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If you're looking for the Unreal Championship version of the map, you might want to check CTF-Geothermal (UC map).

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Welcome to the Kretzig Geothermal Facility. We provide heat and water to nearly 20,000 prisoners housed in the nearby penal colony. Thanks to the Tournaments we've been able to add protein bales to our list of exports. Don't worry though, it's nobody you know."
Map description

CTF-Geothermal is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In both cases, it's one of the stock maps.

Map description[]

The map takes place in an enclosed water treatment facility.

Named areas of the map include:

  • Blue/Red Flag Room: The tube rooms located northwest (Red) and southeast (Blue) of the map which contain each team's flags.
  • Blue/Red Machine Room: The rooms located at north (Blue) and south (Red) of their respective team's flag base. Recognizable by the machines located at the walls.
  • Blue/Red Water Room: The rooms located west (Blue) and east (Red) of their respective team's flag base. Each of these rooms contain a ramp that leads to the upper floor as well as a swimmable pool (hence the name, these areas even have their own names: Blue/Red Water) and tubes. Many big tubes.
  • Blue/Red Low Entrance: The lower level entrance to each base, uniting it with the midfield. They connect it with each team's Machine Rooms.
  • Blue/Red High Entrance: The upper level tube entrance to each base, uniting it with the midfield. These tubes connect it with each team's Water Rooms.
  • Middle: The midfield of the map, comprised of a large corridor with two levels and multiple props and structures officiating as area breakers. The upper level has a name: Middle Walkway.

Not only this is an unbalanced map that favors the Red side (they have an extra Link Gun ammunition near the flag that the Blue team does not) but in the 2004 version, the Assault Rifle ammo near the flag was removed.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 6
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Red Machine Room, opposite to the machines. 1x Blue Machine Room, opposite to the machines. 2x Red Flag Base, near the flag. 2x Blue Flag Base, near the flag.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Water Room, at the ramp turn. 1x Red Water Room, at the ramp turn.
Ammo: 1x Near the Blue Water Room weapon. 1x Near the Red Water Room weapon. 1x Blue Water Room, between both entrance tubes from Blue High Entrance. 1x Red Water Room, between both entrance tubes from Red High Entrance.
W: 2
A: 9
Weapon: 1x Blue Water Room, next to entrance from Blue Flag Base. 1x Red Water Room, next to entrance from Red Flag Base.
Ammo: 4x Near the Blue Water Room weapon. 4x Near the Red Water Room weapon. 1x Red Flag Base, near the flag.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Middle, lower level, near entrance from Blue Low Entrance. 1x Middle, lower level, near entrance from Red Low Entrance.
Ammo: 2x Near the Middle Blue side weapon. 2x Near the Middle Red side weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Machine Room, near the machines. 1x Blue Machine Room, near the machines.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Machine Room weapon. 2x Near the Blue Machine Room weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Middle Walkway, east of the big division.
Ammo: 1x Middle Walkway, near entrance from Blue High Entrance tube. 1x Middle Walkway, near entrance from Red High Entrance tube.
W: 2
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Middle Walkway, path to Blue High Entrance. 1x Middle Walkway, path to Red High Entrance.
Ammo: 1x Middle Walkway, near entrance from Blue High Entrance tube. 1x Middle Walkway, near entrance from Red High Entrance tube.

Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Red Machine Room, opposite to the machines. 1x Blue Machine Room, opposite to the machines.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Water Room, at the ramp turn. 1x Red Water Room, at the ramp turn.
Ammo: 1x Near the Blue Water Room weapon. 1x Near the Red Water Room weapon. 1x Blue Water Room, between both entrance tubes from Blue High Entrance. 1x Red Water Room, between both entrance tubes from Red High Entrance.
W: 2
A: 9
Weapon: 1x Blue Water Room, next to entrance from Blue Flag Base. 1x Red Water Room, next to entrance from Red Flag Base.
Ammo: 4x Near the Blue Water Room weapon. 4x Near the Red Water Room weapon. 1x Red Flag Base, near the flag.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Middle, lower level, near entrance from Blue Low Entrance. 1x Middle, lower level, near entrance from Red Low Entrance.
Ammo: 2x Near the Middle Blue side weapon. 2x Near the Middle Red side weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Machine Room, near the machines. 1x Blue Machine Room, near the machines.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Machine Room weapon. 2x Near the Blue Machine Room weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Middle Walkway, east of the big division.
Ammo: 1x Middle Walkway, near entrance from Blue High Entrance tube. 1x Middle Walkway, near entrance from Red High Entrance tube.
W: 2
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Middle Walkway, path to Blue High Entrance. 1x Middle Walkway, path to Red High Entrance.
Ammo: 1x Middle Walkway, near entrance from Blue High Entrance tube. 1x Middle Walkway, near entrance from Red High Entrance tube.


