds left in your current clip. As you fire, the shells will be removed one by one, until your clip is empty. If you have more ammo, your gun will automatically reload when the clip runs out.
Secondary fire However, even though the automatic reloading is quick, if it happens at the wrong time, it can be costly, and painful. But you don't have to wait. Simply hit the Alt Fire key when you've got time, then you're fully loaded and ready for battle. To rotate between ammo types, simply continue pressing the shotgun's select key.
Source: Chaotic Dreams[1]

Explosive shells[]

"Explosive shells are red in color. They are the most powerful of the bunch, but are also the least accurate, and have less shells per clip. Use them wisely."
Chaotic Dreams[1]

Classification Automatic Shotgun - Explosive rounds
Primary fire Fires one shell at a time, hold key down for automatic fire. When you select the CAS12, your HUD will display a row of shotgun shells, color coded to indicate which ammo type is loaded. This represents the number of rounds left in your current clip. As you fire, the shells will be removed one by one, until your clip is empty. If you have more ammo, your gun will automatically reload when the clip runs out.
Secondary fire However, even though the automatic reloading is quick, if it happens at the wrong time, it can be costly, and painful. But you don't have to wait. Simply hit the Alt Fire key when you've got time, then you're fully loaded and ready for battle. To rotate between ammo types, simply continue pressing the shotgun's select key.
Source: Chaotic Dreams[1]

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 "Chaos: UT Weapons". Chaotic Dreams. Retrieved Aug 11, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RiflePulse GunRipperMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper Rifle
Special weapons: ChainsawTranslocatorSuper Shock Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer
Chaos: UT weapons: Grappling HookBastard SwordCAS12 ShotgunUtility GunCrossbowThe ClawProximity MinesChaos Sniper V2The VortexSentry Turret