Unreal Wiki
Map stub
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Third-party mod
This article is about an officially-released third-party mod.
Only mods that have been part of official Unreal releases are allowed on this wiki. Third-party mods are not considered canon to the Unreal Universe unless an Epic Games or Digital Extremes employee (past or present) stated otherwise.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

DM-CUTA_Pillar is a Deathmatch map for the Unreal Tournament mod Chaos: UT. It's part of the Beta 4 Mappack.

Map description[]

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location


Pickup Count Location

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament - Chaos: UT maps
Capture the Flag maps:
GOTY Mappack: CTF-CUT ChaosCastle-pfCTF-CUT Horus
Deathmatch maps:
Beta 4 Mappack: DM-CUTA_BridgeDM-CUTA_CerebroDM-CUTA_ChaosArenaDM-CUT_DM4DM-CUT_JailHouseDM-CUTA_Pillar
GOTY Mappack: DM-CUT_EclipseDM-CUT_ProxykingDM-CUT_SkullMoonDM-CUT_StorageAlphaDM-CUT_TheBellTollsDM-CUT_WeaponsOfChaosDM-CUT_WeaponsOfWar
King of the Hill maps
Koth BaseStationTheta
Beta 4 Mappack: Koth alpha pyramidKoth barflyKOTH CerebroKoth cold winter dreamsKoth craterKOTH DungeonKoth fiabKoth highriseKoth lost castleKoth outpost arenaKoth templeKoth usschaosKOTH Wilderness