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If you're looking for the Unreal Championship version of the map, you might want to check CTF-Smote (UC map).

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"The earth trembles beneath your feet, and the sky rains fire and ash down on you from above. The path to victory is as treacherous and deadly as the enemies you face on the battlefield, and less forgiving."
Map description

CTF-Smote is a Capture the Flag map from Unreal Tournament 2004.

Map description[]

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 8
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 7
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 13
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 9
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 11
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -


Pickup Count Location


"The earth trembles beneath your feet, and the sky rains fire and ash down on you from above. The path to victory is as treacherous and deadly as the enemies you face on the battlefield, and less forgiving."
Mission description

Before playing this match, you're given the chance to switch to CTF-TwinTombs by paying 192 game units.

Tips and tricks[]

Prima Official Guide[]

"Smote has two opposing fortresses bisected by a central folly (a small fortification). Learn your fortress's interior layout, which is identical to your opponents' save for the lowest dungeon exit. Memorize the linking passages and the quickest route to the exterior near the folly. A cave to the side holds a double damage and two folly entrances: one to a big keg-o-health and the other through a main drawbridge where most of the fighting occurs.
NOTE: The base interiors are identical for each side, but the exterior trails and caves are mirrored; remember this when you switch sides

Base Patrol: Level Check
Starting in the flag room, you notice a grill on the ground in front of the flag. The opening leads to the lower dungeon corridors. If you're facing the flag in this room, check out four raised corner areas (behind and left in this darkened corner are mini, link, and assault ammo packs). A side entrance to the left leads to an elevator and a sniper tower.
The doorway behind you leads to the main entrance room. This entrance chamber contains a rocket launcher and two ammo packs, a door opposite the rockets (the initial castle entrance), and a doorway to the dungeon. The main castle entrance has a doorway to the outside and the folly that separates the two bases. Inside the entrance are two adrenaline pills and two link and one shock ammo packs.
Now explore the dungeon! Head from the entrance under the flag and grill, or from the doorway heading right and down the steps by the rocket launcher (down through two portcullises). Both routes lead to a small underground room (usually a spawn zone) with a minigun and two ammo packs. If you're trudging down here from the flag grill entrance, expect a short curved set of stairs leading to an antechamber with one exit to the left (down to the room with the minigun). The antechamber holds a link gun and two ammo packs.
The small underground room contains three exits. To the right (if you came down the portcullis steps) is a doorway to a skull torch and a corner. This turns left (red) or right (blue) and leads down a narrow lava walkway with three health vials, and outside to the lower side entrance of each base.
Just outside the lower side entrance is a rickety bridge with three adrenaline pills. Run up there and into the cave at the path's end for a double damage power-up. You also have a commanding view to the right (red) or left (blue) of the main castle entrance. You can run up to the map's center from this lower side, but first get a shock rifle and ammo from the stone balcony above the lower side entrance. Don't stray off the rocky pathways and into the lava pools!
Back in the flag room, the elevator exit leads to a sniper tower. At the base is a health pack, with three health vials on a plinth over the doorway. Brutalis' corpse hangs inside the tower for all to see! At the top of the spiral staircase is a doorway to a short tunnel with a 50 shield pack. This tunnel leads outside to a sniper's nest above the main entrance. This has commanding views of the folly drawbridge, as well as a sniper rifle and ammo pack. There are also two rocket ammo packs, a link, and assault rifle ammo in the corner beside the entrance.
Dropping down from the main entrance, check the area to the right (red) or left (blue) of the folly drawbridge. There are two dead-end paths, one at the side of the base with a health pack, and the other overlooking a lava pool with three adrenaline pills. Then check the folly. To the left (red) or right (blue) of the main base entrance, a diagonal path leads to a wooden-support encased cave entrance that joins the far end of the corridor inside the folly. En route are three health vials and a small alcove to the entrance's right (red) or left (blue) that contains rocket, shock, mini, and assault ammo goodies.
Head up the folly drawbridge (there is one from each base) to reach a connecting room with a corridor to your left (red) or right (blue). In an alcove as you enter the room grab the mini, link, and assault ammo (red) or the rocket, shock, and assault ammo (blue). There's only one hellish corridor—the two areas of the map join here.
The connecting chamber contains a biorifle with two ammo packs. Run up the two linked stair sections, grab the four adrenaline pills, and at the far end is a big keg-o-health. At this T-junction, head right to the blue base or left to the red.

Flag Waving: Victory!
Smiting your enemy here is an exercise in cunning. Remember that the base entrances are easier to defend than the interior. Stick a couple of your defenders at the sniper rifle nest above the main entrance, and a couple with the shock rifle above the side entrance. Your enemy can't reach the base without moving into either of these entrances (or translocating to the upper entrance and down the sniper tower), so waylay the enemy here. If your flag is captured, head to the sniper nest to spot the fleeing flag carrier. He or she can head only toward the cave and keg-o-health or the main folly drawbridge, so create well-guarded choke points there.
Dash into the folly for the biorifle, then coat the exterior paths or base entrances with it. The abundance of rocket ammo (the rocket near the main entrance with two ammo boxes, plus another two near the sniper rifle), makes the drawbridge and upper cave entrance even more hectic to guard. Just watch out for translocators warping in from the drawbridge or over the entrance and onto the roof—try leaving your translocator pod in a dark corner near the sniper tower for a quick additional flag-steal.
Shock combo from the base's side, knocking opponents into the lava. Or translocate onto the side of the rock wall near the double damage cave and run along this high area for a fantastic view of the entrance. Sit at a great vantage point (any of the square protrusions on the front of the base), then drop down and follow anyone who makes it through your barrage.
Those on attack should split themselves up into two charging units, and one teammate should secure the double damage while another grabs the keg-o-health. Then dash out from both exits, translocating like mad. You may want sharpshooters backing you up with splash damage weapons aimed at the sniper nest.
The main entrance is easier to enter, but don't dash into the flag room. Instead, zip around the dungeon, enter via the sniper tower, and learn the layout to quickly zoom around and out-fox your followers. With the flag, you need some backup to escape an even moderately defended base. The folly drawbridge is the shortest area of open cover you have to dash through. Have your teammates cover you the rest of the way.
Finally, note the many areas on each base to which you can translocate and ambush your foes. You can stand atop many places. The giant archways at each of the folly entrances, above the drawbridge, are fantastic sniping spots. Other exceptional sniping spots are the rock with lava spilling behind it or any parapet at the base's front."


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 Capture the Flag maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: CTF-BP2-ConcentrateCTF-BP2-Pistola