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If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Coret.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

CTF-Coret is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament. It's present in the demo and full PC versions as well as the Playstation 2 and Sega Dreamcast versions, in all cases as a stock map. In both console versions, it's also an unlockable map.

Map description[]

It is an "S"-shaped map with long traveling distances between flags, and several attack routes between bases.

The bases themselves are each divided into five areas: flag base, foyer, overhead, side hall, and main hall. The flag base is self-explanatory: it holds the namesake flag and is where each route ends. The foyer is the "computer room" connecting the flag base with the main hall. The overhead, as its name implies, overlooks the main hall and the bottom of the stairs leading to the Shock Rifle chamber, and connects the flag base with the side hall. The main and side halls are connected via a ramp that starts in the main hall.

The central area is accessible from the main hall by passing through an automatic door. From there on, the hall splits into two ways: one going to the central area (or the "column" zone) and another going to the top area (the "UDamage" zone). The side hall is also connected to the central area via a ramp and overlooks the stairs connecting the central area to the main hall.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
A: 8(*)
Ammo: Clips: 2x Blue main hall, stairs to Foyer. 2x Red main hall, stairs to Foyer. Boxes: 2x Near the Red side weapon. 2x Near the Blue side weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue defender chamber, above the flag. 1x Red defender chamber, above the flag.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue defender chamber weapon. 2x Near the Red defender chamber weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Entrance to Middle Top area, red side. 1x Entrance to Middle Top area, blue side
Ammo: 2x Near the Red side weapon. 2x Near the Blue side weapon.
W: 2
A: (+)
Weapon: 1x Red stairs from Main hall to Central area. 1x Blue stairs from Main hall to Central area.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red foyer, near the computers. 1x Blue foyer, near the computers.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red foyer weapon. 2x Near the Blue foyer weapon.
W: 2
A: 3
Weapon: 1x Red locker room. 1x Blue locker room.
Ammo: 1x Near the Red vest weapon. 2x Near the Blue vest area.
W: 2
A: 1
Weapon: 1x Blue intersection of Central area and Middle Top entrance, hidden. 1x Red intersection of Central area and Middle Top entrance, hidden.
Ammo: 1x Near the Blue side weapon.

Weapon Count Location
A: 6(*)
Ammo: Clips: 2x Blue main hall, stairs to Foyer. 2x Red main hall, stairs to Foyer. Boxes: 2x Near the Red Foyer Minigun.
W: 4
A: 7
Weapon: 1x Entrance to Middle Top area, blue side. 1x Red locker room. 1x Blue defender chamber, above the flag. 1x Red intersection of Central area and Middle Top entrance, hidden.
Ammo: 2x Near the Middle Top entrance weapon. 2x Near the Red locker room weapon. 2x Near the Blue defender chamber weapon. 1x Near the Red intersection weapon.
W: 4
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Red defender chamber, above the flag. 1x Blue stairs from Main hall to Central area. 1x Entrance to Middle Top area, red side. 1x Blue intersection of Central area and Middle Top entrance, hidden.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Shock chamber weapon. 2x Near the Blue stairs weapon. 1x Near the Middle Top entrance weapon. 1x Near the intersection weapon.
W: 1
A: (+)
Weapon: 1x Red stairs from Main hall to Central area.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red foyer, near the computers. 1x Blue foyer, near the computers.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red foyer weapon. 2x Near the Blue foyer weapon.
(*) 4x Bullet Clips, 2x Bullet Boxes.

Weapon Count Location

Weapon Count Location
A: 8(*)
Ammo: Clips: 2x Blue main hall, stairs to Foyer. 2x Red main hall, stairs to Foyer. Boxes: 2x Near the Red side weapon. 2x Near the Blue side weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue defender chamber, above the flag. 1x Red defender chamber, above the flag.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue defender chamber weapon. 2x Near the Red defender chamber weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Entrance to Middle Top area, red side. 1x Entrance to Middle Top area, blue side
Ammo: 2x Near the Red side weapon. 2x Near the Blue side weapon.
W: 2
A: (+)
Weapon: 1x Red stairs from Main hall to Central area. 1x Blue stairs from Main hall to Central area.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red foyer, near the computers. 1x Blue foyer, near the computers.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red foyer weapon. 2x Near the Blue foyer weapon.
W: 2
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Red locker room. 1x Blue locker room.
Ammo: 1x Near the Red vest weapon. 1x Near the Blue vest area.


