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What needs to be done: Check the weapon/ammo/pickup count and locations in PS2 and DC.

If you're looking for the unrelated Unreal Tournament 2003/2004 Double Domination map, you might want to check DOM-Core.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

DM-Core is a Deathmatch map for Unreal Tournament. It's one of the console exclusive maps, released for the Sony Playstation 2 and Sega Dreamcast versions of the game.

Map description[]

A closed, small arena taking place at the core of a mechanism. It features two mostly unconnected floors. Two ramps, a hole from the upper floor, and a platform from the lower floor are all the level interconnections.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Upper level, north ledge.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 1
Weapon: 1x Upper level, southeast corner.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Upper level, southwest corner.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Lower floor, next to the platform.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon.

Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Upper level, north ledge.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 1
Weapon: 1x Upper level, southeast corner.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Upper level, southwest corner.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Lower floor, next to the platform.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon.


Pickup Count Location
4x Upper level, north ledge, near hole to Body Armor.
2x Upper level, below the central structure.
1x Lower level, at the hole drop.

Pickup Count Location
4x Upper level, north ledge, near hole to Body Armor.
2x Upper level, below the central structure.
1x Lower level, at the hole drop.

Tips and tricks[]

  • It is possible to land onto the upper level central platform via well-timed lift jump.



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Deathmatch maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DM-AgonyDM-ArcaneTempleDM-Cybrosis][DM-HealPod][DM-MalevolenceDM-Mojo][DM-Shrapnel][
Inoxx Bonus Pack maps: DM-CraneDM-SpaceNoxx
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: DM-BishopDM-CloserDM-Grit-TOURNEYDM-Viridian-TOURNEY
Semi-official maps: DM-Gen][
Pre-order bonuses: DM-Chronos (BestBuy GOTY)
Unreal Tournament (PS2) Deathmatch maps
Available from start: DM-BrickyardDM-CanyonFearDM-CoagulateDM-CoreDM-HoodDM-LoathingDM-SorayamaDM-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: DM-AgonyDM-CodexDM-CurseDM-Deck16DM-FluxDM-HyperBlastDM-KGalleonDM-LiandriDM-MalevolenceDM-OblivionDM-PhobosDM-PressureDM-StalwartDM-TempestDM-TurbineDM-Zeto
Unreal Tournament (DC) Deathmatch maps
Available from start: DM-BabylonDM-BlockPartyDM-BrickyardDM-CanyonFearDM-ColdSteelPressureDM-CoreDM-DamnationDM-DepotDM-DustDM-GearboxDM-GirderDM-GoogleDM-IndustrialDM-InfernalDM-InstinctDM-LoathingDM-MorbiasDM-MorpheusDM-NeoTokyoDM-PaladinDM-PantheonDM-Sector9DM-SingularityDM-SorayamaDM-SpaceNoxxDM-StalwartXLDM-StationControlDM-TutorialDM-Underlord
Unlockable via ladder: DM-AgonyDM-BarricadeDM-CodexDM-CurseDM-Deck16DM-FluxDM-HalberdDM-HealPodDM-HyperBlastDM-LiandriDM-MalevolenceDM-NebulaDM-OblivionDM-PhobosDM-PressureDM-Stalwart
Unlockable via SegaNet: DM-MegaplexDM-Outskirts