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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

CTF-Face][ is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament. It comes with the Inoxx Bonus Pack and the Game of the Year edition of the game in PC.

Map description[]

It is a map with a similar concept to CTF-Face by the same author. It consists of two tall towers, with two bridges connecting them, and a zone at the bottom that kills anyone who falls off the towers—but that is where the similarities end. The map is set in a city, it features most of the game's weaponry (only lacking the Bio Rifle, Pulse Gun, and Redeemer), and each base has four floors and requires a lot of traveling to get to the flag, which is located on the fourth floor. The insides of the towers also have a series of teleporters and lifts leading to another floor at the uppermost level. On the fourth floor, at each side of the tower, there are four automatic minigun cannons, two per entrance, each with the intention of preventing escapers from returning with the flag to their bases.

The map makes heavy use of teleporters at each base for extra access to the top levels, with 16 in total:

  • A pair connecting the upper level below the roof of the tower with the first floor, next to the West (Red) or East (Blue) entrance to the bases.
  • A pair connecting the top of the tower with the first floor, next to the West (Red)/East (Blue) entrance to the bases.
  • Another pair connecting the upper level below the roof of the tower with the top of the tower.
  • Finally, a pair connecting the crane's lower level with its upper level.

The map is almost symmetric, though the item locations are the same, and there are no major differences between both towers, the architecture distribution is different on each side, which may lend to some base favoritism, but not too strong to favor one team or the other.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue tower, 1st floor, near some large crates near the platform to 2nd level. 1x Red tower, 1st floor, near some large crates near the platform to 2nd level.
Ammo: 2x Blue tower, 1st floor, near some large crates near the platform to 2nd level. 2x Red tower, 1st floor, near some large crates near the platform to 2nd level.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Second floor of the Blue tower, inside a crate near the platform to the third level. 1x Second floor of the Red tower, inside a crate near the platform to the third level.
Ammo: 2x Second floor of the Blue tower, near some crates at the middle. 2x Second floor of the Red tower, near some crates at the middle.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Blue tower, third floor, at a large horizontal crate near the East Entrance. 1x Red tower, third floor, at a large horizontal crate near the West Entrance.
Ammo: 3x Blue tower, third floor: one behind a crate near the ramp to the 4th floor, one near the East entrance, one near the West entrance exit from the 2nd to 3rd level platform. 3x Red tower, third floor: one behind a crate near the ramp to the 4th floor, one near the West entrance, one near the West entrance exit from the 2nd to 3rd level platform.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue tower, second floor, near platform to 3rd level. 1x Red tower, second floor, near platform to 3rd level.
Ammo: 2x Second floor of the Blue Base, near the 1st-2nd floor lift, inside a crate. 2x Second floor of the Red Base, near the 1st-2nd floor lift, inside a crate.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue base, third floor, near the 3rd-4th level ramp. 1x Red base, third floor, near the 3rd-4th level ramp.
Ammo: 2x Third floor of Blue tower, near the ramp to the 4th level. 2x Third floor of Red tower, near the ramp to the 4th level.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Top of the Blue tower, near the air dispensers. 1x Top of the Red tower, near the air dispensers.
Ammo: 2x Top of the Blue tower, near the pole. 2x Top of the Red tower, near the pole.


Pickup Count Location
2x West entrance of the Red base. 2x East entrance of the Blue base. 1x Second floor of the Red base, inside a crate near West entrance. 1x Second floor of the Blue base, inside a crate near East entrance. 1x Second floor of the Red base, inside a crate near platform to 3rd floor. 1x Second floor of the Blue base, inside a crate near platform to 3rd floor. 2x Top of the Red tower, inside a crate. 2x Top of the Blue tower, inside a crate.
1x Blue tower, upper floor before the top, hidden in a dark hallway (requires Translocator). 1x Red tower, upper floor before the top, hidden in a dark hallway (requires Translocator).
1x Blue base, first floor, atop a large crate with a wooden ledge. 1x Red base, first floor, atop a large crate with a wooden ledge.
1x Blue base, third floor, at the base of the 3rd-4th level ramp. 1x Red base, third floor, at the base of the 3rd-4th level ramp.
1x Blue base, 4th floor, atop the ledges. 1x Red base, 4th floor, atop the ledges.
1x Blue tower, atop a crate near the 3rd to 4th level ramp. 1x Red tower, atop a crate near the 3rd-4th level ramp.

Tips and tricks[]

  • Much like Face, the key to this map is knowing when to get into the enemy base and where to make your entrance. It is not recommended to enter straight from the fourth floor due to the minigun cannons there. Without many snipers to worry about, your best bet may be to travel across the top of the crane, then teleport to the fourth floor from the top of the tower. Since the Shield Belt is not available on this map, you should only enter the enemy base after at least picking up the Armor and Big Keg O' Health. Your exit might be harsh and you'll definitely need some teammates to cover you.


Author's Notes[]

"After finishing my work on UT I realized most of the maps would be good for 10 players max. It's still decent with more players but I wanted to make something big enough to allow a lot of players without feeling to crowded so I made Crane, Kosov and High Towers. I think these maps will be playable with up to 32 players."
GamesWeb Interview[1]
"It's taking place in the same "City Environment" as Crane. Like the other Levels, it's big."
Inoxx's website[2]

External links and references[]

  1. "Interview with Inoxx". GamesWeb. Archived from the original on February 11, 2001. Retrieved April 11, 2019.
  2. Fiorentino, Cédric. "Inoxx Pack". Inoxx Industries. Archived from the original on July 1, 2006. Retrieved April 11, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack CTF maps: CTF-Cybrosis][CTF-Darji16CTF-Hydro16CTF-Noxion16
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-HallOfGiantsCTF-Orbital
Inoxx Bonus Pack maps: CTF-Face][CTF-HighCTF-KosovCTF-Nucleus
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: CTF-BeatitudeCTF-EpicBoyCTF-Face-SECTF-Ratchet
Semi-official maps: CTF-Command][
Pre-order bonuses: CTF-Baranco (Babbage's GOTY)
Unreal Tournament Inoxx Pack maps
Deathmatch: DM-CraneDM-SpaceNoxx
Capture the Flag: CTF-Face][CTF-HighCTF-KosovCTF-Nucleus