Unreal Wiki

If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Coret.


The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"Prior to the war, the Coret Acquisition Center was a major social hub for all of Taryd's colonists. Since the fighting started, however, the militia is enforcing a strict curfew, and the facility empties out as the sun goes down."
Map description

CTF-Coret is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament 3. It's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]

The UT3 version of Coret retains the original map's shape and layout, but with updated visuals. This time the map takes place in the middle of a hub during a rain storm. Because of this, and because the map lacks zone names, we're going to refer to the zones by the same name as the UT counterpart.

A quick reminder about every zone:

  • Middle area - Top: The upper passage containing the Damage Amp.
  • Central Area: Located below the above, a zone easily recognizable for its three pillars (one per team side, the other with both sides combined). It also contains the Central and East (Blue Side) and West (Red Side) entrances which connect this central area with both the Pillars and the Middle Area Top to the Blue/Red Main Hall.
  • Blue/Red Side Approach: With the map seen with the blue flag base at the north east and the red flag base at the southwest, is the passage to the west (blue side) or east (red side) with an instant, translocatable view to the center entrance to the Main Hall. Both approaches are connected to the Pillars area via a descending ramp, with the respective side's Main Hall with another descending ramp, with the respective side Overhead area with a raiding ramp. Next to the entrance to each side's Overhead hall is a small hideout (dressing room in the original). The red side approach has a strip club called "Buck Love" which becomes the punchline of a joke (see Voice Chat), while the blue side has a bar.
  • Blue/Red Flag Base: Located at both ends of the "S" shape of the map. Has the same two entrances as before: the overhead and the lower one.
  • Blue/Red Foyer: Also called "Flak Cannon room" or "computer room" in the original Coret, is the lower level entrance to the flag base. At both sides it has an overview of the city.
  • Blue/Red Main Hall: This long corridor connects the Foyer with the Side Approach and the Center/Right entrances.
  • Blue/Red Overhead: This last area connects the respective Side Approach with the Flag Base and overlooks the Main Hall and the Flag Base at points.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Shock Rifle balcony. 2x Blue Shock Rifle balcony.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue SR balcony weapon. 2x Near the Red SR balcony weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Next to the East entrance to Middle Area Top. 1x Next to the West entrance to Middle Area Top.
Ammo: 2x Near the East entrance weapon. 2x Near the West entrance weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Central entrance to the Blue Main Hall. 1x Central entrance to the Red Main Hall.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue side weapon. 2x Near the Red side weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Foyer, at a balcony. 1x Blue Foyer, at a balcony.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Foyer weapon. 2x Near the Blue Foyer weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Rocket Hideout. 1x Red Rocket Hideout.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue side weapon. 2x Near the Red side weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Central Area, in a walkway ledge at the blue side, above the Thighpads. 1x Central Area, in a walkway ledge at the red side, above the Thighpads.
Ammo: 2x Next to the Blue side weapon. 2x Next to the Red side weapon.


Pickup Count Location
6x Ramp between Blue Side Approach and Pillars area. 6x Ramp between Red Side Approach and Pillars area.
2x East entrance to the Blue Main Hall. 2x West entrance to the Red Main Hall. 1x Blue Shock Rifle balcony, in front of the weapon. 1x Red Shock Rifle balcony, in front of the weapon. 1x Red Flag Base, next to the entrance to the Shock Rifle balcony. 1x Blue Flag Base, next to the entrance to the Shock Rifle balcony. 1x Red Foyer, next to the screens. 1x Blue Foyer, next to the screens. 1x Red Foyer, next to the Flak Cannon. 1x Blue Foyer, next to the Flak Cannon.
1x Central Area, next to the East entrance to Middle Area Top. 1x Central Area, next to the West entrance to Middle Area Top.
1x Blue Overhead area, at the bifurcation before the respective Side Approach. 1x Red Overhead area, at the bifurcation before the respective Side Approach.
Middle Area Top.

(*) Rows marked in red are required for the "Like the back of my hand" achievement.


Act III: The Liandri Conflict[]

"We were sent here to meet a Liandri informant with sensitive data about something called: 'The Strident.' Something tipped off the Liandri and now we're doing this the loud way. Jester: Find that informant. Stay in close radio contact. We'll keep Liandri security busy for you."

Cathode's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Cathode
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"The Cathode model security bot was specifically programmed to eliminate opponents in as bloody a manner as possible."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Raptor's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Raptor
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-75 0.7
Preferred weapon:

"Originally a test pilot, Raptor was rendered unfit for flight when his AI chips showed signs of emotional development."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Syntax's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Syntax
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Serial Number 231KTFRHJV57DKLJ"
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Evolution's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Evolution
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Evolution has a distaste for any form of human contact. He sees living creatures as a plague that must be cured."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"We were sent here to meet a Liandri informant with sensitive data about something called: 'The Strident.' Something tipped off the Liandri and now we're doing this the loud way. Jester: Find that informant. Stay in close radio contact. We'll keep Liandri security busy for you."

Cathode's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Cathode
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"The Cathode model security bot was specifically programmed to eliminate opponents in as bloody a manner as possible."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Enigma's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Enigma
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Little is known about this particular model. The Liandri Corporation has never publicly released its design specs."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Entropy's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Entropy
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-50 0.5
Preferred weapon:

"Entropy started life as a prominent Biotech Engineer, but began to experiment on himself when his license was revoked."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Colossus's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Colossus
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Access Denied. Profile requires Alpha Level clearance and joint authorization from the USLMC Board."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"We were sent here to meet a Liandri informant with sensitive data about something called: 'The Strident.' Something tipped off the Liandri and now we're doing this the loud way. Jester: Find that informant. Stay in close radio contact. We'll keep Liandri security busy for you."

