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If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Hydro.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

CTF-Hydro16 is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament. It comes with the Epic Bonus Pack and the Game of the Year edition of the game in PC.

Map description[]

The map takes place at a hydroelectrical dam that is split into two bases. Each base has a sniper outpost in front, and between the two bases lies a pit filled with toxic water, with two bridges crossing over it.

The map has several named areas:

  • Red/Blue Flag Room: The flag bases themselves.
  • Red/Blue Pillar Passage: The western (red)/eastern (blue) entrance to the base; comprises the Shock Rifle area and the Flak Cannon area (the figure 8-shaped area).
  • Red/Blue Boiler Room: The eastern (red)/western (blue) entrance to the base (the "5"-shaped area).
  • Red/Blue Courtyard: The outer area of the bases. Also comprises the Sniper Outpost.
  • Bridges: The central bridge area with the deadly pit.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Red Pillar Passage, Shock Rifle area. 1x Blue Pillar Passage, Shock Rifle area.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Pillar Passage weapon. 2x Near the Blue Pillar Passage weapon. 2x Red eastern entrance. 2x Blue western entrance.
W: 2
A: 12
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Room, near entrance to the Red Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area. 1x Blue Flag Room, near entrance to the Blue Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Flag Room weapon. 2x Near the Blue Flag Room weapon. 2x Red Flag Room, near the flag base, among several crates. 2x Blue Flag Room, near the flag base, among several crates. 2x Red Pillar Passage, at the S-shaped corner to the 8-shaped area. 2x Blue Pillar Passage, at the S-shaped corner to the 8-shaped area.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Red Courtyard, near eastern entrance, behind some crates. 1x Blue Courtyard, near western entrance, behind some crates.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Courtyard weapon. 2x Blue Courtyard, on top of some crates near the western entrance. 2x Red Pillar Passage, Shock Rifle area, near entrance to the 8-shaped area. 2x Blue Pillar Passage, Shock Rifle area, near entrance to the 8-shaped area.
W: 2
A: 18
Weapon: 1x Red Flag Room, on a spawning ledge over the flag base. 1x Blue Flag Room, on a spawning ledge over the flag base.
Ammo: 3x Near the Red Flag Room weapon. 3x Near the Blue Flag Room weapon. 1x Red eastern entrance. 1x Blue western entrance. 1x Red Flag Room, among several crates. 1x Blue Flag Room, among several crates. 2x Red Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area, near entrance to the Flag Room. 2x Blue Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area, near entrance to the Flag Room. 2x Red Sniper Outpost, near the entrance to the area. 2x Blue Sniper Outpost, near the entrance to the area.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Red Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area, between the entrance from Shock Rifle area and the air vent. 1x Blue Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area, between the entrance from Shock Rifle area and the air vent.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Pillar Passage 8-shaped area weapon. 2x Near the Blue Pillar Passage 8-shaped area weapon. 2x Red Flag Room, near the flag base. 2x Blue Flag Room, near the flag base.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Red Boiler Room, near entrance to the Flag Room. 1x Blue Boiler Room, near entrance to the Flag Room.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Boiler Room weapon. 2x Near the Blue Boiler Room weapon. 1x Red Flag Room, among several crates. 1x Blue Flag Room, among several crates. 1x Red eastern entrance. 1x Blue western entrance.
W: 4
A: 18
Weapon: 1x Red Courtyard, behind the Red Sniper Outpost. 1x Blue Courtyard, behind the Blue Sniper Outpost. 1x Red Sniper Outpost, near the sniping spot. 1x Blue Sniper Outpost, near the sniping spot.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Courtyard weapon. 2x Near the Blue Courtyard weapon. 2x Red Sniper Outpost, near the weapon. 2x Blue Sniper Outpost, near the weapon. 2x Red Sniper Outpost, near the platform. 2x Blue Sniper Outpost, near the entrance. 1x Red Pillar Passage, at the S-shaped corner to the 8-shaped area. 1x Blue Pillar Passage, at the S-shaped corner to the 8-shaped area. 2x Red Courtyard, atop some crates near the western entrance. 2x Blue Courtyard, atop some crates near the eastern entrance.


Pickup Count Location
3x Red Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area, near the armor. 3x Blue Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area, near the armor. 6x Red Boiler Room, on top of the boiler near the entrance to the base. 6x Blue Boiler Room, on top of the boiler near the entrance to the base. 5x Red Sniper Outpost, near the entrance to the area. 5x Blue Sniper Outpost, near the entrance to the area. 3x Red Pillar Passage, Shock Rifle area, near entrance to the 8-shaped room. 3x Blue Pillar Passage, Shock Rifle area, near entrance to the 8-shaped room.
2x Red Flag Room, near the flag base. 2x Blue Flag Room, near the flag base. 2x Red Pillar Passage, 8-shaped room, near the Armor. 2x Blue Pillar Passage, 8-shaped room, near the Armor. 2x Red Boiler Room, near the entrance to the base. 2x Blue Boiler Room, near the entrance to the base. 2x Red Courtyard, on top of some crates near the eastern entrance. 2x Blue Courtyard, on top of some crates near the western entrance.
1x Blue Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area. 1x Red Pillar Passage, 8-shaped area.
1x Blue Flag Room, on top of some tubes, in a secret area above the Minigun. 1x Red Flag Room, on top of some tubes, in a secret area above the Minigun.



