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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 4.

CTF-Dam is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament 4.

Map description[]

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: -
Weapon: -
Ammo: -


Pickup Count Location

Tips and tricks[]


  • This is one of the initial CTF maps.

Author notes[]

"I took a stab at reworking the midfield of CTF-Dam from scratch over the past couple days. It's been a long time coming and I've finally had enough of a breather to commit to it. We've played a few matches internally and iterated a bit and so far the change seems very positive. The map is significantly smaller now while still retaining some of the turtle-y nature of the bases. The bases haven't changed outside of the old mini corridor being gone and the windows on the high path now facing the same way as the other exits - reducing the overall turn around possibilities and some of the more confusing nature of the previous circular layout. Overall everything should be a lot clearer to navigate and easier to understand while sill retaining juke possibilities and complex plays."

Version changelog[]

  • 26/9/14:
    • Midfield tweaks, BV fixes.
  • 16/10/14:
    • Swapped out old lift meshes.
    • Added missing shallow water volumes now that we have audio cues.
  • 19/12/14:
    • Major re-work, especially midfield.
  • 9/1/15:
    • Fixed snaggy BSP spots.
    • Added bot pathing.
    • Rebuilt with Minimize BSPSections=false.
  • 1/5/15:
    • Rebuilt paths.
  • 28/5/15:
    • Flag base tweaks.
  • 25/6/15:
    • Rebuilt paths.
    • Tweaked pathing to fix a ramp that wouldn't build and added a lift jump to the vials near the flak cannon.
  • 8/9/15:
    • Fixed mismatched elevator speeds behind flag.
  • 1/2/16:
    • Fixed translocator disk collision.
  • 29/2/16:
    • Bug fix pass to address effects of player scale change.
  • 10/11/16:
    • Removed from default map rotations.


External links and references[]

  1. "CTF-Dam". UT Forums (Dec 16, 2014). Archived from the original on Jan 17, 2022. Retrieved August 18, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 4 Capture the Flag maps
Marketplace maps: CTF-Polaris