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If you're looking for the starting weapon of Unreal Championship, Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004, you might want to check Assault Rifle.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali. The subject of this article appeared in Unreal II: The Awakening.

The Combat Assault Rifle (CAR) is a weapon found in Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali and Unreal II: The Awakening.


The M32 Combat Assault Rifle (CAR), dubbed 'duster' by marines, is the standard issue assault rifle of the various terran forces (including the marines and the colonial authority). You receive this weapon from the start of the game and it may be the most versatile weapon you encounter.

The M32's primary fire mode is an automatic stream of bullets, useful at medium to long ranges, and the alternate fire mode shoots a cluster of uranium shards that detonate on impact and ricochet in a flak pattern. It is very useful at close range and to bounce shots around corners.

It feeds off box magazines in bullpup configuration, each containing 75 rounds. Isaak describes the rounds themselves as 'depleted uranium shards', although he does not specify how they function. He does mention they are caseless, but 'build up a nasty dust', from where the nickname 'Duster' comes. The dust must be ejected when reloading.

It appears to cycle the rounds through some sort of rotating cylinder that can be seen on the side of the weapon, and, upon triggering the alternate fire, all five shards loaded in the cylinder would be shot without being detonated somehow.

Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali[]

"This rapid-fire automatic weapon is similar in function to the Minigun, but the Combat Assault Rifle boasts greater accuracy and larger rounds than its formidable cousin. The secondary fire emits a cluster of five rounds that explode on impact. This all-purpose weapon is effective at short, medium and long ranges."
Unreal: RTNP manual

Primary Fire
Fast machine gun fire that allows a fast kill against most enemies.
Secondary Fire
Releases five bullets that have not been ignited. The result is that on impact, which is almost instantaneous, the bullets explode, causing more damage than a normal shot from the Combat Assault Rifle.

Return to Na Pali's version of the assault rifle is named the UMS Combat Assault Rifle. The Combat Assault Rifle can fire from both barrels at the same time, that is, both primary and secondary fire at the same time. It is unknown if this is a bug or an intended feature.

Unreal II: The Awakening[]

"Alternate Names: M32[A2] 5.56 mm Combat Assault Rifle, standard issue weapon for Military Infantry. Nicknamed the “Duster.”
Ammo: Depleted uranium shards.
Primary Fire: Very high rate of automatic fire.
Alt-Fire: A cluster of five shards packed together to form a single, slower-moving slug. The slug will break apart on impact, allowing you to bounce the shards off walls and around corners.
Uses: The CAR is the standard infantry weapon for the Terran Military grunt. Very effective overall — you can hose down an area using the primary fire mode or deliver a lethal single punch with the alternate fire."
Weapon description

"The M32 Duster fires depleted uranium shards that don't have shells, but build up a nasty dust that gets ejected between clips. Primary fire spits out rounds at a very high automatic rate. Alt-Fire is a cluster of five shards packed together to form a single, slower-moving slug. The slug breaks apart when it hits a wall, so if you're good, you can even shoot around corners. Very effective overall - you can hose down an area with primary fire, or deliver a single lethal punch with the alt-fire."

Primary Fire
Fires bullets at a machine gun-like speed, killing most adversaries fairly quickly. As the rate of fire is 10 rounds per second, the primary fire eats ammo very rapidly. It is useful at medium and close range.
Secondary Fire
Produces a slow-moving energy projectile that breaks apart on impact, releasing five shards bouncing off surfaces. Compared to the primary fire, the secondary fire is two times slower, but each used round does 4 more damage, therefore it uses a lot less ammo than the primary fire and deals more damage. This mode is useful in close and medium ranges and some times even in long range. It is very useful in corridors or other places with less space. At closer ranges, this mode usually a better choice for direct attacks since it knocks weaker enemies off their feet, can be fired quickly before you retreat behind cover, and can't be blocked by a charging Skaarj's arm blades (although it can be dodged). Bouncing it around corners is useful in many situations. It can be used to blow up turrets without exposing yourself to danger, and if you know where an enemy is, are fairly close, and have a fair amount of ammo, repeatedly launching grenades off walls to strike around corners is very effective.

Unreal 2 features a Combat Assault Rifle very similar to the one in Return to Na Pali. It uses reloadable clips and has to reload after some time, like all Unreal 2 weapons. It is also called M32 Duster to specify the model and prevent confusion.

Tips and tricks[]

Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali[]

Unreal II: The Awakening[]

  • You will find a lot of ammo for this weapon, and as it can deal a lot of damage, it's an effective weapon all the way to the last mission.
  • Primary fire is pretty self-explanatory and pretty useful for the first few missions, and occasionally after that. Altfire makes the gun highly versatile, though. At closer ranges, it's usually a better choice for direct attacks since it knocks weaker enemies off their feet, can be fired quickly before you retreat behind cover, and can't be blocked by a charging Skaarj's arm blades (although it can be dodged). Bouncing it around corners is useful in many situations. It can be used to blow up turrets without exposing yourself to danger, and if you know where an enemy is, are fairly close, and have a fair amount of ammo, repeatedly launching grenades off walls to strike around corners is very effective. Still, this is definitely one of the weaker weapons... when heavy-armored troops come stomping along, put it away![1]


  • Although the weapon appears on the Legend Entertainment iterations of the game, the cover art of the retail version of Unreal show the weapon in some screenshots, which means that the weapon was intended to appear as far as some of the early beta versions.


External links and references[]

  1. Soule, Jonathan (Apr 17, 2003). "Unreal 2: The Awakening In-Depth FAQ and Walkthrough". GameFAQs. Retrieved Oct 26, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal weapons
Dispersion PistolAutomagStingerASMDEightballFlak CannonRazorjackGES BioRifleSniper RifleMinigun
Return to Na Pali weapons: Combat Assault RifleUMS Grenade LauncherUMS Rocket Launcher
Unreal v227 weapons: QuadshotPeacemakerTranslocator
Unreal II: The Awakening weapons
Dispersion PistolCombat Assault RifleMagnum PistolShotgunShock LanceFlamethrowerSpider GunHydra Grenade LauncherShark Rocket LauncherWidowmaker Sniper RifleDrakk Laser RifleTakkraSingularity Cannon