Unreal Wiki

If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Curse.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

DM-Curse][ is a Deathmatch map for Unreal Tournament.

Map description[]

The map serves as a revamped version of the Unreal map DmCurse. It retains most of the features of its predecessor, including the fake walls, the long hallway on the lower level (though cleaner), the upper courtyard and bridge, and the ledges. New features of the level include the wall at the end of the Sniper Rifle halls being opened, leading directly to the Rocket Launcher chamber, a new entrance from the Bio Rifle ledge to the courtyard via a platform, and a new opening behind the main elevator leading to the courtyard.

For description purposes, this article will use the names of the areas as described in the the UT2003 version of the map, as they are not named in the game itself:

  • Sniper Corridor: A corridor located at the west of the map, connects the Damage Amp Chamber with the northern chamber. Contains, as expected, the Sniper Rifle.
  • Catwalks: The upper-level corridor at the east of the map. Houses the wooden bridges, the spawn chambers, and the fake wall leading to the Shield Belt.
  • Lower Halls: The part of the long corridor that connects the Damage Amp Chamber with the Main Lift. Ends after the second turn toward the main lift.
  • Flak Chamber: The chamber located at the center of the map, below the courtyard, with the set of stairs, the pair of windows looking at the Lower Halls, and the Flak Cannon.
  • Rear Lift: The chamber at the north of the map, holding the Bio Rifle and the new lift to the Courtyard.
  • Rocket Chamber: A small chamber housing the Rocket Launcher, identifiable by two wooden tables crossing it above the south corridor to the Main Lift.
  • Damage Amp Chamber: The chamber located at the west of the map holding the Damage Amplifier behind a shootable fake wall.
  • Courtyard: The outdoor area of the map. As a new addition, weapon jumping to the very upper level now grants ammo boxes to players.
  • Main Lift: The most recognizable part of the map, alongside the Courtyard. Features the eponymous Lift and the mid-level ledge where the Minigun is located.
  • South Corridor: The south part of the Lower Halls connecting this area with the Main Lift and the Rocket Chamber.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Rear Lift Area, near the platform to the Courtyard.
Ammo: 2x Rear Lift area, ledge, near entrance to the Main Lift area.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Courtyard.
Ammo: 2x Courtyard, behind the western pillar.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x Main Lift, near the platform.
Ammo: 2x Courtyard, behind the eastern pillar.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: 1x South corridor.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: 1x Main Lift, mid-level.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Lower Halls, at the end of the upper-level ledge, behind a fake wall.
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: 1x Flak Chamber, near a window to the Lower Halls.
Ammo: 1x Lower Halls, at the end of the upper-level ledge, behind a fake wall. 1x Courtyard, at the southwest corner on a ledge, near the drop hole to the Rocket Chamber. 2x Flak Chamber, near the weapon. 1x South corridor.
W: 1
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Rocket Chamber, at the south end of the area.
Ammo: 1x South corridor. 1x Rocket Chamber, near the weapon. 2x Courtyard, on top of the ceiling. 1x Lower Halls, at the end of the upper-level ledge, behind a fake wall. 1x Courtyard, at the southwest corner on a ledge, near the drop hole to the Rocket Chamber.
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: 1x Sniper Corridor.
Ammo: 1x Lower Halls, at the end of the upper-level ledge, behind a fake wall. 2x Damage Amp Chamber, at the windows overlooking the Lower Halls. 2x Courtyard, on top of the ceiling.


Pickup Count Location
2x Courtyard, behind the northern pillar. 4x Rear Lift Area, near the platform to the Courtyard.
2x Courtyard, at the southwest corner in a ledge, near the drop hole to the Rocket Chamber. 2x Rear Lift area, ledge, near the entrance to the Main Lift area. 2x Lower Halls, at the end of the upper-level ledge.
1x Flak Chamber, below the stairs.
1x Catwalks area, at the end of the wooden bridge, behind a fake wall.
1x Damage Amp Chamber, behind a shootable fake wall.


Playstation 2[]

"Excavation of this mysterious crypt was halted due to lack of funding, and the Liandri location scouts swooped down on the area and struck a deal with the archeologists - allow the location to be included in several key tournament battles and Liandri would fund the remainder of the excavation."
Mission description


Tips and tricks[]

  • Weapon jumps and dodges make it possible to reach these areas:
    • Courtyard: From the Shock Rifle platform to the ammo ceilings.
    • Lower Halls: To the Damage Amp Chamber and Flak Chamber through the windows. Also from the stairs to the Damage Amp Chamber to the upper-level ledge.
    • Main Lift: From the lower level to the Minigun ledge.
  • The only armor on this level, besides the Shield Belt, is a set of Thigh Pads beneath a small set of stairs near the Flak Cannon.[1]
  • Across some girders near a pair of health packs, you can find a secret wall, which hides some ammunition.[1]
  • The tight corridors make the Flak Cannon and the Ripper weapons of choice. Ricochet the Ripper's blades off the walls in the lower rooms (typically heavily traveled) and rack up the kill scores. Just be careful to avoid the blades headed back for you.[1]
  • Snag the Sniper Rifle located in the long hallway and position yourself in the dark windows overlooking the lower corridors (near the ramp that includes the Thigh Pads, for instance).[1]