"This enormous hydroelectric plant used to power the colonies on Vesuvius 9 until a mysterious virus killed everyone off. Now that a few years have passed, Liandri Mining Corporation have declared the plant safe for combat (safe is relative to Liandri officials)."
Mission description

Tips and tricks[]

  • Use the Translocator to reach the hidden Shield Belt.
  • This map requires your team to support the attackers so they can reach the flag and escape with it—enemy fire is pervasive on this map.
  • There is no need for attackers to go through the Shock Rifle area; there is a shortcut that can be taken by translocating from the middle of the courtyard through an opening in the wall. If the attacker is lucky, they can snag the Body Armor, denying the enemy team the chance to obtain it.


Readme Notes[]

"Clawfist has built a top notch "two bases" industrial style Capture the Flag map."
Epic BP Readme

Review Notes[]

"Some maps you look at and you think "yeah this'll be a classic". That was certainly my impression the first time I played Hydro Bases, one of the Epic Bonus Pack CTF maps. After some more thorough playtesting I discovered that there's a bit more to this map than meets the eye.

It's big. This might not seem too apparent at first but believe me, this map is big. Not big in a Darji16 or 2ndSpaceBeacon kind of way, but big all the same. To get from flag to flag using the quickest possible way takes about a minute and a half. However, Hydro's size is what's needed in a map of this type.

Hydro is a 2 bases kind of map - a sort of hybrid between a 2fort-style map and a Facing Worlds-style map. Between the two bases are two bridges which run across a pool of acid. On either side of each bridge is a sniper nest which is accessible using either a lift or by teleporting inside through one of it's windows. The bases are designed so that plenty of warning can be given if an enemy is approaching, and the flags are well-enclosed inside each base.

This map lends itself well to organisation. A team has the opportunity to control and patrol many areas, and make life hard for the opponent. For example, if a team's snipers can safely ply their trade from the bridge sniper's nest without interference, then the other team will have a hard time approaching the base. This reinforces the need for a lot of players on this map. The "16" in the map's filename means that 16 players are needed for this map to truly excel. You do need a lot of players because otherwise games played on this map will either be games of hide and seek if both flags are taken, or there'll be no point playing because your team won't have enough players to properly cover all areas of the map. This doesn't take anything away from the map per se, but it's just an advance warning.

Bots play this map pretty damn well, although you'd expect that from an Epic release. They know where to go and how to get there without crashing into a wall en route. On the graphics side of things, the textures work well and mesh together well too. The map doesn't slow down drastically in any part, even when on the bridges.

Hydro16 is the kind of map that those people who love to find neat tricks in a map will love and hate at the same time. They'll love the fact that there are lots of nooks and crannies that they can sneak into, such as the open window next to the Flak Cannon in each base and the supports on either side of each bridge. However, they'll hate the fact that you can't teleport over, or on to, each snipers nest because the sky has been set at a low level. This in particular really gave me the feeling of the sky "crashing in" on me and if you're of the claustrophobic variety, you'll feel a bit boxed in. It's not a major point but I'd like to have seen the sky raised a bit as it would have opened up the level a bit.

Hydro16 is a fine map and, while it doesn't get a Seal of Ownage, is still a map you should get (even though you have to download the Bonus Pack to get it). Clawfist has done a good job with this one and it shows. I expect this map will stay in many server rotations many months from now."
Aleks "Zaccix" Wukovich[1]

External links and references[]

  1. Wukovich, Aleks (Mar 6, 2000). "Map Reviews - Hydro Bases". Capture (PU). Archived from the original on Aug 25, 2001. Retrieved Nov 22, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack CTF maps: CTF-Cybrosis][CTF-Darji16CTF-Hydro16CTF-Noxion16
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-HallOfGiantsCTF-Orbital
Inoxx Bonus Pack maps: CTF-Face][CTF-HighCTF-KosovCTF-Nucleus
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: CTF-BeatitudeCTF-EpicBoyCTF-Face-SECTF-Ratchet
Semi-official maps: CTF-Command][
Pre-order bonuses: CTF-Baranco (Babbage's GOTY)
Unreal Tournament Epic Bonus Pack maps
Deathmatch: DM-AgonyDM-ArcaneTempleDM-Cybrosis][DM-HealPod][DM-MalevolenceDM-Mojo][DM-Shrapnel][
Capture the Flag: CTF-Cybrosis][CTF-Darji16CTF-Hydro16CTF-Noxion16