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Third-party mod
This article is about an officially-released third-party mod.
Only mods that have been part of official Unreal releases are allowed on this wiki. Third-party mods are not considered canon to the Unreal Universe unless an Epic Games or Digital Extremes employee (past or present) stated otherwise.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

"Primary Fire: Fire
Alternate Fire: Use Scope

The Chaos Sniper is a deadly weapon. If you pop your target in the head, it’s lights out. But since the rounds from this rifle ricochet, you can set up some nasty killing shots using the walls to bounce your bullets into your target. There are two different types of ammo for this weapon, the normal sniper ammo (with the ricochet feature) and the RPBs (Rocket-Propelled Bullets) that travel at an extreme velocity. These things can penetrate multiple unarmored targets, but leave a smoke trail pointing back at you. Alternate fire will activate your scope. Press alternate fire multiple times to choose zoom depth, then last alternate fire for normal sight."
UT: GOTY manual

The Chaos Sniper V2 is a weapon that comes with the Chaos UT mod for Unreal Tournament.


Classification Long Range Ballistic
Primary fire The Sniper Rifle is used without the scope. Headshots are just like the regular UT sniper rifle, but what makes our Chaos Sniper so special is the ricochet feature. If you make bank shots like a pool shark, then this is the weapon for you. If you’re good with UT's sniper rifle already, then what we are doing is allowing you to take your sniping to go to the next level. You’re welcome! Bullets and ricochets are noisy however, and that "wheeeeeee – ting!" sound lets the target know a sniper’s on the loose!
Secondary fire The scope is used and can be zoomed in with either of two settings (set in the ChaosUT Config Menu) The first mode is the normal smooth zoom, and the second is what we call ZoomStops, with this mode the zoom jumps from 1x to 3x, 6x, 9x and back to 1x.
Source: UT Weapon Priority menu + Chaotic Dreams[1]

Regular bullet[]

"Ammo Type 'A': ChaosUT takes the normal UT sniper bullets, and 'enhances' them a bit. They travel just a bit slower than their standard UT counterparts, which forces players to lead their targets. In addition, these CUT bullets will ricochet! So watch where you shoot, they just might come back at you!"
Chaotic Dreams[1]

Rocket-powered bullet[]

"Ammo Type 'B': Rocket-Propelled Bullets or RPB's These are extremely fast, leave a nice smoke trail which points back to the shooter, and can penetrate multiple unarmored targets."
Chaotic Dreams[1]

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Chaos: UT Weapons". Chaotic Dreams. Retrieved Aug 11, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RiflePulse GunRipperMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper Rifle
Special weapons: ChainsawTranslocatorSuper Shock Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer
Chaos: UT weapons: Grappling HookBastard SwordCAS12 ShotgunUtility GunCrossbowThe ClawProximity MinesChaos Sniper V2The VortexSentry Turret