Evolution's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Evolution
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Evolution has a distaste for any form of human contact. He sees living creatures as a plague that must be cured."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Mihr's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Mihr
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Mihr was concepted as a deep space maintenance drone. His precision programming was found to be more useful in other areas."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Syntax's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Syntax
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Serial Number 231KTFRHJV57DKLJ"
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Torque's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Torque
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Database Error: Please contact your Administrator if the problem persists."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"We were sent here to meet a Liandri informant with sensitive data about something called: 'The Strident.' Something tipped off the Liandri and now we're doing this the loud way. Jester: Find that informant. Stay in close radio contact. We'll keep Liandri security busy for you."

Entropy's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Entropy
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-50 0.5
Preferred weapon:

"Entropy started life as a prominent Biotech Engineer, but began to experiment on himself when his license was revoked."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Cathode's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Cathode
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"The Cathode model security bot was specifically programmed to eliminate opponents in as bloody a manner as possible."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Evolution's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Evolution
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Evolution has a distaste for any form of human contact. He sees living creatures as a plague that must be cured."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Mihr's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Mihr
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Mihr was concepted as a deep space maintenance drone. His precision programming was found to be more useful in other areas."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"We were sent here to meet a Liandri informant with sensitive data about something called: 'The Strident.' Something tipped off the Liandri and now we're doing this the loud way. Jester: Find that informant. Stay in close radio contact. We'll keep Liandri security busy for you."

Aspect's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Aspect
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Aspect's design spec was originally intended for heavy mining, but this model has been refitted with combat equipment."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Colossus's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Colossus
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

"Access Denied. Profile requires Alpha Level clearance and joint authorization from the USLMC Board."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

OSC's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: OSC
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-43,75 0.4

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

Raptor's Unreal Tournament 3 character card

Name: Raptor
Race: Liandri

Combat Style: Meter-good-25 0.2
Aggresiveness: Meter-good-75 0.7
Preferred weapon:

"Originally a test pilot, Raptor was rendered unfit for flight when his AI chips showed signs of emotional development."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

All of the matches have the same features, only differing in the Liandri bot selection. Your teammates greet you at the beginning of the match with the following chat:

Reaper: "Jester: status."
Jester: "Seriously? We're fighting for our lives... at the mall."
Reaper: "We need to find this informant, and see what the Strident is."
Jester: "Wanna bet it's something we have to shoot?"
Othello: "Awwww... YEEEAAHHHH! I love my job."
Jester: "So, do they call this part the "Food Cor-et"? Get it?!"
Othello: "Ohhhhhhh... pleeeeeaseeeee..."

Yet that doesn't compare to Othello finding a strip club in the red side.

Othello: "Buck Love? Is that a strip club?"
Jester: "You wanna take 5? Go ahead, we'll cover you."
Bishop: "The Spirit is willing, but the Flesh is weak..."
Othello: "Uh, Bishop, does that mean you want to go, or what? "

Anyway, the pathing is decent enough that the bots will use all the paths available, although they do stop to use the translocator in a few places. It's not a very big map, so you're within a few translocations from everywhere. This makes it somewhat tricky to score a successful capture. The enemy will be very aggressive on this map, and trying to play defensively just lets them get away with it. Interestingly, you seem to find less opposition when entering through the front gate than you do coming from the sides. The same doesn't seem to be true in reverse though, and there is better cover on the side-paths anyway.

Unless you can waltz in and waltz back out, the best bet seems to be assists. When your allies leave with the flag, the enemy will rush out to kill them, leaving the base undefended. You can follow your allies to provide cover fire, or you can wait inside the blue base while the enemy force chases your flag carrier. If you grab the flag when it's returned, the bot collective will turn toward you, but they are in the midfield and you can usually push further out of the blue base before they catch you. If you happen to be in red territory at that time, there is a chance your allies will hold off the enemies, complete the capture, or hold the flag long enough for you to reinforce them in turn. 5 captures wins the match, but chances are you'll have to win by the clock.[1]

Tips and tricks[]

  • New to this version of the map: arriving from the flag base to the Shock Rifle balcony, at the end of the ramp, the window can be exploited as a defence spot, as you can use it to warn your teammates that an attack is coming from above, or that a flag carrier is leaving through the overhead.
  • Also new to this version, it's possible to either translocate and weaponjump from the approach to the center entrance and viceversa. Use this to your advantage when you're attacking/escaping with the flag or defending (there are some spots which allow the defenders to spot enemies from both the center and side approach areas more easily than before).
  • This version of the map also features plenty of new areas to use as cover (for attacking/retrating with the enemy flag) and defense/warning spots (for defenders/midfielders).


  • There's a curious imbalance: at the Overhead area, near the entrance to the flag base, the Blue side gets a pair of crates as an extra defense spot, while the Red side gets none.

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs/Unreal Tournament 3
  • The map has a "flyby" mode which you can go through by inputting the FlyThrough code in the console.

Author's Notes[]

"(...) In the final stages I was assigned a couple maps for final polish and bug fixing. DM-HeatRay; DM-Deck; CTF-Coret; CTF-Hydrosis; WAR-ColdHarbor."

External links and references[]

  1. Annin, Matt (April 2, 2008). "FAQ/Walkthrough by OmniaVanitas". GameFAQs. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  2. Frank, Bastiaan (May 28, 2008). "Portfolio Gears of War 2, UnrealTournament 3 and DarkSector". Checker's Chapel. Archived from the original on Jun 22, 2012. Retrieved Nov 3, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 Capture the Flag maps
Bonus Pack 1 maps: CTF-FacingWorldsCTF-Searchlight
Titan Pack maps: CTF-LostCauseCTF-MorbidCTF-NanoblackCTF-Shaft