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Map stub
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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"Liandri power plant located deep inside the frozen Nakhti wastes. Abandoned due to unstable reactor."
Map description

DM-ColdFusion is a Deathmatch map from Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict. It's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]


Pickup Count Location



"You and Brock are side by side again. Your opponents may be larger, but that just means they have more blood to give for the Vampiric frenzy to come."
Mission description

Win this match to unlock the Vampire mutator.

Anubis's Ladder[]

"Malcolm wants to develop some fighting chemistry with you before you meet the rest of the Thunder Crash team. Practice by defeating two members of the Skaarj team, Iron Skull."
Mission description

Devastation's Ladder[]

"This facility's cold fusion core powered the supercomputers that designed your superior chassis. Although the reactor has been decomissioned due to its instability, you still do not approve of humans having access to this technology. Eliminate them with prejudice."
Mission description

Lauren's Ladder[]

"Lilith and Calypso are fighting over Brock like harpies. The one thing they agree on is getting you out of the picture. You could care less about Brock, but copying your combat style is unforgivable. It's time for a cat fight."
Mission description

Malcolm's Ladder[]

"You won nine tournaments by mastering the weapons. You just might walk away as the winner of this match in record time."
Mission description

Win this match to unlock the Weapon Master mutator.

Torgr's Ladder[]

"Winning the tournament and becoming the first Skaarj champion is quite a feat, but not one guaranteed to impress the Queen. So you asked the Liandri to make your semi-final even more challenging, with a two-on-one battle. To insure the success of their newest robot, they've stacked the odds three-to-one in their favor. Glory is yours for the taking."
Mission description

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Deathmatch maps
Bonus Pack maps: DM-EvilHandsDM-Sever