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If you're looking for the Unreal Championship version of the map, you might want to check CTF-Citadel (UC map).


The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"A nightmarish fantasy brought to life, Citadel blends modern technology with imposing architecture for high intensity CTF combat."
Map description

CTF-Citadel is a Capture the Flag map for Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In both games, it's one of the stock maps, and it also comes with the demo version of 2003.

Map description[]

A map set atop of a bunch of mountains (Red/Blue Mesa), among a sinister architecture with plenty of spiked areas and floating spike balls. The Blue Base is located at the north mountain, while the Red Base is located at the south. Each base (Red/Blue Flag Base) is located inside of a tower, has an uphill entrance (Red/Blue Sloped Entrance), a levelled one (Red/Blue Entrance), and a back one, right above the flag, via a low-gravity hole. Both mountains are connected at the higher level with a wide Middle Bridge. There are other four bridges: the Red/Blue High Bridge connects the Entrance of each base with a small mountain, while the Red/Blue Low Bridge connects these same mountains with the Sloped Entrances of each side.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Base, near teleporter to the top of the tower. 1x Blue Flag Base, near teleporter to the top of the tower.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red teleporter to the top of the tower. 2x Near the Blue teleporter to the top of the tower.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red High Bridge, near the west small mountain. 1x Blue High Bridge, near the east small mountain.
Ammo: 2x West small mountain. 2x East small mountain.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Mesa, between the Sloped Entrance and the Low Bridge. 1x Red Mesa, between the Sloped Entrance and the Low Bridge.
Ammo: 1x Near the Blue Mesa weapon. 1x Near the Red Mesa weapon. 1x Blue Flag Base, near the teleporter to the top of the tower. 1x Red Flag Base, near the teleporter to the top of the tower.
W: 2
A: 10
Weapon: 1x Blue Mesa, between the base tower and the Middle Bridge. 1x Red Mesa, between the base tower and the Middle Bridge.
Ammo: 2x Blue Mesa, west of the hole to the flag. 2x Blue Mesa, east of the hole to the flag. 2x Red Mesa, west of the hole to the flag. 2x Red Mesa, east of the hole to the flag. 1x Blue Flag Base, near the teleporter to the top of the tower. 1x Red Flag Base, near the teleporter to the top of the tower.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Atop of the Blue Tower. 1x Atop of the Red Tower.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Tower weapon. 2x Near the Blue Tower weapon.
W: 1
Weapon: 1x Spiked ball at the very west, near the other two.

Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Base, near teleporter to the top of the tower. 1x Blue Flag Base, near teleporter to the top of the tower.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red teleporter to the top of the tower. 2x Near the Blue teleporter to the top of the tower.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red High Bridge, near the west small mountain. 1x Blue High Bridge, near the east small mountain.
Ammo: 2x West small mountain. 2x East small mountain.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Mesa, between the Sloped Entrance and the Low Bridge. 1x Red Mesa, between the Sloped Entrance and the Low Bridge.
Ammo: 1x Near the Blue Mesa weapon. 1x Near the Red Mesa weapon. 1x Blue Flag Base, near the teleporter to the top of the tower. 1x Red Flag Base, near the teleporter to the top of the tower.
W: 2
A: 10
Weapon: 1x Blue Mesa, between the base tower and the Middle Bridge. 1x Red Mesa, between the base tower and the Middle Bridge.
Ammo: 2x Blue Mesa, west of the hole to the flag. 2x Blue Mesa, east of the hole to the flag. 2x Red Mesa, west of the hole to the flag. 2x Red Mesa, east of the hole to the flag. 1x Blue Flag Base, near the teleporter to the top of the tower. 1x Red Flag Base, near the teleporter to the top of the tower.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Atop of the Blue Tower. 1x Atop of the Red Tower.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Tower weapon. 2x Near the Blue Tower weapon.


Pickup Count Location
10x Middle Bridge.
2x Red Entrance. 2x Blue Entrance.
1x East spiked ball above the Red Low Bridge.
1x Atop of the Blue Tower. 1x Atop of the Red Tower.
6x Spiked arms at the west of the Red base, 3 per arm. 6x Spiked arms at the east of the Red base, 3 per arm. 6x Spiked arms at the west of the Blue base, 3 per arm. 6x Spiked arms at the east of the Blue base, 3 per arm.

Pickup Count Location
10x Middle Bridge.
2x Red Entrance. 2x Blue Entrance.
1x West spiked ball above the Blue Low Bridge. 1x East spiked ball above the Red Low Bridge.
1x Atop of the Blue Tower. 1x Atop of the Red Tower.
6x Spiked arms at the west of the Red base, 3 per arm. 6x Spiked arms at the east of the Red base, 3 per arm. 6x Spiked arms at the west of the Blue base, 3 per arm. 6x Spiked arms at the east of the Blue base, 3 per arm.