Pickup Count Location
6x Blue ramp between Central area and Side hall. 6x Red ramp between Central area and Side hall.
2x Blue foyer. 2x Red foyer. 1x Red flag base, near stairs to Shock chamber. 1x Blue flag base, near stairs to defender chamber. 1x Red defender chamber. 1x Blue defender chamber. 3x Red stairs from main hall to middle top. 3x Blue stairs from main hall to middle top.
1x Below the Blue sniper chamber. 1x Below the Red sniper chamber.
1x Blue base, bifurcation of the side hall, right side. 1x Red base, bifurcation of the side hall, right side.
1x Middle top area.

Pickup Count Location
6x Blue ramp between Central area and Side hall. 6x Red ramp between Central area and Side hall.
2x Blue foyer. 2x Red foyer. 1x Blue shock chamber. 1x Red Flag Base, near kicker to Overhead area. 3x Red stairs from main hall to middle top. 3x Blue stairs from main hall to middle top.
1x Below the Blue sniper chamber. 1x Below the Red sniper chamber. 1x Blue locker room.
1x Blue base, bifurcation of the side hall, right side. 1x Red base, bifurcation of the side hall, right side.
1x Middle top area.
(*) One of the Health Packs is embedded into the game world in the Blue Base, making it impossible to obtain.

Pickup Count Location

Pickup Count Location
6x Blue ramp between Central area and Side hall. 6x Red ramp between Central area and Side hall.
2x Blue foyer. 2x Red foyer. 1x Red flag base, near stairs to Shock chamber. 1x Blue flag base, near stairs to defender chamber. 1x Red defender chamber. 1x Blue defender chamber. 3x Red stairs from main hall to middle top. 3x Blue stairs from main hall to middle top.
1x Below the Blue sniper chamber. 1x Below the Red sniper chamber.
1x Blue base, bifurcation of the side hall, right side. 1x Red base, bifurcation of the side hall, right side.
1x Middle top area.


PC (Demo)[]

"Built into a mountaintop on the Coret moon, this facility was once the waypoint between the Interstellar zonegate in orbit over the moon and the Zeto Research Station located half the moon away in the frozen wastes."
Mission description

PC (Retail/GOTY)[]

"Built into a mountaintop on the Coret moon, this facility was once the waypoint between the Interstellar zonegate in orbit over the moon and the Zeto Research Station located half the moon away in the frozen wastes."
Mission description

PlayStation 2[]

"Built into a mountaintop on the Coret moon, this facility was once the waypoint between the Interstellar zonegate in orbit over the moon and the Zeto Research Station located half the moon away in the frozen wastes."
Mission description


Tips and tricks[]

Capture tips[]

The following are a series of tips released by the defunct website Capture.

"Well, when I play this map, I'm usually defending. So, if you choose this uneasy duty, here are some things that might help.

Snipe. (Silence, then everyone goes: "this is SO lame" :) That's right - Coret has a perfect sniping spot, but lot of players just don't notice it. (...)

[From the long hallway] if you go and get a sniper rifle (...) but take it from the blue base side - it has an extra ammo box there - you'll make a perfect sniper. Just sit near opposite the entrance door. This is a great way to pick off anyone who goes through the door, especially those quad-damage guys (they tend to choose this way to the base, trying to save time). If the enemy has got your flag, don't just rush back to the base - it's the worst thing to do. Instead, switch to Flak or Minigun and now make a choice: 1) you can stay in the main corridor, but be somewhere in the middle. By doing this, you obviously block one getaway and can see (through the transparent floor panel), if the carrier's leaving via the upper hallway. 2) a better thing to do is to hide in this corner.

Here you can control both exits from the base. There's no way the carrier can pass unnoticed.

I bet you've seen somebody camping with the shock rifle near their flag. Well here's a piece of advice: do it as much as possible. Just don't forget to change places after few kills.

When I get a flag, I don't like hiding in one place, unless my team defends really well. But if you totally suck (heh ;) and can't make a single step without getting killed, [the left corner of the RL room] is a pretty good place to hide. Duck in there to minimise the glow. (This only works for the blue team, because they have kind of barrier in there.)

