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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"A warm breeze through the trees brings the stink of hot metal and sulphur, and the coppery scent of blood. Somewhere ahead crazed laughter echoes the report of a plasma rifle, taunting an unseen enemy. The sizzle of scorched flesh is the only answer. There's no magic bullets here, no conspiracy, just a gauntlet of enemies to overcome and finally bring the flag home."
Map description

CTF-Grassyknoll is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament 2004. It's one of the stock maps.

Map description[]

A quasi-asymmetrical map. This CTF arena is located in a hilly forest, with two bases facing on opposite sides of one another. The center of the map is a hill populated with trees, while the team bases have an open field in front of them, leading back to the denser point of the map. Red base is located at the northeast of the map, while blue base is located at the east, forming a mirrored L-shape. The corner has a fake exit: whoever steps into that area in order to escape will be blown to pieces via land mine.

The named areas of the map are as follows:

  • Blue/Red Base: Self-explanatory... mostly. Two big sniper nests with four entrances, a central one, one at the left (blue) or right (red) side via lift, and two at the right (blue) or left (red) side via ramp. The central entrance is located in the lower level, and leads to a depot which in turn leads to a lift leading to the upper level balcony facing the flag base itself. The lift entrance starts with a lift located at the left (blue)/right(red) side of the base, the road then splits in two, mid-level and upper-level entrances to the base, and the upper level splits also in left and right path, each side has a path that leads directly to the flag. The two ramp entrances can be called ramp mid and ramp upper. Ramp lower starts with the ramp in the lower level, leading up to the middle level. A road around this ramp leads to a corridor in the mid level which ends in the same upper ramp to the flag as the central entrance. Ramp upper also starts from the same ramp, but instead of turning to the sniper nest it continues forward to another ramp which turns around this area in order to end at the upper level; once in the base you have two paths to take, left and right, one of which leads directly into the flag.
  • Blue/Red Adrenaline: Located near the lift entrance in the blue base, and in the red side a bit further from the red lift.
  • Sniper Forest: The more tree-populated zone in the map, holds the Lightning Gun.
  • Super Shield: Located at the southeast corner of the Sniper Forest, a bunch of cargo holding the eponymous item.
  • Double Damage: Located at the center of the map, between the blue ramp and red lift entrances, holds the eponymous item and is the shortest of the paths between the bases.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Base of the red ramp. 1x Base of the blue ramp.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red upper lift entrance, near bifurcation to the flag. 1x Blue upper lift entrance, near bifurcation to the flag.
Ammo: 1x Near the Red side weapon. 1x Near the Blue side weapon. 1x In front of the ramp to the red flag. 1x In front of the ramp to the blue flag.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Lift, mid level, near mid entrance to flag nest. 1x Blue Lift, mid level, near mid entrance to flag nest.
Ammo: 1x Near the Red side weapon. 1x Near the Blue side weapon. 1x In front of the ramp to the red flag. 1x In front of the ramp to the blue flag.
W: 2
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Red upper ramp entrance, near bifurcation to the flag. 1x Blue upper ramp entrance, near bifurcation to the flag.
Ammo: 1x Near the Red side weapon. 1x Near the Blue side weapon.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Red central entrance, right cargo. 1x Blue central entrance, right cargo.
Ammo: 1x Near the Red side weapon. 1x Near the Blue side weapon. 1x Red ramp entrance, top of the mid-to-upper level ramp. 1x Blue ramp entrance, top of the mid-to-upper level ramp. 1x Base of the red ramp. 1x Base of the blue ramp.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Ramp, mid level, near mid entrance to flag nest. 1x Blue Ramp, mid level, near mid entrance to flag nest.
Ammo: 1x Near the Red side weapon. 1x Near the Blue side weapon. 1x Red Lift entrance, near the ramp to mid level. 1x Blue Lift entrance, near the ramp to mid level.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red central entrance, left cargo. 1x Blue central entrance, left cargo.
Ammo: 1x Near the Red side weapon. 1x Near the Blue side weapon. 1x Red ramp entrance, top of the mid-to-upper level ramp. 1x Blue ramp entrance, top of the mid-to-upper level ramp.
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: Sniper Forest.
Ammo: 1x Base of the red ramp. 1x Base of the blue ramp. 1x Red Lift entrance, near the ramp to mid level. 1x Blue Lift entrance, near the ramp to mid level.


Pickup Count Location
6x Red central entrance, near the lift, 3 per side. 6x Blue central entrance, near the lift, 3 per side.
1x Red ramp entrance, top of the lower-to-mid level ramp. 1x Blue ramp entrance, top of the lower-to-mid level ramp. 1x Red Lift entrance, top of the mid-to-upper level ramp. 1x Blue Lift entrance, top of the mid-to-upper level ramp. 2x Sniper Forest, near the UDamage.
1x Red base, upper level, between the ramp to the flag base and the lift from the lower level. 1x Blue base, upper level, between the ramp to the flag base and the lift from the lower level.
Super Shield area.
Double Damage area.
4x Red Adrenaline. 4x Blue Adrenaline.


"A warm breeze through the trees brings the stink of hot metal and sulphur, and the coppery scent of blood. Somewhere ahead crazed laughter echoes the report of a plasma rifle, taunting an unseen enemy. The sizzle of scorched flesh is the only answer. There's no magic bullets here, no conspiracy, just a gauntlet of enemies to overcome and finally bring the flag home."
Mission description

Prior to playing this map, you can switch the arena for CTF-Avaris by paying 220 game units.