Unreal Tournament 2003[]

"A nightmarish fantasy brought to life, Citadel blends modern technology with imposing architecture for high intensity CTF combat."
Mission description

Unreal Tournament 2004[]

"A nightmarish fantasy brought to life, Citadel blends modern technology with imposing architecture for high intensity CTF combat."
Mission description

Prior to playing this match, you can change the arena to the equivalent, which may be either CTF-FaceClassic or CTF-Maul, by paying 110 game units.

Tips and tricks[]

  • Citadel is a very open map a-la-Face, so use of Translocator as a main source of movement is mandatory.
  • Use the back entrance for surprise attacks, and only when you have teammates distracting enemies.

Prima Official Guide[]

"The bases in Citadel are tall towers with three entrances and four exits. They are separated by a vast crevasse spanned by three bridges. The bases are identical, so the following description applies to both.
Interior As you face the enemy base from inside your own, your team flag is at the rear of your base.
At the front of the base are a Bio-Rifle and a teleport chamber. To the right and left, two doorways lead outside. The pathways beyond the doorways take you to the left and right bridges that cross the pit between the bases.
Entering the teleport chamber transports you directly to the egg-shaped teleport chamber on the roof of your base.
Your forward momentum from teleporting causes you to step down onto the platform in front of the chamber, which holds a Lightning Gun and a Shield Pack +100.
From here, the only place to go is down. Turn around and back off the platform, moving forward as you fall to slow your descent and avoid taking damage. You can also use your Translocator to safely transport to the ground, but don't do it if you're carrying a flag, because flags don't translocate with you.
Exterior: Exiting your base via the left door on the ground floor takes you to a pathway leading to the left bridge across the chasm that separates the bases. Pick up two Health Packs +25 and a Shock Rifle in this area.
Heading through the right door on the ground floor of your base takes you across the right bridge. A Minigun is located in this area.
Behind the upper part of your base is a tunnel. You can drop through it and land almost directly on your flag, but you suffer slight damage from the fall. This is an excellent way to return the enemy flag to your base, but it's also a defensive liability because the enemy can do the same to you.
Behind your base, four rows of three Adrenaline capsules are lined up along the spires that project over empty space.
At the front and top of your base is the third and middle bridge over the chasm. Either run across this bridge or drop carefully off either side of the grassy plateau to land near the right or left bridges.
The middle bridge has 10 Health Vials +5 and Rocket Launchers at either end.
On top of one of the large spiked balls that float above the arena is a Big Keg 'o Health +100. You need to use your Translocator to reach it, and you may need to hop from ball to ball with the Translocator to get there.
On top of another ball is the Redeemer. You'll definitely need to do some fancy translocating to reach it.

Game Plan
Offense: There are two options for storming the enemy base: Run across a side bridge into the ground floor of the base, or take the elevated center bridge and drop down inside or outside the enemy base.
Dropping through the tunnel above the enemy flag is the quickest way to capture the flag. However, a savvy enemy with a Lightning Gun or Bio-Rifle who waits in front of the flag for you to try that will cut you to pieces before you take two steps with the flag.
Running into the enemy base via the side passages takes a little longer, but you have the added advantage of being able to lob a grenade or rocket into the base in case there's anyone waiting for you.
Once you have the flag, the quickest and safest way to return it is to teleport to the roof of the enemy base, run across the center bridge, and fall into your own base through the tunnel at the rear. Dodge like crazy while running across the bridge, or you'll hear the words "Head shot!" more often than you'd like.
You can also run along the sides of the arena to return the flag, but this takes longer and leaves you more exposed. It's a good backup plan if the enemy has the center bridge too well guarded.
Defense: First things first: If you don't keep one defensive player on the roof of your base with a Lightning Gun at the ready, you're insane. This is the perfect place from which to pick off your foes.
Be careful about where you stand, however: If a player is waiting on the receiving teleport platform and another player goes through the teleporter, the first player dies instantly. Stand on the platform with the Lightning Gun and Shield Pack, not on the teleporter.
Guard the tunnel at the back of your base, too. It is the easiest way for an enemy to enter your base and steal your team's flag. Hide in the tall grass just beyond it, ready to shoot and pursue your opponents if they try to drop into your base.
If possible, keep a defensive player inside your base, standing in one of the front corners and facing toward the rear. This teammate can cover the flag, the tunnel, and both doorways. The tricky bit is watching all four at once."

Capture Tips[]

The following are a series of tips released by the defunct website Capture.

