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If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Orbital Station.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

"In the silence of space the planets dance to a song far beyond the comprehension of mortal beings. Aboard the orbital station Alexandria autonav systems attempt to echo the graceful movement of the surrounding planetary bodies, as its living cargo dances to a different song altogether."
Map description

CTF-Orbital is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Championship.

Map description[]

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location


Pickup Count Location


"In the silence of space the planets dance to a song far beyond the comprehension of mortal beings. Aboard the orbital station Alexandria autonav systems attempt to echo the graceful movement of the surrounding planetary bodies, as its living cargo dances to a different song altogether."
Mission description

Tips and tricks[]

Prima Official Guide[]

"Orbital is a long, narrow map that seems daunting at first. When you’re used to it, you appreciate the flow of the action.
The design is offense-oriented, but defense players have plenty of strategies, and plenty of weapons, power-ups, and other goodies to choose from.
Because of the map’s length, most of the action follows an attack-counterattack pattern as teams spread out and bring defenders forward. Use this to your advantage and bring home a lot of flags.

Offensive Strategy
The best offense in Orbital 2 is to move as fast as you can. When you’re not near the flag, you should be heading full bore toward it. It’s even okay to let opposing players run right by—they may leave a defense gap in their haste.
Attack from the middle (until you reach the flag room) because you find shield and health packs along the way.
Stop on the way to see if the double damage power-up is active. It’s on a catwalk directly above the super shield spawning point. Use your translocator to grab it and the rocket launcher nearby, and create some havoc on your way to the enemy base.
After you grab the flag, take every elevator possible. Changing levels frequently makes you hard to track. Plus, the elevators’ slow speed forces pursuers to wait until it resets. That may be all it takes to get you home.

Defensive Strategy
Defense is difficult on this map. Expect to have the enemy at your gates often. Lay back in the flag room and wait until someone grabs the flag. Then you can hunt the flag runner down with a rocket launcher or minigun. Sometimes you only need to weaken them enough so that one of your frontline guys can finish the job.
A more aggressive defensive strategy is to control the middle room, making your defensive stand there instead of back with the flag. An advantage is that you can control both the double damage and the super shield and the majority of the map.

Teamplay Strategy
Team members must communicate on this spread-out map. A defender who sees an enemy taking off with the flag can yell ahead to the others to stop him. Flag runners likewise need the support and backup of their teammates on the homeward run. If the cavalry doesn’t ride in to save the day, unprotected flag runners are as good as dead.

Single-Player Strategy
Keep the bots busy by heading up and down elevators and jumping on and off platforms. Stick to the sides at the end of your flag run. If the flag is gone, hide in the shadows of the enemy base and wait until it respawns.

Sniping Spot
Orbital 2 hasn’t many many sniping points, but if you’re good with a lightning gun on the run, you’re set here. The long corridors and open areas give you a constantly target-rich environment.
One sniping spot stands out: up on the catwalk next to the double damage icon. You can rain fire from above.

Defensive Position
This exciting map doesn’t lend itself to failsafe defensive strategies. Hide behind a wall close enough to see the flag. Chances are two out of three that an attacker comes in a direction that leaves him open to an attack from the rear. When he does, make him pay quickly. More attacks are certainly coming.
Or hide in a slot above the two elevators in your flag room, and use the lightning gun to nail enemies as they hit the flag

Kill Zone
This map is too stretched out to have a standout kill zone. Rack up points by staying back on defense. If the opponent is even mildly aggressive, you see waves of attackers. Fight them off and your score soars. Let them carry a flag for a while before killing them, adding more points to your overall score."


  • The map started with a circular version, with both flags being few meters from each other, but separated with glassed walls.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Championship Capture the Flag maps
Bonus Pack maps: CTF-OtarosRun