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If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Orbital Station.


The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

CTF-Orbital is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament. It comes with the DE Bonus Pack and the Game of the Year edition of the game in PC.

Map description[]

A big, closed space station. The map follows a regular CTF setup, with two bases, a middle area where everyone has to pass, and several roads between the three main areas of the map.

  • Red/Blue Main Base: The big room at each extreme of the map with the Digital Extremes logo on the ceiling. It holds the flag bases.
  • Red/Blue Udamage Room: The room connecting the Main Base with the Central Room. A two-levelled room with ramps going from lower to upper, and an upper level bridge right in the middle ending in the Udamage itself. It has a misleading name. [see Trivia]
  • Red/Blue Flakcannon Room: Located right before the middle, and at the west side of the Sniper Halls in the Blue base, and the east side in the Red base. A two-level room with a platform connecting them.
  • Red/Blue Sniper Halls: The halls leading to the Sniper Rifle perch, connected directly to the upper level of the Main Base. Has two arms, the first connecting it to the Central Room, and the second going to the Flakcannon room, which in turn also extends to the Middle as well. It also has a misleading name. [see Trivia]
  • Central Room: The middle of the map. A multi-story area connecting the different levels of the map.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Central Room, upper level, near entrance from Red Sniper Halls. 1x Central Room, upper level, near entrance from Blue Sniper Halls.
Ammo: 2x Near the northwest corner weapon. 2x Near the southeast corner weapon.
W: 4
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Central Room, lower level, near entrance to Red Udamage Room. 1x Central Area, lower level, near entrance to Blue Udamage Room. 1x Red Main Base, northwest corner. 1x Blue Main Base, southeast corner.
Ammo: 2x Near the Central Room red side weapon. 2x Near the Central Room blue side weapon. 2x Near the Red Main Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Main Base weapon.
W: 4
A: 12
Weapon: 1x Red Main Base, upper level, near entrance from Red Sniper Halls. 1x Blue Main Base, upper level, near entrance from Blue Sniper Halls. 1x Blue Udamage Room, at the east extreme of the bridge. 1x Red Udamage Room, at the west extreme of the bridge.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Main Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Main Base weapon. 3x Near the Red Udamage Room weapon. 3x Near the Blue Udamage Room weapon. 2x Central Room, middle, one at each extreme.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Main Base, upper level, near entrance from Red Sniper Halls. 1x Blue Main Base, upper level, near entrance from Blue Sniper Halls.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Main Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Main Base weapon.
W: 4
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Central Room, upper level, near entrance from Red Flakcannon Room. 1x Central Room, upper level, near entrance from Blue Flakcannon Room. 1x Red Main Base, northeast corner. 1x Blue Main Base, southwest corner.
Ammo: 2x Near the Central Room northeast weapon. 2x Near the Central Room southwest weapon. 2x Near the Red Main Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Main Base weapon.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Blue Flakcannon Room, at the upper level semicircle uniting the entrances from the Central Room and the Blue Sniper Halls. 1x Red Flakcannon Room, at the upper level semicircle uniting the entrances from the Central Room and the Red Sniper Halls.
Ammo: 2x Near the Blue Flakcannon Room weapon. 2x Near the Red Flakcannon Room weapon. 2x Central Room, in the middle one at each extreme.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Red Main Base, upper level, balcony above the entrance from Red Udamage Room. 1x Blue Main Base, upper level, balcony above the entrance from Blue Udamage Room.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Main Base weapon. 2x Near the Blue Main Base weapon. 2x Central Room, middle, one at each extreme.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Red Sniper Halls, at the perch. 1x Blue Sniper Halls, at the perch.
Ammo: 2x Near the Red Sniper Halls weapon. 2x Near the Blue Sniper Halls weapon.
W: 1
Weapon: 1x Central Hall, upper level platform.


