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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"The Arsenal is a former Liandri munitions plant whose remote location was intended to reduce collateral damage in case of an accident. As Hyperion expanded and modern plants came into operation, the Arsenal fell on hard times. All human colonists were pulled from the plant over a decade ago, and all robotics about a year later."
Map description

DM-Arsenal is a Deathmatch map from Unreal Tournament 3. It's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -


Pickup Count Location
On a narrow catwalk above the Jump Boots.
Requires Jump Boots: jump after the elevator reaches the top. (Behind Link Gun highest point in the level)
Other items
Lowest Crossroad in map.

(*) Rows marked in red are required for the "Like the back of my hand" achievement.


Act III: The Liandri Conflict[]

"Alright listen up. The plant is well fortified. But if we can capture it intact, we'll have a perfect location for staging our assault on the Liandri. Malcolm wants us to eliminate any resistance. The main battle group is right behind us, and they'll move forward and establish a base when we give the all-clear."


After defeating Axon, the company and Izanagi did a treaty. The Ronin team (except Reaper) discusses this:

Othello: "A treaty with the Axon? Oh, man, we were right up in their junk!"
Jester: "In their what? (Laughs) Yeah, I guess we were..."
Othello: "You need to talk with your brother. He's like some nutcase on a holy war."

(Othello looks at Bishop)

Othello: "Uh. No offense."
Bishop: "Infidel."

(Back on topic)

Othello: "Don't get me wrong, I like a little action... but this is bullshit!"

(Suddenly, Reaper appears, and everyone walks to the Izanagi HQ)

Reaper: "It's not bullshit. Fighting Axon in the first place, that was bullshit."
Othello: "Yeah! ... What??"
Reaper: "There's a reason we drive Axon vehicles... they're the best. And we'll need them to fight the Necris."
Jester: "If they can afford Malcolm, they can buy a few tanks, right?"
Bishop: "They did buy them. With soldier's blood instead of Caesar's coin."
Othello: "Always politics..."
Reaper: "I don't give a damn about politics. (Pulls a picture of Akasha from his back) This is why I'm here."
Othello: "That's the skank that jumped us!"

(Malcolm appears in the briefing room)

Malcolm: "That 'skank' is a Necris High Inquisitor. Name's Akasha. She handles non-military ops like the one on Twin Souls."
Jester: "So she slaughters civilians for a living. Nice."
Malcolm: "I want this chick too. But so far the Necris have stayed out of the fight."
Reaper: "So let's take the fight to their homeworld. See how they like it."
Bishop: "Lead us them to a martyr's death..."
Malcolm: "We've kept the fight under the N.E.G.'s radar. But this new alliance may fool the Phayder into making a mistake... like open warfare. We need more Tarydium to keep our tanks rollin'. The Liandri have plenty, so we're takin' it. Suit up, quit, I don't care. But Izanagi's still got a war to fight."
Othello, Jeser, Bishop and Reaper: "Yes, sir."

(Malcolm retires from the briefing room)

Reaper: "Don't worry, I'm not on a holy war. I just want to kill this bitch."

This time, the battle focuses on the Liandri. This chapter is extremely convoluted, sometimes there're plenty of choices to take.

The mission[]

The mission against the Liandri begins at the fringes of Hyperion, and your teammates greet you with the following dialog:

Bishop: "Somehow I question the logic of firing Rocket Launchers in an abandoned munitions plant."
Othello: "That does sound dangerous."
Jester: "More dangerous than not shooting back?"

Another deathmatch. The map is a little confusing at first so you may have to play it once or twice to learn your way around. The jump boots are on the bottom level, at a crossroad in the tunnels. The Super Health is up above them on top of the beam supporting the lights. You have to use the jump boots to reach the Super Health, so expect a lot of bot activity in this area. The Armor vest is straight down the hall from the Super Health, and the Shield Belt is only a short distance from the Armor Vest. You can form a fairly simple patrol route between these powerups. There is also a UDamage on a balcony you'll have to elevator jump to reach.

There aren't a lot of strategies to use on this map. Just try to provide backup for your allies and use hit & run as much as possible to avoid giving the enemy points.[1]

Win this match to unlock the Heavy Armor card.

Tips and tricks[]


Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs/Unreal Tournament 3
  • The map has a "flyby" mode which you can go through by inputting the FlyThrough code in the console, at least in UnrealEd.


External links and references[]

  1. Annin, Matt (Apr 2, 2008). "Guide and Walkthrough (PC)". GameFAQs. Retrieved Nov 3, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 Deathmatch maps
Bonus Pack 1 maps: DM-Morbias
Xbox 360 maps: DM-KBarge
Titan Pack maps: DM-DarkMatchDM-EdenIncDM-OceanRelicDM-Turbine