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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

CTF-Dreary is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament.

Map description[]

Dreary Outpost is a crammed multi-tier arena that gives players little room to dodge any incoming splash damage. It is perhaps one of the most complex, yet playable Capture the Flag maps in the game.

Each base has a flag room, a main hall (divided into the upper hall and the lower hall), two lateral lifts, and an upper loft. Between the two lofts lies the central loft.

The flag room is an octagonal room with a pool of slime over which stands a platform connected to four small ramps forming a cross shape, with the flag in the center.

The red loft and blue loft act as the upper entrances to the bases, and are connected to the central loft by a thin bridge spanning over both bases' main halls, and to the flag room via an opening that allows players to drop down to the ramp leading to the flag base.

The main halls are three-leveled rooms, one per team, that connect each team's loft with the central loft (via the aforementioned thin bridge) and both bases with each other on the first and second levels. There is one passage per level connecting the two bases, along with two lifts in the area that span from a team's lower hall to the same team's upper hall. Also accessible from the main halls are lifts that go from a team's lower level to its loft, accessible via a pair of question mark-shaped passages known as the lift entrances.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Center Loft, central column, opposite the Shield Belt.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Loft, near hole to Red Flag Base. 1x Blue Loft, near hole to Blue Flag Base.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Loft weapon. 2x Near the Blue Loft weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Right Lift Entrance, in front of the lift. 1x Blue Right Lift Entrance, in front of the lift.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Lift weapon. 2x Near the Blue Lift weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Left Lift Entrance, in front of the lift. 1x Blue Left Lift Entrance, in front of the lift.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Lift weapon. 2x Near the Blue Lift weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Upper Hall, between Lift exit and hall to Red Upper Hall. 1x Red Upper Hall, between Lift exit and hall to Blue Upper Hall.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Hall weapon. 2x Near the Red Hall weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Flag Base, opposite the entrance. 1x Red Flag Base, opposite the entrance.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Flag weapon. 2x Near the Red Flag weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red entrance to Red Main Hall from Red Flag Base. 1x Blue entrance to Blue Main Hall from Blue Flag Base.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red side weapon. 2x Near the Blue side weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Loft, near entrance to Blue Main Hall. 1x Red Loft, near entrance to Red Main Hall.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Loft weapon. 2x Near the Red Loft weapon.

Weapon Count Location

Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Loft, near hole to Red Flag Base. 1x Blue Loft, near hole to Blue Flag Base.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Loft weapon. 2x Near the Blue Loft weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Right Lift Entrance, in front of the lift. 1x Blue Right Lift Entrance, in front of the lift.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Lift weapon. 2x Near the Blue Lift weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Left Lift Entrance, in front of the lift. 1x Blue Left Lift Entrance, in front of the lift.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Lift weapon. 2x Near the Blue Lift weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Upper Hall, between Lift exit and hall to Red Upper Hall. 1x Red Upper Hall, between Lift exit and hall to Blue Upper Hall.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Hall weapon. 2x Near the Red Hall weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Flag Base, opposite the entrance. 1x Red Flag Base, opposite the entrance.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Flag weapon. 2x Near the Red Flag weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red entrance to Red Main Hall from Red Flag Base. 1x Blue entrance to Blue Main Hall from Blue Flag Base.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red side weapon. 2x Near the Blue side weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Loft, near entrance to Blue Main Hall. 1x Red Loft, near entrance to Red Main Hall.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Loft weapon. 2x Near the Red Loft weapon.


Pickup Count Location
1x Red Upper Hall, near the Minigun. 1x Blue Upper Hall, near the Minigun. 1x Blue Main Hall, upper bridge from Blue Loft to Center Loft. 1x Red Main Hall, upper bridge from Red Loft to Center Loft. 1x Blue Main Hall, near entrance to Blue Lower Hall. 1x Red Main Hall, near entrance to Red Lower Hall.
1x Red Loft, center.
1x Blue Main Hall, lower level. 1x Red Main Hall, lower level.
1x Center Loft, central column, opposite the Bio Rifle.
1x Blue Loft, center.

