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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

DM-Agony is a Deathmatch map from Unreal Tournament. It comes with the Epic Bonus Pack and the Game of the Year edition of the game in PC, and is also present in the Playstation 2 and Sega Dreamcast versions of the game.

Map description[]

A very popular castle map, the map features Sidney's signature brushing style. There are several distinct areas in this map.

Players will battle the most at the Central area, which consists of a ledge in the upper level; entrances to the North, West, and South areas of the map in the lower level; and entrances to the North, Central-East and South areas in the top level. This area holds several powerful weapons and is spacious enough to act as grounds for combat.

The West area is connected to the Central area through a arch-shaped entrance, to the South area through a C-shaped passage, and to the North area on both floors. There is a wooden ramp here that allows players to traverse between levels. The upper level contains a Rocket Launcher and the lower floor has plenty of health and an armor pickup, giving players the chance to either arm themselves a bit more or to pick up some armor and restore some of their health.

The North area connects the West and Central areas on the top level, and the West, Central-East, and Central areas on the lower level. It holds a few ammo packs.

The Central-East area is connected to the Southeast area through a series of wooden platforms on the lower floor and an inverted-C passage on the upper level, with a wooden bridge and ledge crossing over it. It is also connected to the North area on the lower level through an inverted-C passage holding a Ripper.

The South area has archways and passages that connect it to the Central and Southeast areas. There is also a passage leading to a lift, another connection to the upper level. It is also connected to the West area through a C-shaped passage, which holds a Flak Cannon.

Finally, the Southeast area can be divided into two parts: the West area, which holds a Shield Belt on a wooden ramp, and the East area, which holds a Minigun and a stairway to the upper level.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 1
Weapon: 1x Central area, upper level, near the Central-East entrances.
Ammo: Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Central area, lower level, in the Northeast corner.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Central-East area, upper floor. 1x North area, upper floor, northwest corner.
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: 1x South area, upper floor, north ledge.
Ammo: 2x South area, upper floor, South ledge. 2x Southeast area, at the very top of the stairs leading to Central-East. 1x Southeast area, at the lowest point of the Shield Belt ramp. 1x Southeast area, near the Shield Belt.
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: 1x North & Central-East area passage.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x North area, lower floor, northwest corner. 1x Southeast area, at the lowest point of the Shield Belt ramp.
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: 1x Southeast area, east part, at the lower point of the stairs to the Central-East area.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x North area, lower floor, northwest corner. 1x Southeast area, near the Shield Belt. 1x North area, upper floor, northwest corner.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: 1x At the C-shaped passage connecting the West and South areas.
Ammo: 1x Central-East area, upper floor. 2x Central area, lower floor.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x West area, upper floor, near the higher end of the ramp.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon. 1x Central-East area, upper floor, at the lower point of the upper ramp.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: 1x Inverted-C corner connecting the North and Central areas, upper floor.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon. 1x Central-East area, upper floor, at the lower point of the upper ramp.
W: 1
Weapon: 1x On the ledge near the Sniper Rifle and the Thigh Pads.

Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 1
Weapon: 1x Central area, upper level, near the Central-East entrances.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: 1x Central area, lower level, in the Northeast corner.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Central-East area, upper floor.
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: 1x South area, upper floor, north ledge.
Ammo: 2x South area, upper floor, South ledge. 2x Southeast area, at the very top of the stairs leading to Central-East. 1x Southeast area, at the lowest point of the Shield Belt ramp. 1x Southeast area, near the Shield Belt.
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: 1x North & Central-East area passage.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x North area, lower floor, northwest corner. 1x Southeast area, at the lowest point of the Shield Belt ramp.
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Southeast area, east part, at the lower point of the stairs to the Central-East area.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x North area, lower floor, northwest corner. 1x Southeast area, near the Shield Belt.
W: 1
A: 1
Weapon: 1x At the C-shaped passage connecting the West and South areas.
Ammo: 1x Central-East area, upper floor.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x West area, upper floor, near the higher end of the ramp.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon. 1x Central-East area, upper floor, at the lower point of the upper ramp.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: 1x Inverted-C corner connecting the North and Central areas, upper floor.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Central-East area, upper floor, at the lower point of the upper ramp.


