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If you're looking for the Unreal Championship version of the map, you might want to check CTF-LostFaith (UC map).

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"The Caverns of Lost Faith have been part of Gen Mo'kai legend for millenia. The spirits of slain gods are said to lurk in the shadows, using the bodies of the innocent as vessels to transport themselves away from their ethereal prison. They'll be waiting a long time."
Map description

CTF-LostFaith is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In both cases, it's one of the stock maps.

Map description[]

The map is set in a series of caverns on top of a cliff, connected by passages. Both bases are separated by a stream which runs over a cliff.

The map has five named areas:

  • Waterfall: The central area of the map.
    • Under water: The water area located at the central area.
  • Red Base Link: The eastern path of the Red Base.
  • Red Base Flak: The western path of the Red Base.
  • Blue Base Flak: The eastern path of the Blue Base.
  • Blue Base Link: The western path of the Blue Base.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 6
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Blue Base, east entrance to the flag. 2x Blue Base, west entrance to the flag. 2x Red Base, east entrance to the flag. 1x Red Base, west entrance to the flag.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Base, ledge overlooking the Flag corridor. 1x Red Base, ledge overlooking the Flag corridor.
Ammo: 2x Blue Base, near the weapon. 2x Red Base, near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Central Area, Blue side.
Ammo: Near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 2x Blue Base, east bifurcation to the flag corridor and the top level ledge. 2x Red Base, west bifurcation to the flag corridor and the top level ledge.
Ammo: 2x Blue Base, near the weapon. 2x Red Base, near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Base, ledge overlooking the Flag corridor. 1x Red Base, ledge overlooking the Flag corridor.
Ammo: 2x Blue Base, near the weapon. 2x Red Base, near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Base, west bifurcation to the flag corridor and the top level ledge. 1x Red Base, east bifurcation to the flag corridor and the top level ledge.
Ammo: 2x Blue Base, near the weapon. 2x Red Base, near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Base, underground water tunnel. 1x Blue Base, underground water tunnel.
Ammo: 2x Red Base, near the weapon. 2x Blue Base, near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Central Area, Red side.
Ammo: Near the weapon.

Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 6
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Blue Base, east entrance to the flag. 2x Blue Base, west entrance to the flag. 2x Red Base, east entrance to the flag. 1x Red Base, west entrance to the flag.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Base, ledge overlooking the Flag corridor. 1x Red Base, ledge overlooking the Flag corridor.
Ammo: 2x Blue Base, near the weapon. 2x Red Base, near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Central Area, Blue side.
Ammo: Near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 2x Blue Base, east bifurcation to the flag corridor and the top level ledge. 2x Red Base, west bifurcation to the flag corridor and the top level ledge.
Ammo: 2x Blue Base, near the weapon. 2x Red Base, near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Base, ledge overlooking the Flag corridor. 1x Red Base, ledge overlooking the Flag corridor.
Ammo: 2x Blue Base, near the weapon. 2x Red Base, near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Blue Base, west bifurcation to the flag corridor and the top level ledge. 1x Red Base, east bifurcation to the flag corridor and the top level ledge.
Ammo: 2x Blue Base, near the weapon. 2x Red Base, near the weapon.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Base, underground water tunnel. 1x Blue Base, underground water tunnel.
Ammo: 2x Red Base, near the weapon. 2x Blue Base, near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Central Area, Red side.
Ammo: Near the weapon.


Pickup Count Location
3x East entrance to the Red Base from Central area. 3x West entrance to the Red Base from Central area. 3x East entrance to the Blue Base from Central area. 3x West entrance to the Blue Base from Central area. 3x Red Base, east corridor to the top-level ledge. 3x Red Base, west corridor to the top-level ledge. 3x Blue Base, east corridor to the top-level ledge. 3x blue Base, west corridor to the top-level ledge.
1x Blue Base, east curve to the top level corridor. 1x Red Base, east curve to the top level corridor. 1x Blue Base, west curve to the top level corridor. 1x Red Base, west curve to the top level corridor. 1x Central area bridge.
1x Red Base, top-level ledge right above the flag. 1x Blue Base, top-level ledge right above the flag.
Central Area, in a small island near the fall.
4x Central area, at the bridge.

Pickup Count Location
3x East entrance to the Red Base from Central area. 3x West entrance to the Red Base from Central area. 3x East entrance to the Blue Base from Central area. 3x West entrance to the Blue Base from Central area. 3x Red Base, east corridor to the top-level ledge. 3x Red Base, west corridor to the top-level ledge. 3x Blue Base, east corridor to the top-level ledge. 3x blue Base, west corridor to the top-level ledge.
1x Blue Base, east curve to the top level corridor. 1x Red Base, east curve to the top level corridor. 1x Blue Base, west curve to the top level corridor. 1x Red Base, west curve to the top level corridor. 1x Central area bridge.
1x Red Base, top-level ledge right above the flag. 1x Blue Base, top-level ledge right above the flag.
Central Area, in a small island near the fall.
4x Central area, at the bridge.


