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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali.

D. Beck was a human survivor on Na Pali and most likely a crew member on board the UMS Prometheus.


Beck and several other survivors made their way as far as the mountain fortress, where they found a shuttle of Terran origin parked inside (the same shuttle was later used by Prisoner 849 to escape the planet once again). However, the access to the shuttle was blocked off by a locked gate, which, according to natives, had to be raised from a room within the nearby tower. In the end, no one from the group did manage to reach their objective as their dead bodies can be found scattered thorough the fortress. Beck's body can be found close to the locked gate.

Physical appearance[]




None to speak of.


External links and references[]

Characters from Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali
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