Pickup Count Location
5x South area, upper floor, South ledge. 4x Southeast area, east part, at the lower point of the stairs to the Central-East area. 5x Northwest area, lower floor, near the entrance to the North area. 5x Near the Shield Belt.
2x Central area, upper floor, northeast corner, near the Sniper Rifle. 2x Southeast area, at the opposite side of the lowest wooden ramp. 2x West area, lower level, near the Body Armor.
1x On the balcony, near the Sniper Rifle.
1x Below the Rocket Launcher, in the wooden ramp area.
1x On the wooden ramp near the Minigun.

Pickup Count Location
5x South area, upper floor, South ledge. 4x Southeast area, east part, at the lower point of the stairs to the Central-East area. 5x Northwest area, lower floor, near the entrance to the North area. 5x Near the Shield Belt.
2x Central area, upper floor, northeast corner, near the Sniper Rifle. 2x Southeast area, at the opposite side of the lowest wood ramp. 2x West area, lower level, near the Body Armor.
1x On the ledge near the Sniper Rifle and the Thigh Pads.
1x On the balcony, near the Sniper Rifle.
1x Below the Rocket Launcher, in the wooden ramp area.
1x On the wooden ramp near the Minigun.


Playstation 2[]

"Hidden deep within the jungles of the lush planet Valkyrus, this area was used by interplanetary smugglers as a storage location. Any unwitting tourists who stumbled upon the location were systematically tortured to death, hence the name."
Mission description


Winning this match nets you the Deathmatch Championship.

Tips and tricks[]

  • You can attack from the Central area to the Central-East area and vice versa with plenty of projectiles.
  • This is a good example of a map that requires players to do some traveling in order to recharge ammo. Although there are some packs near their respective weapons, if a player wants to recharge ammo, they must travel a bit more, encouraging fights and map control. This aspect makes the map very viable for competitive play.
  • The Shield Belt ledge can be camp-able, with the ammo packs and Health Vials near it. Of course, this being Unreal Tournament, the Shock Rifle can nullify this.


Readme Notes[]

"Sidney "Clawfist" Rauchberger has assembled a cool FFA map in the style of Codex, but not as cramped. The Shock Rifle is very dangerous on this map as many of the floors are long and flat and combo moves are easy to do."
Epic Bonus Pack readme


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Deathmatch maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DM-AgonyDM-ArcaneTempleDM-Cybrosis][DM-HealPod][DM-MalevolenceDM-Mojo][DM-Shrapnel][
Inoxx Bonus Pack maps: DM-CraneDM-SpaceNoxx
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: DM-BishopDM-CloserDM-Grit-TOURNEYDM-Viridian-TOURNEY
Semi-official maps: DM-Gen][
Pre-order bonuses: DM-Chronos (BestBuy GOTY)
Unreal Tournament Epic Bonus Pack maps
Deathmatch: DM-AgonyDM-ArcaneTempleDM-Cybrosis][DM-HealPod][DM-MalevolenceDM-Mojo][DM-Shrapnel][
Capture the Flag: CTF-Cybrosis][CTF-Darji16CTF-Hydro16CTF-Noxion16
Unreal Tournament (PS2) Deathmatch maps
Available from start: DM-BrickyardDM-CanyonFearDM-CoagulateDM-CoreDM-HoodDM-LoathingDM-SorayamaDM-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: DM-AgonyDM-CodexDM-CurseDM-Deck16DM-FluxDM-HyperBlastDM-KGalleonDM-LiandriDM-MalevolenceDM-OblivionDM-PhobosDM-PressureDM-StalwartDM-TempestDM-TurbineDM-Zeto
Unreal Tournament (DC) Deathmatch maps
Available from start: DM-BabylonDM-BlockPartyDM-BrickyardDM-CanyonFearDM-ColdSteelPressureDM-CoreDM-DamnationDM-DepotDM-DustDM-GearboxDM-GirderDM-GoogleDM-IndustrialDM-InfernalDM-InstinctDM-LoathingDM-MorbiasDM-MorpheusDM-NeoTokyoDM-PaladinDM-PantheonDM-Sector9DM-SingularityDM-SorayamaDM-SpaceNoxxDM-StalwartXLDM-StationControlDM-TutorialDM-Underlord
Unlockable via ladder: DM-AgonyDM-BarricadeDM-CodexDM-CurseDM-Deck16DM-FluxDM-HalberdDM-HealPodDM-HyperBlastDM-LiandriDM-MalevolenceDM-NebulaDM-OblivionDM-PhobosDM-PressureDM-Stalwart
Unlockable via SegaNet: DM-MegaplexDM-Outskirts