Pickup Count Location
1x Red Water Room, below the ramp. 1x Blue Water Room, below the ramp. 4x Middle, lower level, at the center point, two at each side of the big division. 1x Red Flag Base, near entrance from Red Water Area. 1x Blue Flag Base, near entrance from Blue Water Area. 1x Red Machine Room, opposite to the machines. 1x Blue Machine Room, opposite to the machines.
Middle Walkway, west of the big division.
3x Blue Water Room, bottom of the ramp. 3x Red Water Room, bottom of the ramp. 3x Blue Machine Room, opposite to the machines. 3x Red Machine Room, opposite to the machines. 3x Middle Walkway, near the Blue High Entrance tube. 3x Middle Walkway, near the Red High Entrance tube. 2x Blue High Entrance, near exit to Middle Walkway. 2x Red High Entrance, near exit to Middle Walkway.

Pickup Count Location
1x Red Water Room, below the ramp. 1x Blue Water Room, below the ramp. 4x Middle, lower level, at the center point, two at each side of the big division. 1x Red Flag Base, near entrance from Red Water Area. 1x Blue Flag Base, near entrance from Blue Water Area. 1x Red Machine Room, opposite to the machines. 1x Blue Machine Room, opposite to the machines.
Middle Walkway, west of the big division.
3x Blue Water Room, bottom of the ramp. 3x Red Water Room, bottom of the ramp. 3x Blue Machine Room, opposite to the machines. 3x Red Machine Room, opposite to the machines. 3x Middle Walkway, near the Blue High Entrance tube. 3x Middle Walkway, near the Red High Entrance tube. 2x Blue High Entrance, near exit to Middle Walkway. 2x Red High Entrance, near exit to Middle Walkway.

Wildcard Bases[]

Items Count Location
Health PackSuper Shield PackBig Keg O' HealthDouble Damage
2 1x Blue High Entrance, at the T-junction. 1x Red High Entrance, at the T-junction.

Items Count Location
Health PackSuper Shield PackBig Keg O' HealthDouble Damage
2 1x Blue High Entrance, at the T-junction. 1x Red High Entrance, at the T-junction.


Unreal Tournament 2003[]

"Welcome to the Kretzig Geothermal Facility. We provide heat and water to nearly 20,000 prisoners housed in the nearby penal colony. Thanks to the Tournaments we've been able to add protein bales to our list of exports. Don't worry though, it's nobody you know."
Mission description

Winning this match unlocks the Bombing Run Ladder.

Unreal Tournament 2004[]

"Welcome to the Kretzig Geothermal Facility. We provide heat and water to nearly 20,000 prisoners housed in the nearby penal colony. Thanks to the Tournaments we've been able to add protein bales to our list of exports. Don't worry though, it's nobody you know."
Mission description

Prior to playing this map, you can switch the arena for CTF-Grendelkeep or CTF-Magma by paying 165 game units.

Winning this match unlocks the Bombing Run Ladder.

Tips and tricks[]

  • The upper level is ideal in Adrenaline-enabled matches for those seeking to activate an Adrenaline combo in the middle of a base attack. The route contains 8 pills: five just at the base entrance and another three at the ramp in the water.

