Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Some people would say you'd have to be insane to play atop a water dam in the middle of winter. Around here, we call those people victims."
Map description

CTF-DoubleDammage is a Capture the Flag map for Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In the former case, it comes with the Epic Bonus Pack, while in the latter, it's one of the stock maps.

Map description[]

A dam set in a mountain, with both bases placed at each extreme of the dam, and the higher level shallow also housing a middle building with many goodies. The map has an L-shape. Named areas of the map are the following:

  • Outside: The bigger area of the map, consists in a dam, a deadly river at the bottom, and is surrounded by icy cliffs.
  • Red/Blue Foyer: The main entrance area, usually cluttered. Features a wildcard base in the middle of the map containing two items, and is two-levelled. Connects the Flag Base with the Outside and the Upper Foyer.
  • Red/Blue Entrance: The lower level corridor connecting the Red/Blue Foyer and the Red/Blue Flag Base.
  • Red/Blue Left/Right Upper Hall: Two ledges overlooking the Outside area. Located at the Northwest and Northeast side of the Blue Base, and the Northwest and Southwest sides of the Red Base.
  • Red/Blue Upper Foyer: A small room housing the Flak Cannon which is only connected to the upper level of the Red/Blue Foyer. Located above the Red/Blue Entrance.
  • Red/Blue Flag Base: The big, three-level area in each base side housing their respective Flag. Contains ledges at the upper level in the north and south extreme housing defensive weaponry, while it has three lower level entrances (north in the blue side, west in the red side) to the Red/Blue Foyer, one side entrance (west in the blue side, south in the red side) to the Red/Blue Storage Room, one at the opposing side (east in the blue side, north in the red side) to the Red/Blue Sniper Lift that goes to the upper level, and two (sounth in the blue side, east in the red side) to the Red/Blue Back Room. As for the connections between levels, only the lower and mid level have direct connection via five jumping pads, the upper level ledge is reached from other areas.
  • Red/Blue Back Room: A small spawning chamber located at the south side in the blue base, and the east side in the red base.
  • Red/Blue Sniper Lift: A corridor connecting the mid and upper levels of the Flag Base via a platform, located at the east side in the blue base, and at the north side in the red base.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Base, upper ledge to Outside. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper ledge to Outside.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Flag Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Flag Base weapon. 1x Blue Foyer, between both west entrances. 1x Red Foyer, between both south entrances.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Blue Back Room. 1x Red Back Room.
Ammo: 1x Blue Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 1x Red Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 2x Blue Flag Base, upper level, west. 2x Red Flag Base, upper level, south. 1x Blue Foyer, between both east entrances. 1x Red Foyer, between both north entrances.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Base, mid level, northeast corner. 1x Blue Flag Base, mid level, southeast corner.
Ammo: 1x Blue Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 1x Red Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 2x Blue Flag Base, upper level, east. 2x Red Flag Base, upper level, north. 1x Blue Foyer, between both west entrances. 1x Red Foyer, between both south entrances.
W: 2
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Blue Foyer, between both east entrances. 1x Red Foyer, between both north entrances.
Ammo: 1x Blue Foyer, between both east entrances. 1x Red Foyer, between both north entrances.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Blue Upper Foyer. 1x Red Upper Foyer.
Ammo: 1x Blue Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 1x Red Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 2x Red Foyer, upper level. 2x Blue Foyer, upper level. 1x Red Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, near entrance from the Sniper Lift. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, near entrance from the Sniper Lift.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Storage Room, at the pit. 1x Blue Storage Room, at the pit.
Ammo: 1x Red Storage Room, near the weapon. 1x Blue Storage Room, near the weapon. 1x Red Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, near entrance from the Sniper Lift. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, near entrance from the Sniper Lift.
W: 3
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge. 1x Outside, upper level of the middle building.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Flag Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Flag Base weapon. 2x Near the Outside weapon.
W: 1
Weapon: 1x Back of the middle building.

Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Base, upper ledge to Outside. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper ledge to Outside.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Flag Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Flag Base weapon. 1x Blue Foyer, between both west entrances. 1x Red Foyer, between both south entrances.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Blue Back Room. 1x Red Back Room.
Ammo: 1x Blue Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 1x Red Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 2x Blue Flag Base, upper level, west. 2x Red Flag Base, upper level, south. 1x Blue Foyer, between both east entrances. 1x Red Foyer, between both north entrances.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Base, mid level, northeast corner. 1x Blue Flag Base, mid level, southeast corner.
Ammo: 1x Blue Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 1x Red Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 2x Blue Flag Base, upper level, east. 2x Red Flag Base, upper level, north. 1x Blue Foyer, between both west entrances. 1x Red Foyer, between both south entrances.
W: 2
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Base, mid level, southeast corner. 1x Blue Flag Base, mid level, southwest corner.
Ammo: 1x Blue Foyer, between both east entrances. 1x Red Foyer, between both north entrances.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Blue Upper Foyer. 1x Red Upper Foyer.
Ammo: 1x Blue Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 1x Red Storage Room, below the entrance from the upper halls. 2x Red Foyer, upper level. 2x Blue Foyer, upper level. 1x Red Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, near entrance from the Sniper Lift. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, near entrance from the Sniper Lift.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Storage Room, at the pit. 1x Blue Storage Room, at the pit.
Ammo: 1x Red Storage Room, near the weapon. 1x Blue Storage Room, near the weapon. 1x Red Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, near entrance from the Sniper Lift. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, near entrance from the Sniper Lift.
W: 3
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge. 1x Outside, upper level of the middle building.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Flag Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Flag Base weapon. 2x Near the Outside weapon.
W: 1
Weapon: 1x Back of the middle building.


