The Cockroach is a passive creature found in Unreal II: The Awakening.
Cockroaches are small bugs that are found running around in places people rarely check. They resemble the cockroaches of Earth. They are easily destroyable and cause no harm. Their actor class doesn't hold any code, except references to sounds and blood particles. Their animations are: Base (1 frame), IdleWaitBreathe01 (30 frames), IdleWaitBreathe02 (60 frames), IdleWaitBreathe03 (50 frames) and RunFwrd01 (10 frames).
Tips and tricks[]
Cockroaches in a corner in Severnaya.
External links and references[]
See also[]
Unreal II: The Awakening creatures |
Mercenaries: Light Ghost Warrior - Medium Ghost Warrior - Heavy Ghost Warrior - Light Angel - Medium Angel - Heavy Angel |
Aliens: Izarian - Light Skaarj - Medium Skaarj - Heavy Skaarj - Light Araknid - Medium Araknid - Heavy Araknid - Light Drakk - Medium Drakk - Drakk Boss - Drakk Droid - Tosc |
Passive creatures: Mukhogg - Seagoat - Rammer - Snipe - Kai |