Pickup Count Location

Pickup Count Location
1x Red Upper Hall, near the Minigun. 1x Blue Upper Hall, near the Minigun. 1x Blue Main Hall, upper bridge from Blue Loft to Center Loft. 1x Red Main Hall, upper bridge from Red Loft to Center Loft. 1x Blue Main Hall, near entrance to Blue Lower Hall. 1x Red Main Hall, near entrance to Red Lower Hall.
1x Red Loft, center. 1x Blue Loft, center.
1x Blue Main Hall, lower level. 1x Red Main Hall, lower level.
1x Center Loft, central column, opposite the Bio Rifle.
1x Center Loft, central column, opposite the Shield Belt.


PC (Retail/GOTY)[]

"This distant wastemarsh of Vandaron 3 is said to be the wettest place in the galaxy. A post dreaded by soldiers due to its remote location, cramped quarters, and maddening echo of ever beating rain."
Mission description

PlayStation 2[]

"The distant wastemarsh of Vandaron 3 is said to be the wettest place in the galaxy. A post dreaded by soldiers due to its remote location, cramped quarters, and maddening echo of ever beating rain."
Mission description


Tips and tricks[]


  • Learn how and where to use the Translocator. This is one of the maps where its use shines the most.
  • The upper catwalk is usually less traveled than the two other floors. It is typically easier to reach the enemy base from this floor, but watch out for snipers at the end of the hall. Grab the Sniper Rifle yourself and use the zoom as you run to check for enemy players waiting in the distance.[1]
  • The map contains three main levels: the bottom floor, which contains some Body Armor; the middle level, where most of the weapons are located; and the top catwalk, which contains the Shield Belt and Sniper Rifles. While on flag duty, mix up your routes, changing it up as you go. Drop down and grab the Body Armor, then take the next lift up to the middle level. Spot where your enemy is defending the most and look for an alternate path.[1]


  • When guarding the flag, hop onto the ledge just above the flag room's entrance. You can see into the flag room without an entering enemy spotting you. After the enemy grabs the flag, hop down and block the entrance with your Rocket Launcher or Flak Cannon.[1]
  • Be careful when defending the flag directly on the spot. The liquid under the flag position is toxic, and you can easily fall inside if enemy attackers bring in Rocket Launchers or Shock Rifles. Instead, position yourself on the walkway that encircles the flag.[1]


  • The flag bases are completely different in the PlayStation 2 version: after reaching the entrance, players must pass through a room with a column, where they will find three entrances, a frontal one and two lateral ones. The flag base also lacks the slime, which is sealed off.
  • In the beta version of the map, the flags were enclosed in a large forcefield.
  • The Dreamcast version makes the map fully symmetrical, but also simplifies the geometry. For example, a pair of pillars at each base loft, which serve as cover in the PC version, are absent.

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • The map has a hidden Level Entry Text: "Let's get it ON!!!!!"

Location bugs[]

  • One of the map's areas is incorrectly named, which can be an issue, namely, for players who rely on in-game location names to navigate the map. The Blue Right Lift Entrance is misnamed as "Red Right Lift Entrance." This bug is fixed in OldUnreal's v469 patch, however, fixing this in previous versions is easy. Create a file named "CTF-Dreary.int" in the System folder of the game, and add the following text:
ZoneName="Blue Right Lift Entrance"


External links and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Doug Radcliffe, David Perkins. "Capture-the-Flag Map Strategies - CTF-Dreary". PlanetUnreal. Retrieved Oct 14, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack CTF maps: CTF-Cybrosis][CTF-Darji16CTF-Hydro16CTF-Noxion16
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-HallOfGiantsCTF-Orbital
Inoxx Bonus Pack maps: CTF-Face][CTF-HighCTF-KosovCTF-Nucleus
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: CTF-BeatitudeCTF-EpicBoyCTF-Face-SECTF-Ratchet
Semi-official maps: CTF-Command][
Pre-order bonuses: CTF-Baranco (Babbage's GOTY)
Unreal Tournament (PS2) Capture the Flag maps
Available from start: CTF-PhalanxCTF-SpiritoCTF-StormFrontCTF-SundialCTF-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: CTF-CoretCTF-DrearyCTF-EternalCaveCTF-FaceCTF-GauntletCTF-LavaGiantCTF-NivenCTF-NovemberCTF-Sepulchre
Unreal Tournament (DC) Capture the Flag maps
Available from start: CTF-PhalanxCTF-SpiritoCTF-StormFrontCTF-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: CTF-CommandCTF-CoretCTF-DrearyCTF-EternalCaveCTF-FaceCTF-Face2CTF-GauntletCTF-LavaGiantCTF-NivenCTF-SepulchreCTF-Sundial