Prima Official Guide[]

"Geothermal is a small, fast Capture the Flag arena. Both bases are inside the same huge structure. Although there are twists and turns, there are only two ways to get from one base to the other: an upper pathway and a lower pathway.
Upper Pathway: With your back to your team's flag, only two paths are available: straight ahead, which leads to the lower pathway, and to the left, which takes you to the upper pathway.
Going left takes you to a ramp leading up. On the way, you can pick up two Health Packs +25 and a Link Gun.
The Shock Rifle and Adrenaline are on the ramp. At the top of the ramp are two entrances to a tunnel. It doesn't matter which entrance; they merge and come out at the same point.
Inside of the tunnel is a pick-up point with either a Shield Pack +50, a Big Keg o' Health +100, Double Damage, or a Health Pack +25. After you pick it up, it respawns as a different item.
As mentioned above, both entrances of the tunnel from your flag area merge into a single tunnel that spits you out at your team's end of the no-man's land separating the bases. A series of catwalks connects your base's tunnel to your opponent's tunnel.
A Lightning Gun is near the exit of each tunnel and a Super Shield Pack +100 and Rocket Launcher are in the center of the catwalks. The tunnel exits are color-coordinated to the base they lead to, so you can tell where you're heading.
To reach your opponents' flag from the upper pathway, simply enter their tunnel, exit through either of its ends, and head left.
Lower Pathway: To reach your opponents' base from your flag, head straight and up a small set of stairs to find a Flak Cannon and a Health Pack +25.
Follow the hallway as it turns left, and you enter the bottom floor of the no-man's land with the catwalks above you. Along the floor of this are a Minigun (at each end of the area) and two Health Packs +25 at either end of the room.
Four elevators take you to the catwalks above if the action is too intense on the ground. You can also translocate up to the catwalks if you're not carrying the opposing flag.
Keep following the hallway as it curves to reach your opponents' flag. After you run the path a few times, you'll have no trouble remembering where to go.

Game Plan
Offense: This is a fast level, but there are plenty of Health and Shield Packs lying around, and the arena is so small that you shouldn't have trouble acquiring an arsenal and keeping it fully loaded.
Vary your path to and from the opponents' base. Start on the ground path and translocate or take the elevators to the catwalks, or drop down from the catwalks from on high.
The Shock Rifle and Rocket Launcher work well in this level. You run directly into a number of foes because you have so few options for running between the bases.
Defense: Geothermal is a tough level to defend because it's so open. Your opponents will come from one of two directions: the tunnels or the doorway in front of your flag.
To defend the doorway, post a guard near the Flak Cannon, and have him use that weapon to blast anyone who runs by coveting your flag.
To defend the tunnels, stand to the side of the tunnels so you can see both at once. Equip a high-powered weapon, keep your finger on the trigger, and blast anyone who steps through."


  • CTF-Geothermal is one of three maps (the others are ONS-Tricky and DOM-ScorchedEarth) with typographical errors in their audio properties that cause them to not have associated music. In Geothermal's case this is because the mapper typed 'KR-SniperTime' into the map's audio properties, instead of the correct 'KR-Sniper-Time.' To enable music for this map, name an ogg music file KR-SniperTime.ogg and place it in your UT2004 music folder.
  • The map originally had a layout which was very similar to UT map CTF-Dreary, with the bases sharing some similarities to the console version of the map.
  • There are Double Domination monitors in the map.

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • Much like DM-Flux2 and DM-Deck17, the map features screens with the following inscription:
If you're reading this
you're already dead

There is no reality. There is only this.
This time. This place. This Contest.

Be the best. Unleash your power.
Lead your team in a battle of the mind.
Win the Tournament. If you can't,
step aside for someone who will.

Keep your eyes on the prize,
and your fingers on the trigger."

Author's Notes[]

"CTF-Geothermal was based off of CTF-Kretzig. A simple layout with a two layered middle room and two ways into the flag room. In the end a very frantic map and it is quite hard to score on it. (...) CTF-Kretzig was my first none DM map. It had an 8 shaped layout with an underwater part that brought you from base to base. It was made in Unreal Tournament and sold to be used as a Dark Sector arena. It later got converted to Unreal Championship. Unfortunately the underwater part had to be removed, since UC didn't have swimming. It lost a lot of its interest because of this lack of a third route. (...)"
Checker's Chapel[1]

External links and references[]

  1. Frank, Bastiaan (May 26, 2008). "Portfolio DarkSector(mmo) UC and UT2003". Checker's Chapel. Archived from the original on Oct 22, 2012. Retrieved Oct 20, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: CTF-AvarisCTF-DoubleDammage
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-DE-ElecFieldsCTF-DE-LavaGiant2
Unreal Tournament 2004 Capture the Flag maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: CTF-BP2-ConcentrateCTF-BP2-Pistola