Pickup Count Location
5x Blue Back Room, at a ledge. 5x Red Back Room, at a ledge. 5x Red Upper Foyer. 5x Blue Upper Foyer. 5x Blue Storage Room, at the upper walkways. 5x Red Storage Room, at the upper walkways. 5x Outside, at the bridge joining the dam with the middle building.
2x Blue Storage Room, at the pit. 2x Red Storage Room, at the pit. 1x Red Foyer, upper level. 1x Blue Foyer, upper level. 1x Red Foyer, lower level. 1x Blue Foyer, lower level. 1x Red Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, at the south end. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, at the west end. 2x Red Flag Base, mid level, near exit to Red Left Hallway. 2x Blue Flag Base, mid level, near exit to Red Left Hallway. 2x Outside, below the bridge between the dam and the middle building. 1x Middle building, mid level, closer to the Blue Base. 1x Middle building, at the top of the tallest tower closer to the Red Base.
1x Blue Storage Room, above a crate. 1x Red Storage Room, above a crate. 1x Middle building, at the top of the tallest tower closer to the Blue Base.
1x Red Flag Base, mid-level, behind the flag. 1x Blue Flag Base, mid-level, behind the flag.
5x Blue Back Room, at a ledge. 5x Red Back Room, at a ledge. 5x Red Upper Foyer. 5x Blue Upper Foyer. 5x Blue Storage Room, at the upper walkways. 5x Red Storage Room, at the upper walkways. 5x Blue Flag Base, near exit to the Blue Right Hallway. 5x Red Flag Base, near exit to the Blue Right Hallway. 5x Middle building, mid level, closer to the Red Base.

Pickup Count Location
5x Blue Back Room, at a ledge. 5x Red Back Room, at a ledge. 5x Red Upper Foyer. 5x Blue Upper Foyer. 5x Blue Storage Room, at the upper walkways. 5x Red Storage Room, at the upper walkways. 5x Outside, at the bridge joining the dam with the middle building.
2x Blue Storage Room, at the pit. 2x Red Storage Room, at the pit. 1x Red Foyer, upper level. 1x Blue Foyer, upper level. 1x Red Foyer, lower level. 1x Blue Foyer, lower level. 1x Red Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, at the south end. 1x Blue Flag Base, upper Sniper ledge, at the west end. 2x Red Flag Base, mid level, near exit to Red Left Hallway. 2x Blue Flag Base, mid level, near exit to Red Left Hallway. 2x Outside, below the bridge between the dam and the middle building. 1x Middle building, mid level, closer to the Blue Base. 1x Middle building, at the top of the tallest tower closer to the Red Base.
1x Blue Storage Room, above a crate. 1x Red Storage Room, above a crate. 1x Middle building, at the top of the tallest tower closer to the Blue Base.
1x Red Flag Base, mid-level, behind the flag. 1x Blue Flag Base, mid-level, behind the flag.
5x Blue Back Room, at a ledge. 5x Red Back Room, at a ledge. 5x Red Upper Foyer. 5x Blue Upper Foyer. 5x Blue Storage Room, at the upper walkways. 5x Red Storage Room, at the upper walkways. 5x Blue Flag Base, near exit to the Blue Right Hallway. 5x Red Flag Base, near exit to the Blue Right Hallway. 5x Middle building, mid level, closer to the Red Base.

Wildcard Bases[]

Items Count Location
Double DamageBig Keg O' Health
2 1x Red Foyer. 1x Blue Foyer.
Double DamageBig Keg O' HealthSuper Shield Pack
1 1x Center of the dam, near the waterfall.

Items Count Location
Double DamageBig Keg O' Health
2 1x Red Foyer. 1x Blue Foyer.
Double DamageBig Keg O' HealthSuper Shield Pack
1 1x Center of the dam, near the waterfall.


Unreal Tournament 2004[]

"Some people would say you'd have to be insane to play atop a water dam in the middle of winter. Around here, we call those people victims."
Mission description

Prior to this match, you can switch to CTF-AbsoluteZero by paying 385 game units.

Winning this match nets you the Capture the Flag Championship.

Tips and tricks[]

  • It's possible to use the icy cliffs for quick entrances to each bases, but each has its risks. Naturally, the cliffs near the waterfall comprise the long road, expose attackers, and also have the added risk of falling to the cold water. The cliffs near the middle building may not have the waterfall, but still expose the attackers and are biased towards the blue team.
  • Remember the Flag Carrier's Creed: don't engage in fights needlessly. Once you get the flag, escape as soon as possible from the bases, because the Foyer areas tend to get quickly filled with enemy players.
  • The bases themselves are symmetrical, so no matter what your strategy inside of them is, they should work the same. However, the outside area isn't symmetrical. Bear this in mind when escaping with the flag.
  • When defending, place a defender with the best possible aim in the upper hall closer to the middle building cliffs, as there's a strong possibility that an attack may come from this location.


  • The two health packs below the bridge are floating in the water.

External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: CTF-AvarisCTF-DoubleDammage
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-DE-ElecFieldsCTF-DE-LavaGiant2
Unreal Tournament 2003 Epic Bonus Pack maps
Deathmatch: DM-1on1-CrashDM-1on1-MixerDM-IcetombDM-InjectorDM-IronDeityDM-Rustatorium
Capture the Flag: CTF-AvarisCTF-DoubleDammage
Bombing Run: BR-Canyon
Double Domination: DOM-Junkyard
Unreal Tournament 2004 Capture the Flag maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: CTF-BP2-ConcentrateCTF-BP2-Pistola