Unreal Tournament 2003[]

"The Caverns of Lost Faith have been part of Gen Mo'kai legend for millenia. The spirits of slain gods are said to lurk in the shadows, using the bodies of the innocent as vessels to transport themselves away from their ethereal prison. They'll be waiting a long time."
Mission description

Unreal Tournament 2004[]

"The Caverns of Lost Faith have been part of Gen Mo'kai legend for millenia. The spirits of slain gods are said to lurk in the shadows, using the bodies of the innocent as vessels to transport themselves away from their ethereal prison. They'll be waiting a long time."
Mission description

Prior to playing this map, you can switch the arena with CTF-January by paying 247 game units.

Tips and tricks[]

  • As the central area is a choke point, the main problem to deal with in this map is to get to the enemy base, as there's no alternate route. Plus, this area has next to no cover from enemy fire, and the stream is very big.

Prima Official Guide[]

"Lost-Faith is a large level, but its layout is relatively straightforward. Essentially, it is two winding caverns with circular pathways separated by a waterfall and a swift-running river. Each team's base is virtually indistinguishable from the others', so the following descriptions work for either.
Interior: On either side of the flag, pathways lead beneath the flag level to a subterranean area. In this area, you can pick up a Rocket Launcher.
Three of the subterranean area's six exits lead to the waterfall between the bases. Two others lead to the flag, and the last one doubles back on the area behind the flag.
To the left of the flag as you face the enemy base, a pathway leads to a Link Gun. The path splits: One branch heads toward the waterfall; the other doubles back behind the flag area.
To the right of the flag as you face the enemy base, a pathway takes you to a Flak Cannon. Once again, the path forks. One branch goes toward the waterfall, and the other goes toward the rear of the base.
Either pathway takes you to a ridge that looms over the flag. Along this ridge are two Health Packs +25, the Bio-Rifle, the Minigun, and a Shield Pack +50, as well as several Health Packs +5.
Waterfall: Between the two bases is a deceptively placid-looking stretch of river between two waterfalls. The river starts beneath a waterfall at one end of the arena, and drops off the arena in another waterfall.
The river current is extremely strong. If you fall in, it drags you towards the lower waterfall. If you go over, you die instantly. If you wind up in the river, jump like mad to escape, or fire your Translocator quickly to get back up onto dry land.
On the red team's side of the upper waterfall is a Lightning Gun. On the blue side is a Shock Rifle. You can run under the waterfall without falling in.
A mammoth stone bridge spans the river and sports a Health Pack +25 in the center.
A Shield Pack +100 sits on a dangerously small rock on the side of the bridge nearest the waterfall of doom. Jump carefully to get this item, and keep your Translocator handy in case you need to save yourself.

Game Plan
Offense: On offense, the name of the game is swarm. Send in as many teammates as you can spare, and attack from all sides simultaneously. Every attempt you make for the flag should look like the first 10 minutes of Saving Private Ryan.
When someone gets the flag, all other teammates should surround that player and escort their teammate back to base as quickly as possible, taking out foes as they go.
Expect your opponents to have defenders on the ridge above the flag, and lob a few rockets up there as you enter to keep them busy. Once you get the flag, duck into one of the subterranean passageways to get out of the line of fire from the ridge defenders.
Defense: Enemies come in for the flag from all angles, so position your defenders to cover as much ground as possible.
One or two should hang around the Rocket Launcher in the subterranean area under the flag. Their job is to take out any foes that enter through the underground passages.
The ridge is an excellent spot for defense, but you can get flanked if you're not careful. Don't be afraid to crouch to make yourself a smaller target.
It's handy to have a floater at the entrances to your base. When a teammate gets the flag, a floater can cover an ally once the player is past the bridge. If an enemy grabs your flag, the floater can pick off the foe leaving your base."


Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs/UC-UT2003-UT2004
  • The shape of the map from the top-down view resembles a Fly.

Preview notes[]

"Next up we played CTF and it was nice to be on familiar territory. The map we played on was called Lost Faith and it was set in an indoor cavern with subterranean corridors. The engine really had a chance to shine in the middle area where there was an indoor waterfall. The map was perfectly symmetrical (good to see no more CTF command and Gauntlet mistakes) and match flow was very cool and fast paced. This was also my first chance to use the new TL against more than a couple of players. First thing I had to test out was the telefrag. My first victim was Matt from Infogrames and it was fun. Unfortunately the Telefrag splat hasn't been put in yet so when I got my first Telefrag I didn't realize it. Next I tested out the recharge and limits to the TL. At first I didn't like the fact that they were limiting the throws of the TL but after seeing that it flies about 200% faster and farther I was happy. You can still use it and a mode of transportation but you really really have to plan out where you are going to use it. In the end I think this is the best balance between those that love the TL and hate the TL. The match went on with the DE and Epic guys taking the lead but the Infogrames and Webmasters coming back to win it 5 - 4 with the winning cap by yours truly lol."

External links and references[]

  1. Tycho (May 08, 2002). "UT2003's Big Day Out". UnrealOps. Archived from the original on May 11, 2002. Retrieved April 17, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: CTF-AvarisCTF-DoubleDammage
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-DE-ElecFieldsCTF-DE-LavaGiant2
Unreal Tournament 2004 Capture the Flag maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: CTF-BP2-ConcentrateCTF-BP2-Pistola