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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"The canyons and twisted ravines below these ancient aqueducts make for an excellent battleground."
Map description

CTF-Aqueduct is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict. It's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]

Named areas of the map are as follows:

  • Blue/Red Terrace:
  • Blue/Red Flag Base:
  • Blue/Red Side Entry:
  • Blue/Red Main Entrance:
  • Blue/Red Terrace Shortcut:
  • Blue/Red Entry Hall:
  • Blue/Red Midfield:


Pickup Count Location
Energy Ammo
Energy Ammo
Explosive Ammo
Explosive Ammo



"Watching these agile ladies run is always a treat, but it's not as much fun when they're running off with your flag. Keep telling yourself: slow and steady wins the race."
Mission description

Arclite's Ladder[]

"Your successful partnership with Jackhammer impressed Liandri officials. You will be teaming up with him again so your teamwork can be test-marketed to new audiences."
Mission description

Raiden's Ladder[]

"Malcolm leads a team of immense power and skill, and with a name like Thunder Crash, they might be just the warriors you seek. See if they have the mettle to fight at your side when the time comes."
Mission description

Raptor's Ladder[]

"It's possible to injure teammates in this match. While your own targeting systems have been reprogrammed to compensate, you should watch your teammates carefully and avoid their line of fire."
Mission description

Win to unlock the Friendly Fire Damage mutator.

Selket's Ladder[]

"It will be no surprise to see this team of Nakhti rejects wilt in your presence. The women will be intimidated by your strength, and the men won't be able to keep their eyes off you."
Mission description

Tips and tricks[]


  • Due to a zone naming mistake, both Blue/Red Entry Hall are named "Red Entry Hall", while the Blue/Red Main Entrances are named "Blue Main Entrance".


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Capture the Flag maps
Bonus Pack maps: CTF-Monoxide