BradyGames Official Guide (PS2)[]

"Set in the stage of a mysterious crypt, Curse is a mix of scaffolding and ancient stone walls. You'll find it increasingly difficult to maintain combat in the wide-open spaces below, which are littered with bodies. It will be equally difficult to stay composed while trying not to fall off of the scaffolding!
Here's a tip. When looking straight up at the arches within the wall and see the Flak Cannon and its ammo, turn around 180 degrees, climb the stairwell. Now, on this little level between staircase, shoot the wall between the ascending and descending staircases to reveal a Damage Amplifier.
Everyone loves a shield belt. Here’s how to get it in this level. Go to the very top floor. Then, when you find the bridge with a torch hanging on the wall at the end, simply walk through the wall and you'll get your prize.
Entering the large corridor like room, you'll be able to see an elevator at one end and a staircase at the other. Along the way, you'll find a Pulse Gun, a Ripper and a Sniper Rifle at the top of the stairs. Continue along this path until you hit a junction and then turn left at it. Once there, you'll be able to pick up a Flak Cannon as well as the Thigh Pads underneath the staircase, and continue onwards along this path. You'll see a Rocket Launcher up the stairs and past a pillar that you most certainly want.
If you backtrack out of that room, you can dart to your immediate right and head across the way where there is a Minigun. Back in the room with the staircase, head along the right side and you'll come across some Biosludge Ammo, Health Packs, and eventually a Biorifle. Take the elevator up, where you'll come to a room with several stone monoliths surrounding a Shock Rifle.
Aside from the obvious wide-open space in the corridors, you'll be sure to find plenty of action on staircases and catwalks. You shouldn't have a problem knocking people back and forth on catwalks, as well as picking them off of the staircases if you use the right tools for the job. Staircases generally afford you less of a view of your opponent, regardless of your position on them, so you should try and stick to something like the Ripper or Sniper Rifle for a one-shot kill. The Sniper Rifle can also be used effectively on the catwalks because of the close quarters and the relative ease of ripping someone's head off in one shot."


  • Preview videos for the PlayStation 2 version of the map use the music track "Colossus". The final PS2 version uses the track "Course".


External links and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Doug Radcliffe, David Perkins. "Deathmatch Map Strategies - DM-Curse][". PlanetUnreal. Retrieved Oct 14, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Deathmatch maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DM-AgonyDM-ArcaneTempleDM-Cybrosis][DM-HealPod][DM-MalevolenceDM-Mojo][DM-Shrapnel][
Inoxx Bonus Pack maps: DM-CraneDM-SpaceNoxx
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: DM-BishopDM-CloserDM-Grit-TOURNEYDM-Viridian-TOURNEY
Semi-official maps: DM-Gen][
Pre-order bonuses: DM-Chronos (BestBuy GOTY)
Unreal Tournament (PS2) Deathmatch maps
Available from start: DM-BrickyardDM-CanyonFearDM-CoagulateDM-CoreDM-HoodDM-LoathingDM-SorayamaDM-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: DM-AgonyDM-CodexDM-CurseDM-Deck16DM-FluxDM-HyperBlastDM-KGalleonDM-LiandriDM-MalevolenceDM-OblivionDM-PhobosDM-PressureDM-StalwartDM-TempestDM-TurbineDM-Zeto
Unreal Tournament (DC) Deathmatch maps
Available from start: DM-BabylonDM-BlockPartyDM-BrickyardDM-CanyonFearDM-ColdSteelPressureDM-CoreDM-DamnationDM-DepotDM-DustDM-GearboxDM-GirderDM-GoogleDM-IndustrialDM-InfernalDM-InstinctDM-LoathingDM-MorbiasDM-MorpheusDM-NeoTokyoDM-PaladinDM-PantheonDM-Sector9DM-SingularityDM-SorayamaDM-SpaceNoxxDM-StalwartXLDM-StationControlDM-TutorialDM-Underlord
Unlockable via ladder: DM-AgonyDM-BarricadeDM-CodexDM-CurseDM-Deck16DM-FluxDM-HalberdDM-HealPodDM-HyperBlastDM-LiandriDM-MalevolenceDM-NebulaDM-OblivionDM-PhobosDM-PressureDM-Stalwart
Unlockable via SegaNet: DM-MegaplexDM-Outskirts