Tips and tricks[]

  • This arena is a perfect practice ground for players who want to hone their skills with the Lightning Gun.
  • Carry around Shock Rifle and Lightning Gun to harass the enemies from far away.
  • Learn how to properly translocate. This way you can open even more entrances to the enemy base and protect yourself from the snipers while attacking. You can directly enter to the base at the top window, for example, or avoid the tedious lift and ramp and surprise your enemies.
  • It's safe to return with the flag at the UDamage area. In online games you want your flag defender to get this item so he can cover you in a better way.

Prima Official Guide[]

"This small base has a wide open view of a large grassy hillock (the "knoll"). This accommodates a different type of strategy: waiting at the base and reacting to dodge-jumping fiends coming over the brow of the knoll. The red team's shortest distance to the opposing base is along the map’s right side, while the blue team should hug the trees to the left. On the far side, away from the double damage atop the knoll, lies a 100 shield and mine field that shouldn't be tampered with. The keys to victory are using the trees and boulders as cover and mastering the subtleties of translocating through tight windows.
NOTE: The following is a description of the red base. The blue base is identical but mirrored.

Base Patrol: Level Check
Each base has three main outer areas. First is the left side, accessed via an entrance to the left of the main central lower entrance. This leads left, up a ramp to a health pack in the corner and a left turn. Head up a few steps to a quick 180 turn (pick up the rocket and minigun ammo packs) and dash into the base's far upper corner and the upper inside corridor running to the semicircular center. Just as you enter the base, claim a link gun and ammo pack.
Or you can dash left, across a flat raised ramp to the base's lower side entrance (which is still above the main central ground entrance) and grab a flak cannon and ammo pack. As you reach the cannon, either head through the entrance or dash around the lip of the center balcony (outside, above the main entrance) to the right balcony area. Translocating around these parts makes ramp-running redundant, so aim your translocator at the base entrances.
On the base's right is an elevator on the outside right flank, so watch for incoming enemies (or your returning flag carrier). Normally though, expect translocator fire up and over the base. This lift is the only external way to reach the right side of the base, which is smaller than the left. Head to either of the interior base entrances, either leaping down or around the 180 turn to your left (which has lightning and flak ammo). Before you turn left into the entrance, grab a shock rifle and ammo pack, or use the left turn upper balcony with the health pack in the exterior corner and a biorifle just as you head inside.
The other way to enter the base is to translocate through the large horizontal slit window, or head past the sand bags and through the main entrance under the flag. As you enter, find a minigun on the right and a rocket launcher on the left, each with an ammo pack. Run to the rear of the entrance chamber to discover two small alcoves on each side with three health vials. An elevator heads to the inner balcony overlooking the flag and a 50 shield pack. Scoop up shock and bio ammo on the thoroughfare, just below the shield pack.
The flag is in the main interior. Coming from the upper side entrance, follow the upper curved balcony around to the elevator exit and shield pack, then drop or jump across to the lower thoroughfare and up the ramp to the flag; or run around the connecting balcony next to the slit window and grab the flag. If you're entering via the lower side entrances, the thoroughfare is the easiest route, otherwise translocate up to the curved balcony and shield pack before you nab the flag.
Out in the open is a long rise up to the brow of a hill. To the right (from the red base) at the top is a double damage power-up: very exposed and usually guarded by snipers. To the left of that is a copse of trees, near two health packs. Over on the clearing's far left is a deadly minefield, a few crates near a lamppost, and a 100 shield pack. In the middle of the woodland find a lightning gun. Finally, to the left of the base are four adrenaline pills out in the open near a few trees

Flag Waving: Victory!
Base defending is simpler because you have more time to aim at incoming enemies. It's best to dash out and claim the lightning gun, then retreat to the base to shoot enemies when they head over the rise, through the woodland, or around the rocks. But shock firing or combos work in a pinch if you can predict where your foes will be.
Use the base's side fortifications as lookout posts, retreating into the main base if you're overrun. Other viable guarding positions include the openings along the upper outer balcony, the horizontal slit near the flag, and the front central area with the sandbags, where you can retreat for more weapons and create a choke point. You can even translocate above the upper walkway or to the outcropped cement overhang near the antenna.
If you're covering the flag from the base's sides, blast incoming enemies from the vantage points, then gradually fall back to the base as the enemy reaches it. To enter a base in one piece, you must dodge jump up and around or through the knoll, or shoot an incredibly long translocator shot that lets you warp to the enemy base (or almost there; you can reach the opposing base in around three translocator shots). Try to land the translocator pod at the base's foot in front of the fortification where enemies at vantage points can't see you.
Or try using your shield gun when entering, as long as a partner shoots for you. That way you reach the flag with minimal health loss. Finally, nothing beats translocating through the slit window and then varying your escape route.
If you're moving back to your base with a flag, you'd better hope your team is providing covering fire. Head directly into the middle of the trees (if you're without the translocator, attempt short translocator hops), and then take a breather behind one of the rocks (peer out from behind to snipe or ambush). Then dash back, listening to your teammates' intel about which entrance is least problematic. Split your team up when you're charging in, don't move in bunches due to the large expanse of ground, and try to control the lightning gun and 100 shield pack (but don't head out of your way to reach these).

Tip:Two other areas make good guarding points. The first is the doorway surrounding the lower side entrance (either side), which offers a good view of the grassy knoll.
You can also translocate to the tops of the large conifers. This is an unexpected place to stand, if a bit impractical. Still, some of the trees offer incredible views into the opposing base for outrageous sniping fire!"


Main article: Easter eggs/UC-UT2003-UT2004
  • The description mentions that "There's no magic bullets here, no conspiracy." This, plus the name of the map being "Grassy Knoll" reference the conspiracies behind former US President John F. Kennedy's assassination.

External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 Capture the Flag maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: CTF-BP2-ConcentrateCTF-BP2-Pistola