The last trick on this map is about getting the enemy's flag. This isn't actually a trick, but a good thing to do when you've just got the enemy flag is to confuse defenders. For example, running chaotically around their base without trying to get away from it. Also, if you got their flag and nobody saw it, hide at their base for a while. Why? Because if you're playing against less-skilled players, there will be a whole lot of nasty surprises waiting for you on the way back (some of which were mentioned above). If the enemy waits and still can't see you then they finally lose patience and a) thinking that they missed you, run to your base (that's when you make a safe trip back :) or b) rush back to find you - that's when you usually end up dead. :P"


  • Use the map's architecture to your advantage and try to vary routes while entering/escaping with the flag.
  • Learn how to translocate and Impact-jump. This map requires flexible use of it to obtain certain pickups and to have an advantage over the enemy team by opening new enter/escape routes.
  • When escaping with the flag, use the staircase located on the right from the flag (as if you're facing back toward the center of the map). As you escape down the hall, grab the Body Armor on the right side.[2]
  • Proceed immediately to the middle portion of the map on the upper level to locate the Damage Amplifier. Be the first team to secure the damage amp and use it to quickly wipe out the defenders and score a quick flag grab. Check on the Damage Amplifier throughout the game; it often gets forgotten as the game progresses.[2]
  • With two main entrances to each base, send assaulting players through each route at the same time. One player's goal should be to clear out the defenses and not worry about the flag. The other comes in and either grabs the undefended flag or finishes the job against the weakened defenders.[2]


  • Defend the flag from the high alcove located above the flag position. It's much easier to surprise defenders from above (and inflict tons of splash damage) when firing from the high position. If the enemy gets away, just jump down to ground level and pursue him. If you've got the Rocket Launcher or Ripper in hand, you shouldn't have trouble retrieving the flag within the tight corridors.[2]
  • Use the Flak Cannon, positioned near each flag, for combat inside the tight corridors that lie near the flag along both entrances. When you venture out into the long hallways near the middle of the map, switch to the Rocket Launcher or Ripper.[2]


  • The 221 beta version of the map looked completely different.
  • The 222 beta version of the map had the connection between the side approach of each base and the central area's main entrance separated, so translocating between these areas was not possible. Also, in place of the jump pad between the overhead area and the flag base was a ramp entrance to the defense area, and the overhead area could only be accessed by translocating to it.
  • The 221 beta version was titled "Dm Coret", suggesting that it originated as a Deathmatch map.
  • The 222 beta version had a player count of 4-8.
  • The Sniper Rifle hideout and the locker rooms were edited out for the Dreamcast version. Also, the overall geometry of the level has been simplified, and both Health Vial areas are more streamlined.

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • The map has a hidden Level Entry Text:
    • In the 222 beta version, it reads "Welcome to Coret Training Center".
    • In the final version, it reads "Welcome to Coret Facility. Enjoy your stay."

PC Changelog[]

Main article: Unreal Tournament/Release Notes
  • v402: fixed CTF-coret alternate path problems
  • v436: hack fix for bad playerstart in CTF-Coret.

External links and references[]

  1. SSSHAD (Feb 17, 2000). "Map Strategy - Coret". Capture (PU). Archived from the original on Jun 15, 2000. Retrieved Nov 22, 2024.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Doug Radcliffe, David Perkins. "Capture-the-Flag Map Strategies - CTF-Coret". PlanetUnreal. Retrieved Oct 14, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament (Demo) maps
Deathmatch: DM-MorpheusDM-PhobosDM-TempestDM-TurbineDM-Tutorial
Domination: DOM-SesmarDOM-Tutorial
Capture the Flag: CTF-CoretCTF-Tutorial
Unreal Tournament Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack CTF maps: CTF-Cybrosis][CTF-Darji16CTF-Hydro16CTF-Noxion16
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-HallOfGiantsCTF-Orbital
Inoxx Bonus Pack maps: CTF-Face][CTF-HighCTF-KosovCTF-Nucleus
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: CTF-BeatitudeCTF-EpicBoyCTF-Face-SECTF-Ratchet
Semi-official maps: CTF-Command][
Pre-order bonuses: CTF-Baranco (Babbage's GOTY)
Unreal Tournament (PS2) Capture the Flag maps
Available from start: CTF-PhalanxCTF-SpiritoCTF-StormFrontCTF-SundialCTF-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: CTF-CoretCTF-DrearyCTF-EternalCaveCTF-FaceCTF-GauntletCTF-LavaGiantCTF-NivenCTF-NovemberCTF-Sepulchre
Unreal Tournament (DC) Capture the Flag maps
Available from start: CTF-PhalanxCTF-SpiritoCTF-StormFrontCTF-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: CTF-CommandCTF-CoretCTF-DrearyCTF-EternalCaveCTF-FaceCTF-Face2CTF-GauntletCTF-LavaGiantCTF-NivenCTF-SepulchreCTF-Sundial