"ThRaWn70 Holds Your Hand Through CTF-Citadel

Citadel is considered by the many to be the CTF-Face of
Unreal Tournament 2003. It is a relatively open and free-form map, which lends itself to being an excellent map to use the Lightning Gun and Rocket Launcher. Flak spammers need look elsewhere, for the beloved Flak Cannons are nowhere to be found. Shock Rifles and Miniguns adorn the lower bridges, while the flag bases are host to the dreaded Bio-rifle.
The flag bases have three entrances and exits. To enter, an opponent can choose to go through the side routes connected to the Shock Rifle and Minigun bridges, or they can drop through hole that is right above the flag. Once inside the base, the flag runner has the option of taking either side exit which returns them to the Shock and Minigun bridges, or they can take the teleporter directly across from the flag. The teleporter spits them out on top of their enemy's tower. This is where the Lightening Gun and Super Shield reside. From here, the flag runner has many options as to which paths by which they can return to their home base. The weapon of choice at the top of this tower is the Shield Gun which can be used to effectively knock off or kill unsuspecting snipers. The secondary fire can be used to shield the flag carrier as they jump from the tower. While jumping, the flag carrier can land on the side spikes which are located at 90 degree angles from the teleporter. They can also land on the spokes at the bottom of the base or on the spokes of the tower base.
From the team "mesa" the flag carrier can either choose to keep their shield gun out, and fall on the tops of the base openings leading from the lower bridges and make a run for it down those routes, or continue down the middle bridge. Make sure to dodge while making your runs, but not so much as to fall off the bridges! I find that by turning about 90 degrees and then side dodging works best, because I'm weak and unable to forward dodge very easily. Once back in their home base, the flag carrier can attempt to hideout behind the tower on the "Adrenaline claws" or they can try their luck at staying just inside the side entrances. I would not recommend staying in one place too long, especially on the tower, but careful circles from the tower and Super Shield to the ground via Shield secondary, then through the 'O' portal, and to the health or teleporter again, etc. Make sure to mix it up to keep the other team guessing, but hopefully it will all pay off with an all-powerful flag cap.
Due to the versatility of the upper levels and middle bridge, when defending, this should be a priority, ranking right up there with the flag room itself. If you camp the towers, you'll be easy bait for the snipers and Shield Gun-wielding flag runners, so you'll have to keep moving if you want to control the middle. However, if you're in a camping mood no matter what, you might try getting up to the top of the opposing team's tower and translocate to the top of their teleporter. You'll be able to score a few cheap shots to the back before they figure it out, but it may just be enough to satisfy your camping urges.
Inside the flag room, the Bio-rifle and Shock are devastating. Many would-be flag runners will start charging up a stream of rockets while dropping through the 'O', which can be heard by those inside. When this happens, load up a syringe of goo with the Biorifle or fill the room with shock combos. Avoid standing at the Bio-rifle pickup base or ammo pile on the other side of the teleporter, because those are usually the first targets of dropping flag runners. Because of the degree of freedom the upper level provides, assume that the flag runner will attempt to run straight for the teleporter, because in many cases, they will.
CTF-Citadel, while appearing symmetrical, is not. The Keg of Health can be reached by translocating to a spike on its host sphere, then translocating again to the top. (...)
The Redeemer can be reached easiest by translocating from the Red mesa "Adrenaline claw" onto the nearest sphere, then again to the Redeemer sphere. Again, first translocate to a claw on the Redeemer sphere, then translocate up. Use your translocator camera (default Q or whatever your Translocator key is) to check positioning.
The Redeemer can also be used to reveal Citadel's secret. Take the Redeemer, and look up for the Blue Star in the sky. Shoot the Redeemer directly at it, and then watch the spheres. They go chrome! No practical application whatsoever, but cool nonetheless!"


  • This is one of the few maps that received item/weapon changes during the transition to Unreal Tournament 2004: the ball the Redeemer was placed on disappeared with the weapon, and the spiked ball opposite to the one which had a Big Keg O' Health also received another. This increased the amount of online and tournament play of the map.


Main article: Annex:Unreal Tournament 2004 Final Stats
  • Until the stats for the game were shut down, the map held the distinction of being the 45th. most played UT2004 map of all-time, with nearly 62.500 matches.[1]

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • Shooting the solitary star in the sky will cause all the spiked balls to become reflective (works offline only). Note that it's rather difficult to find the trigger, so you might need to summon a Redeemer in UT2004 since the weapon isn't present. Also note that, sometimes, it deactivates shortly after being activated, so it needs to be shot several times.
  • The map has a hidden flyby sequence in both games. Here's how it can be seen in UT2004:
  1. Make a copy of the map called MOV-CTF-Citadel.ut2 in the Maps folder.
  2. Open MOV-CTF-Citadel.ut2 in UnrealEd.
  3. In the Level Properties, go to LevelInfo and change the DefaultGameType field to unrealgame.cinematicgame.
  4. Open the Matinee editor (left toolbar, the "MOV" button).
  5. Rename the sequence in the Scenes tab from flyby to StartGame.
  6. Save the map.
  7. Open UT2004, and go to the Community -> Movies tab.
  8. Open the "Citadel" movie and enjoy the flyby.

External links and references[]

  1. "Unreal Tournament 2004 Stats - Maps". UT2004 Stats. Archived from the original on Nov 25, 2018. Retrieved Aug 25, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 (Demo) maps
Deathmatch: DM-AntalusDM-Asbestos
Bombing Run: BR-Anubis
Capture the Flag: CTF-CitadelCTF-Orbital2
Unreal Tournament 2003 Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: CTF-AvarisCTF-DoubleDammage
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-DE-ElecFieldsCTF-DE-LavaGiant2
Unreal Tournament 2004 Capture the Flag maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: CTF-BP2-ConcentrateCTF-BP2-Pistola