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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"In the solitude of the abandoned coastal platforms of New Argentina, the quiet hum of bird and animal life yields to the roar of rocket fire, and the blast of shock rifles. Looks like R&R has been put on hold for today, so grab some ammo and get out there. It's time for a little old fashioned deathmatch."
Map description

DM-DE-Ironic is a Deathmatch map for Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In the former game, it's part of the DE Bonus Pack, while in the latter it's one of the stock maps.

Map description[]


An enclosed oceanic platform full of ramps and with danger coming from every path.

The map contains the following named areas:

  • Shock Rifle: The corridor that contains the eponymous weapon located in the upper level at west. Connected to Link Gun at north, Rocket Launcher at east, and Shield Room at south.
  • Flak Cannon: An irregular room with a ledge, recognizable by the plants that escalate through the wall. Connected to Bio Rifle at west, and Rocket Launcher at south. The area is actually misnamed as Bio Rifle, see Trivia for details.
  • Rocket Launcher: The central area of the map. Connected to Shock Rifle at upper level west, Link Gun at north via a small elbow, Top Hallway at south in the upper level, and both Flak Cannon and Elevator at south in the lower level.
  • Elevator: Located east of the map, comprises the two levels of the area with the two elevators as well as the elbow to the Shield Room. In the upper level, it intersects the Top Hallway.
  • Super Shield Area: Located south of the map, another multilevel area. In the upper level, it has a ledge connected to the Top Hallway. In the lower level, a ramp connects both floors as well as the Elevator and Shock Rifle areas. The area is actually misnamed as Shield Room, see Trivia for details.
  • Top Hallway: Located in the upper level at east, comprises the entirety of the corridor that unites the Elevator area with the Shield Room at south, Rocket Launcher at center, and Bio Rifle at north.
  • Bio Rifle: Located north of the map in the upper level, comprises the corridor that unites the Shock Rifle and Link Gun areas with the Top Hallway as well as an adjacent room with the ramp that connects them with the Flak Cannon room. The area is actually misnamed as Flak Cannon, see Trivia for details.
  • Link Gun: A room located northwest of the map, recognizable by its ramps as well as the glassed cage. Connects the Bio Rifle area at north with the Rocket Launcher area at southeast and the Shock Rifle area at south. The area is actually misnamed as Amplifier, see Trivia for details.
    • In UT2004 the elbow that connects this area with Rocket Launcher has been given a name, "Pulse Gun". Still an incorrect name, since the weapon in this game is called Link Gun.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Top Hallway, near the entrance to Super Shield Room. 1x Lower level elbow between Link Gun and Rocket Launcher.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Bio Rifle area, at the ledge next to the ramp.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the ramp.
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: Shock Rifle room, in front of the exit to Rocket Launcher's big room.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the mid ledge. 1x Lower level elbow between Link Gun and Rocket Launcher. 1x Flak Cannon room, at a corner in front of the ramp to the ledge.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Link Gun room, lower level. 1x Elevator room, at the elbow to Shield Room.
Ammo: 2x Near the Link Gun room weapon. 2x Near the Elevator room weapon.
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: Super Shield Room, upper level, ledge from Top Hallway.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Lower level elbow between Link Gun and Rocket Launcher. 1x Flak Cannon room, at a corner in front of the ramp to the ledge.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Flak Cannon room, at the ledge.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the ramp.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Rocket Launcher room, at the center of the big room.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the ramp. 1x Top Hallway, near the entrance to Shield Room.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Rocket Launcher room, top level, near the entrance from Top Hallway.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the mid ledge. 1x Lower level elbow between Link Gun and Rocket Launcher.

Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Top Hallway, near the entrance to Super Shield Room. 1x Lower level elbow between Link Gun and Rocket Launcher.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Bio Rifle area, at the ledge next to the ramp.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the ramp.
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: Shock Rifle room, in front of the exit to Rocket Launcher's big room.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the mid ledge. 1x Lower level elbow between Link Gun and Rocket Launcher. 1x Flak Cannon room, at a corner in front of the ramp to the ledge.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Link Gun room, lower level. 1x Elevator room, at the elbow to Shield Room.
Ammo: 2x Near the Link Gun room weapon. 2x Near the Elevator room weapon.
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: Super Shield Room, upper level, ledge from Top Hallway.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Lower level elbow between Link Gun and Rocket Launcher. 1x Flak Cannon room, at a corner in front of the ramp to the ledge.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Flak Cannon room, at the ledge.
Ammo: 2x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the ramp.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Rocket Launcher room, at the center of the big room.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the ramp. 1x Top Hallway, near the entrance to Shield Room.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Rocket Launcher room, top level, near the entrance from Top Hallway.
Ammo: 1x Near the weapon. 1x Super Shield Room, lower level, below the mid ledge. 1x Lower level elbow between Link Gun and Rocket Launcher.


