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If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Curse.


The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Feel the walls closing in on you? A little claustrophobia maybe? When the flak starts flying and the shock combos fill the air, as you find yourself backed into a corner by a relentless pursuer you'll come to learn the meaning of the word cursed."
Map description

DM-Curse4 is a Deathmatch map for Unreal Tournament 2004.

Map description[]


Top-down view.


Front view.


Side view.


Rear view.

The map is mostly the same as the previous versions. Main changes introduced in the 2004 version regarding the previous installment is the replacement of the Lightning Gun with the Sniper Rifle and a lot of structural changes with a slight shift in the visual layout.

The areas present in the map are the following:

  • U-Damage Room (Green): The west turnaround which holds the eponymous item in a secret chamber, as always.
  • Basement Hallway (Light Blue, Purple): The long, question-mark-shaped lower level passage spanning most of the map. Starts at the U-Damage Room at the west and spans up to the three-levelled Dragon Heads area at the east.
  • Dragon Heads Area (Dark Purple): Also known as the Lift room, located at the other end of the Hallway, connects the lower level with the upper one; the upper level is composed of a series of wooden bridges which lead to a supposed deadend with a secret on it.
  • Lightning Gun Hallway (Dark Cyan, Opaque Cyan, Orange): The area spanning from the south end of the U-Damage Room (the stairs) all the way to the Middle Room at the east and the Flak Cannon Room slightly to the north. Holds the Sniper Rifle. In order to avoid misunderstandings, we're going to call it "Sniper Rifle Hallway"
  • Side Hallway (Pink): Cutting the SR Hallway in half, this area leads to a series of ledges ending in another secret zone.
  • Flak Cannon Room (Light Yellow): Located at the center of the map, surrounded by the Basement Hallway, the Sniper Rifle Hallway and the Middle Room. Holds the eponymous item.
  • Middle Room (Ocre): Surrounds the Flak Cannon Area at the north and east, a zone with a set of stairs and a lift. Formerly known as the "Bio Zone", as the weapon is not present in this area anymore.
  • Rocket Launcher Loft (Dark Pink): The zone located at the mid level, connected with the Middle Area at the north, the Upper Atrium at the upper level and the Basement Hallway at the lower level. Holds the eponymous weapon.
  • Minigun Room (Blue): A small area located at the middle-east, between the Middle area and the Dragon Heads area. Holds the eponymous weapon, which was moved from its previous location at the latter area.
  • Upper Atrium (Light Purple, Orange, Cyan, Greenish Cyan, Yellow): The upper level, and the only area situated at the outside. Has a series of pillars surrounding pits to the Rocket Launcher Loft and the Flak Cannon Area while being situated near the Dragon Heads Area.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 1
Weapon: -
Ammo: Sniper Rifle Hallway, near the Sniper Rifle.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Basement Hallway.
Ammo: 2x Near the Bio Rifle.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Upper Atrium, center of the atrium.
Ammo: 1x Basement Hallway, near entrance to the Dragon Heads area. 2x Upper Atrium behind some pillars.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Dragon Heads area, in front of the head.
Ammo: Minigun Area, near entrance to Dragon Heads area.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Minigun Area.
Ammo: Dragon Heads area, at the end of the ledge overlooking the Dragon Heads.
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: Flak Cannon Area.
Ammo: 2x Flak Cannon area, under the stairs. 1x Upper Atrium, at a balcony looking at the pit to the Rocket Launcher Loft. 1x Basement Hallway, near entrance to the Dragon Heads area.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Rocket Launcher Loft, center of the loft.
Ammo: 1x Upper Atrium, at a balcony looking at the pit to the Rocket Launcher Loft. 2x Rocket Launcher Loft.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Sniper Rifle Hallway.
Ammo: 1x Dragon Heads area, upper level Super Shield chamber. 2x Basement Hallway, at the end of the ledges from the Side Hallway area, in a hidden chamber.


Pickup Count Location
3x Basement Hallway, at the end of the ledges from the Side Hallway area, in a hidden chamber. 2x Upper Atrium, behind a pillar near a pit to the Flak Cannon area. 2x Upper Atrium, behind a pillar near the Dragon Heads area.
1x Upper Atrium, at a balcony looking at the pit to the Rocket Launcher Loft. 1x Minigun Area. 2x UDamage Area, near the UDamage chamber.
1x Flak Cannon area, under the stairs.
1x Dragon Heads area, upper level Super Shield chamber.
U-Damage Area, in a secret chamber behind a shootable wall.
2x Flak Cannon area, under the stairs. 3x Middle Area, in a balcony overlooking the entrance to Flak Cannon area. 4x Rocket Launcher Loft, two per side.


"Feel the walls closing in on you? A little claustrophobia maybe? When the flak starts flying and the shock combos fill the air, as you find yourself backed into a corner by a relentless pursuer you'll come to learn the meaning of the word cursed."
Mission description

Prior to playing this match, you're given the chance to switch to DM-Sulphur by paying 55 game units.

Tips and tricks[]

Main article: DmCurse
Main article: DM-Curse][
Main article: DM-Curse3 (UT2003 map)


  • According to Cliff Bleszinski, he felt the original Curse3 was "way too tight and cluttered", and promised a fix for the Bonus Packs right after the release of 2003. This map is said fix, and didn't made it for the Bonus Packs.[1]
  • The screenshots for the map are carried over from UT2003's Curse3. The areas shown are changed in UT2004 and feature less static-meshes.


Main article: Annex:Unreal Tournament 2004 Final Stats
  • Until the stats for the game were shut down, the map held the distinction of being the 44th. most played UT2004 map of all-time, with nearly 63.000 matches.[2]

Location bugs[]

  • Due to time shortcomings, the "Lightning Gun Hallway" couldn't be renamed as "Sniper Rifle Hallway" as it was supposed to be. This, however, can be fixed, by creating a file called DM-Curse4.int in the System folder and adding the following content:
ZoneName="Sniper Rifle Hallway"

External links and references[]

  1. "New (well - to me it is) CliffyB's Ownage". Infogrames Forums (November 20, 2002). Archived from the original on December 4, 2002. Retrieved May 9, 2019.
  2. "Unreal Tournament 2004 Stats - Maps". UT2004 Stats. Archived from the original on Nov 25, 2018. Retrieved Aug 25, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 Deathmatch maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: DM-BP2-CalandrasDM-BP2-GoopGod
Semi-official maps: DM-Forbidden