Pickup Count Location
6x Blue Main Base, in a ledge behind the flag. 6x Red Main Base, in a ledge behind the flag.
2x Blue Udamage Room, below the Udamage platform. 2x Red Udamage Room, below the Udamage platform. 2x Corridor between the Blue Udamage Room and the Blue Flakcannon Room. 2x Corridor between the Red Udamage Room and the Red Flakcannon Room. 4x Blue Main Base, lower level, near entrance from Blue Udamage Room, two per side. 4x Red Main Base, lower level, near entrance from Red Udamage Room, two per side. 3x Corridor between Blue Flakcannon Room and Central Room. 3x Corridor between Red Flakcannon Room and Central Room. 2x Corridor between Blue Sniper Halls and Central Room. 2x Corridor between Blue Sniper Halls and Central Room. 4x Central Hall, middle level.
1x Red Udamage Room, atop of the entrance from Central Room. 1x Blue Udamage Room, atop of the entrance from Central Room.
1x Central Hall, middle level.
1x Blue Udamage Room, at the west extreme of the bridge. 1x Red Udamage Room, at the east extreme of the bridge.
2x Central Room, lower level, near middle, one per side.



"The interior of this dual-sided space station may appear incomplete, but much functionality was never completed when funding ran out due to corrupt contractors and irresponsible administrators. As usual, the savvy Liandri location scouts caught wind of this and picked the station up at a discount for inclusion in the tourney."
Mission description

It is the final map to be featured on the Capture the Flag ladder in this edition.

Tips and tricks[]

  • This is a map with quite a lot of route variations between the bases and the Central Room. Take advantage of this.


  • Even though the recommended player count is 12-24, a maximum of only 16 bots was available during a practice session. This limit was extended in v436, making it possible to add 24 bots to the map.

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • In both flag rooms, on the huge ceiling observatories, is a large Digital Extremes logo.

Location bugs[]

  • The map has misleading location names. In both bases, the Sniper Halls and Udamage Room have their location names switched, something that was never solved until OldUnreal's v469 patch. Previous versions, however, require this trivial fix: create a text file called CTF-Orbital.int in the System folder and add the following content to it:
ZoneName="Blue Udamage Room"

ZoneName="Blue Sniper Halls"

ZoneName="Red Udamage Room"

ZoneName="Red Sniper Halls"

Review Notes[]

  • The map received an 8/10 at NaliCity:
"Dave's created a wide-open CTF level here that forces you to rely on both CTF strategy and communication and your deathmatch skills. If you can't fight, you will lose. Same goes if you are on a team that isn't working together. So bone up, fragmeisters, this one will tax your ability to deal with wide-open spaces, as well as some well-placed sniping platforms.

Attacking and defending are both well-supported here in CTF-Orbital, set on a space station of some sort. I would suggest that you play this seemingly simple map for awhile before going to war with a team, as there are definately some good strategies that your team might want to follow in order to be successful. It's not as cut and dried as you might initially think.

Layout and item placement are both good here, with the exception of health packs. I felt that there were simply too many of them along the main lower path between bases, allowing someone with the flag too many opportunities to repair damage while carrying the flag back.

8-16 players for this level is about right. Bot play isn't the best (even I found them too easy, even on Adept), but this map is meant for online play with skilled players. Grab it and see for yourself."

External links and references[]

  1. QAPete. "Nali City Review - CTF-Orbital". NaliCity (PU). Archived from the original on Oct 2, 2000. Retrieved Nov 22, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Capture the Flag maps
Epic Bonus Pack CTF maps: CTF-Cybrosis][CTF-Darji16CTF-Hydro16CTF-Noxion16
DE Bonus Pack maps: CTF-HallOfGiantsCTF-Orbital
Inoxx Bonus Pack maps: CTF-Face][CTF-HighCTF-KosovCTF-Nucleus
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: CTF-BeatitudeCTF-EpicBoyCTF-Face-SECTF-Ratchet
Semi-official maps: CTF-Command][
Pre-order bonuses: CTF-Baranco (Babbage's GOTY)