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Map stub
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If you're looking for the Overdose version of the map, you might want to check OD-Azure.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"These ruins are surrounded by the mist-filled canyons of the Qattara foothills. A beautiful view, but watch your step."
Map description

DM-Azure is a Deathmatch map from Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict. It's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]


Pickup Count Location


Raiden's Ladder[]

"Walking on walls is nothing new for an elder god, but the Nali and your opponents aren't so comfortable with this rules variant."
Mission description

Win this match to unlock the Wall Crawl mutator.

Selket's Ladder[]

"Apophis has entered the tournament to prove he is worthy of being your betrothed. He's pleasant to look at, his wealth doesn't hurt, and he does everything you ask. What he doesn't realize is his blind obedience means he'll never be worthy of you. He's a safe partner, though, because he'll never try to win the throne as long as you want it."
Mission description

This is the match where Apophis and Selket punish their opponents while Anubis and Sobek were getting their respective opponents off in the Ascension Rites, pretty much confirming that Selket's ladder is indeed canonical.

Sobek's Ladder[]

"Lauren and Garek are two serious competitors who deserve respect for their abilities. Apophis, on the other hand, is just a royal family prettyboy who thinks he owns the arena. Put him in his place."
Mission description

Szalor's Ladder[]

"Your deadly blades and razik give you a huge advantage in this no-rifles match. Make use of your charged poison attack to slow down your opponents, so you can get close enough to gut them from crotch to sternum."
Mission description

Torgr's Ladder[]

"This amusing game of your people has been added to the tournament schedule. A match like this would normally be an easy win against inferior races, but you have drawn another Skaarj as one of your opponents. You will need to expend mild effort."
Mission description

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Deathmatch maps
Bonus Pack maps: DM-EvilHandsDM-Sever