Pickup Count Location
5x Link Gun area, lower level, below the ramp. 5x Top Hallway, at the turn to Bio Rifle.
1x Elevator, upper level, in front of the elevators. 1x Link Gun area, upper level, next to the ramp. 2x Bio Rifle area, between the entrances from Link Gun and Bio Rifle areas.
Flak Cannon room, lower level, next to the ramp.
Super Shield Room, lower level, in front of the entrance from Elevator.
Top Hallway, near the entrance to Super Shield Room.

Pickup Count Location
5x Link Gun area, lower level, below the ramp. 5x Top Hallway, at the turn to Bio Rifle.
1x Elevator, upper level, in front of the elevators. 1x Link Gun area, upper level, next to the ramp. 2x Bio Rifle area, between the entrances from Link Gun and Bio Rifle areas.
Flak Cannon room, lower level, next to the ramp.
Super Shield Room, lower level, in front of the entrance from Elevator.
Top Hallway, near the entrance to Super Shield Room.

Tips and tricks[]



Main article: Annex:Unreal Tournament 2004 Final Stats
  • Until the stats for the game were shut down, the map held the distinction of being the fifteenth most played UT2004 map of all-time, with nearly 175.000 matches. A fixed edition of the map by Ben 'Slainchild' Edney is ranked 35th. with over 73.000 matches.[1]

Location bugs[]

There are misnamed areas in the map: the area named "Flak Cannon" contains the Bio Rifle and viceversa, while the area named "Amplifier" contains the Link Gun and the Amplifier itself is nowhere to be seen and, while minor, the Shield Room should actually be called "Super Shield Room", as the actual Shield Pack is located in another area. Lastly, in 2004, the weapon is called Link Gun, not Pulse Gun, which is the Unreal Tournament equivalent. Thankfully, fixing this is easy: create a file named DM-DE-Ironic.int in the System folder with the next content:

LocationName="Flak Cannon"

LocationName="Super Shield Room"

LocationName="Super Shield Room"

LocationName="Bio Rifle"

LocationName="Bio Rifle"

LocationName="Link Gun"

LocationName="Flak Cannon"

LocationName="Super Shield Room"

LocationName="Super Shield Room"

LocationName="Bio Rifle"

LocationName="Bio Rifle"

LocationName="Link Gun"

LocationName="Link Gun"


Author's Notes[]

"DM-DE-Ironic (UT2k3) is a small Deathmatch level, mixing different meshes to create a new feel. Most of the meshes used in the level were stock meshes that came with UT2003 but some new ones were made (the windows and plants). I wanted players of this level to feel comfortable, that's why there is lots of sunlight and green plants. Gameplay wise I wanted this level to be suitable for hardcore players. There are lots of opportunities for trick jumping and the powerups are well balanced. No super weapons or powerups were added outside of the big armor. I am very glad this level was well received.

I was responsible for most of the layout / meshing / lighting and bug fixing."
Checker's Chapel[2]


External links and references[]

  1. "Unreal Tournament 2004 Stats - Maps". UT2004 Stats. Archived from the original on Nov 25, 2018. Retrieved Aug 25, 2024.
  2. Frank, Bastiaan (May 26, 2008). "Portfolio DarkSector(mmo) UC and UT2003". Checker's Chapel. Archived from the original on Oct 22, 2012. Retrieved Oct 20, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 Deathmatch maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DM-1on1-CrashDM-1on1-MixerDM-IcetombDM-InjectorDM-IronDeityDM-Rustatorium
DE Bonus Pack maps: DM-DE-GrendelKeepDM-DE-IronicDM-DE-Osiris2
Unreal Tournament 2003 DE Bonus Pack maps
Deathmatch: DM-DE-GrendelKeepDM-DE-IronicDM-DE-Osiris2
Capture the Flag: CTF-DE-ElecFieldsCTF-DE-LavaGiant2
Bombing Run: BR-DE-ElecFields
Unreal Tournament 2004 Deathmatch maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: DM-BP2-CalandrasDM-BP2-GoopGod
Semi-official maps: DM-Forbidden