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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"Calypso was at the pinnacle of her holo acting career when she was given an opporunity few can resist: a chance at immortality, to stay beautiful and famous forever. By the terms of her perpetual film contract with the Liandri, she killed herself and was soon rejuvenated with the Necris process. Sadly, fame is fleeting. As her films became less popular the Liandri resorted to other, less tasteful, acting opportunities. Her body ravaged and her mind numbed, the Liandri eventually dumped Calypso into the tournament circuit in hopes of making some profit from their investment."
Character description

Calypso is a downloadable character in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.


Calypso appears as a bot opponent in several ladders.

Calypso's Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict character card

Character data:
Name: Calypso
Race: Necris
Age: Undead yrs.
Death Place: Ogygia

Combat data:
Weight Class: Light
Starting Melee Weapon: Necris Swords
Starting Ranged Weapon: Dual Enforcers (Necris)
Adrenaline combos:
Nimble Uc2-adrenaline-nimble
Speed (100%) Uc2-adrenaline-speed
Ethereal )
Vampire Uc2-adrenaline-vampire
Wraith Uc2-adrenaline-wraith
Fear Uc2-adrenaline-fear

"Calypso was at the pinnacle of her holo acting career when she was given an opportunity few can resist: a chance at immortality, to stay beautiful and famous forever. By the terms of her perpetual film contract with the Liandri, she killed herself and was soon rejuvenated with the Necris process. Sadly, fame is fleeting. As her films became less popular the Liandri resorted to other, less tasteful, acting opportunities. Her body ravaged and her mind numbed, the Liandri eventually dumped Calypso into the tournament circuit in hopes of making some profit from their investment."
The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

Physical appearance[]






External links and references[]

See also[]

Characters from Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
Starting characters:
Unlockable characters:
DLC characters:
Unplayable characters: