Strategy page |
The following is a strategy page for the article DM-Goliath. |
Team Qualification Round[]
"High above Calaban VII, Goliath class orbital power stations provide the thriving colonies below with both power and protection. Virtually immune to small arms fire, the platforms have become popular staging arenas for the tournaments. Occasional radiation leakage has resulted in arenas that are not only entertaining, but self-cleaning too."
– Mission description
Prior to this match, you can switch to DM-Morpheus3 by paying 137 game units.
Winning this match unlocks the Double Domination Ladder and allows you to get Weak tier bots for your team.
Blood Rites[]
"High above Calaban VII, Goliath class orbital power stations provide the thriving colonies below with both power and protection. Virtually immune to small arms fire, the platforms have become popular staging arenas for the tournaments. Occasional radiation leakage has resulted in arenas that are not only entertaining, but self-cleaning too."
– Mission description
As a BloodRites map, this match can be played either as an Instagib match or all-weapons match.
Tips and tricks[]
- Use a Lift-Jump or a Wall-Dodge-Jump to reach the Redeemer.
Prima Official Guide[]
"Goliath is divided into three main areas linked in a circle, with a central tower in the middle and snaking walkways all over. As usual, the impressive power-ups are atop walkways or ledges, including a well-hidden redeemer within jumping distance of the double damage. The middle elevator leads to a third floor hidey-hole if you elevator jump. The only way to the 100 shield jump is via that balcony platform; keep zigzagging because you're more susceptible to snipers than usual.
Map Patrol
Starting at the 100 shield pack, follow the walkway down the right outer wall to a yellow-lit alcove with flak, rocket, and shock ammo packs. Take the walkway junction left, to the large tunnel entrance on your right and an identical walkway ahead. Both end at tunnels.
The beginning of the right tunnel holds a health pack. Pass through four health vials out to another gigantic chamber. Note a U-shaped walkway in front of you, and a rotating shaft above your head (don't touch that!). Drop into the middle of the "U" to claim the double damage on a mesh balcony below. Follow the mesh walkway around to the left of the double damage to shock, bio, and rocket ammo packs.
Now move back to the two tunnel entrances on the walkway near the 100 shield pack, and take the other one. There's a corner to the left, and on the right wall are mini, link, and bio ammo packs. There's also a junction with a rocket launcher to the left. Go right, following the three adrenaline pills to an outer balcony overlooking the 50 shield pack alcove. Drop down or head right to grab the lightning and rocket ammo packs. The balcony stops, so hug the right wall and move around the lip to the trio of ammo packs near the double damage.
An important elevator is in the shadows at the rocket launcher, but don't enter it yet. Head past the rocket launcher to the junction. A hole in the wall looks out on the curved 50 shield pack alcove. Two shock ammo packs lie under the hole. To the left is a mesh walkway under the 100 shield pack. You can't reach the pack, but you can pick up two link ammo packs. Take either walkway into a connecting tunnel containing a link gun and out to the other side where you got the link ammo.
Move to the rocket launcher, ride the elevator up, and elevator jump up to a hidden third-floor room above the rocket launcher. The lift platform stops at the rocket launcher, so jump! The room holds a health pack and a view of the 100 shield pack on the ledge's left side. To the left are lightning, rocket, flak, and bio ammo packs. A small ramp has three health vials and two adrenaline pills at the top. The ramp goes down to a small mesh ledge overlooking the double damage below. Snag the double damage. Turn left and shield jump from this upper ledge to a higher platform that's part of the cylinder whirring mechanism to find the redeemer!
Move back to the double damage area and take the ramp to the ground floor; check the elevator and the water-soaked channel. Teleport to a flak cannon to the side of the arena with the lightning gun, under the 100 shield pack. An identical teleporter returns here. Double jump up the opposite sloping sides to a minigun and a tunnel entrance.
The tunnel bends left to a link gun and left again out to a short mesh walkway and into the central thoroughfare. A large exit corridor lies at the minigun. Run under the mesh walkway to a huge open area. To the right is a small elevator up to the raised area near the mesh walkway on the right. Head left, around a large curved alcove and steps, and find six health vials leading to a 50 shield pack. The middle of the chamber holds a shock rifle. On the opposite wall are minigun and bio ammo packs. At the far end of the corridor are two shock rifle ammo packs.
To the left, a ramp leads to the central thoroughfare. The elevator to the hidden room is on your left. The thoroughfare splits, and the left route joins the mesh walkway at the shield pack alcove chamber with two health packs on the way. The other route leads you to the other side of the 100 shield pack chamber, opposite the teleporter and across from a biorifle.
At the two shock ammo packs, double jump onto the raised area. Head left around the corner (past two health packs) to the 100 shield pack chamber. The power-up is up and left on the high walkway. Head up the steps on the right. Turn left to nab mini and shock ammo packs and right to steal the flak cannon; then go through the teleporter to exit under the double damage.
Head into the room's center. Under the circular mesh walkway to the first link gun is a U-shaped double ramp. Between the ramps is a lightning gun. On the other side is an elevator to the left and right. Elevator jump off either to land on the mesh walkway. On the right are flak, bio, and lightning ammo packs. On the raised area above the elevators are steps. Head left to return to the middle thoroughfare. Head right to secure the biorifle.
Deathmatch Dealing
Don't be put off by the map's sheer size. The higher you are off the ground, the more probable your victory. Focus on the double damage and the middle elevator that leads to it. The double damage is easily grabbed from its balcony at the ramp's top; head to the secret third floor to secure ammo and leap for the redeemer (with a careful shield jump) hidden in the whirring cylinder above. Try shield jumping to the upper ledge, too.
Regular combat continues along the ground, with shock rifle and lightning gun aficionados taking posts at spots such as the ground elevator near the double damage overlooking the 50 shield pack alcove, the end of the curved shallow steps near the shock rifle (peer through the gap and tag those attempting to reach the flak cannon), and the biorifle (there's a great view across to the flak cannon and the building's middle).
For a sniping point that's difficult to spot, you need extra height. Try the 100 shield pack area, the link gun chamber under it (use the interior to sidestep into cover), even the third floor central tower opening overlooking the biorifle (accessed from the central elevator). From the second floor gap, above the two shock rifle ammo packs, double jump diagonally right to the sloping sides of the central building.
Creep to the building's end and snipe down to the 50 shield pack, or drop to the second floor balcony and head back to the rocket launcher. Or double jump across the gap between this and the outer wall. Land on a tiny lip and head left to a view of the 100 shield pack area; great for sniping! Head right until you're almost on top of the 50 shield pack for a good line of sight to the base of the double damage chamber.
On the ground at the 100 shield pack chamber, shield jump onto the curved walkway supports and bound to the top. Also try elevator jumping on them or double jumping from the raised area near the flak cannon. Don't forget the lip of the central building on the ledge by the double damage. Hug the left wall and creep to the continuation of the platform; double jump across to secure the 50 shield pack."
Map Patrol
Starting at the 100 shield pack, follow the walkway down the right outer wall to a yellow-lit alcove with flak, rocket, and shock ammo packs. Take the walkway junction left, to the large tunnel entrance on your right and an identical walkway ahead. Both end at tunnels.
The beginning of the right tunnel holds a health pack. Pass through four health vials out to another gigantic chamber. Note a U-shaped walkway in front of you, and a rotating shaft above your head (don't touch that!). Drop into the middle of the "U" to claim the double damage on a mesh balcony below. Follow the mesh walkway around to the left of the double damage to shock, bio, and rocket ammo packs.
Now move back to the two tunnel entrances on the walkway near the 100 shield pack, and take the other one. There's a corner to the left, and on the right wall are mini, link, and bio ammo packs. There's also a junction with a rocket launcher to the left. Go right, following the three adrenaline pills to an outer balcony overlooking the 50 shield pack alcove. Drop down or head right to grab the lightning and rocket ammo packs. The balcony stops, so hug the right wall and move around the lip to the trio of ammo packs near the double damage.
An important elevator is in the shadows at the rocket launcher, but don't enter it yet. Head past the rocket launcher to the junction. A hole in the wall looks out on the curved 50 shield pack alcove. Two shock ammo packs lie under the hole. To the left is a mesh walkway under the 100 shield pack. You can't reach the pack, but you can pick up two link ammo packs. Take either walkway into a connecting tunnel containing a link gun and out to the other side where you got the link ammo.
Move to the rocket launcher, ride the elevator up, and elevator jump up to a hidden third-floor room above the rocket launcher. The lift platform stops at the rocket launcher, so jump! The room holds a health pack and a view of the 100 shield pack on the ledge's left side. To the left are lightning, rocket, flak, and bio ammo packs. A small ramp has three health vials and two adrenaline pills at the top. The ramp goes down to a small mesh ledge overlooking the double damage below. Snag the double damage. Turn left and shield jump from this upper ledge to a higher platform that's part of the cylinder whirring mechanism to find the redeemer!
Move back to the double damage area and take the ramp to the ground floor; check the elevator and the water-soaked channel. Teleport to a flak cannon to the side of the arena with the lightning gun, under the 100 shield pack. An identical teleporter returns here. Double jump up the opposite sloping sides to a minigun and a tunnel entrance.
The tunnel bends left to a link gun and left again out to a short mesh walkway and into the central thoroughfare. A large exit corridor lies at the minigun. Run under the mesh walkway to a huge open area. To the right is a small elevator up to the raised area near the mesh walkway on the right. Head left, around a large curved alcove and steps, and find six health vials leading to a 50 shield pack. The middle of the chamber holds a shock rifle. On the opposite wall are minigun and bio ammo packs. At the far end of the corridor are two shock rifle ammo packs.
To the left, a ramp leads to the central thoroughfare. The elevator to the hidden room is on your left. The thoroughfare splits, and the left route joins the mesh walkway at the shield pack alcove chamber with two health packs on the way. The other route leads you to the other side of the 100 shield pack chamber, opposite the teleporter and across from a biorifle.
At the two shock ammo packs, double jump onto the raised area. Head left around the corner (past two health packs) to the 100 shield pack chamber. The power-up is up and left on the high walkway. Head up the steps on the right. Turn left to nab mini and shock ammo packs and right to steal the flak cannon; then go through the teleporter to exit under the double damage.
Head into the room's center. Under the circular mesh walkway to the first link gun is a U-shaped double ramp. Between the ramps is a lightning gun. On the other side is an elevator to the left and right. Elevator jump off either to land on the mesh walkway. On the right are flak, bio, and lightning ammo packs. On the raised area above the elevators are steps. Head left to return to the middle thoroughfare. Head right to secure the biorifle.
Deathmatch Dealing
Don't be put off by the map's sheer size. The higher you are off the ground, the more probable your victory. Focus on the double damage and the middle elevator that leads to it. The double damage is easily grabbed from its balcony at the ramp's top; head to the secret third floor to secure ammo and leap for the redeemer (with a careful shield jump) hidden in the whirring cylinder above. Try shield jumping to the upper ledge, too.
Regular combat continues along the ground, with shock rifle and lightning gun aficionados taking posts at spots such as the ground elevator near the double damage overlooking the 50 shield pack alcove, the end of the curved shallow steps near the shock rifle (peer through the gap and tag those attempting to reach the flak cannon), and the biorifle (there's a great view across to the flak cannon and the building's middle).
For a sniping point that's difficult to spot, you need extra height. Try the 100 shield pack area, the link gun chamber under it (use the interior to sidestep into cover), even the third floor central tower opening overlooking the biorifle (accessed from the central elevator). From the second floor gap, above the two shock rifle ammo packs, double jump diagonally right to the sloping sides of the central building.
Creep to the building's end and snipe down to the 50 shield pack, or drop to the second floor balcony and head back to the rocket launcher. Or double jump across the gap between this and the outer wall. Land on a tiny lip and head left to a view of the 100 shield pack area; great for sniping! Head right until you're almost on top of the 50 shield pack for a good line of sight to the base of the double damage chamber.
On the ground at the 100 shield pack chamber, shield jump onto the curved walkway supports and bound to the top. Also try elevator jumping on them or double jumping from the raised area near the flak cannon. Don't forget the lip of the central building on the ledge by the double damage. Hug the left wall and creep to the continuation of the platform; double jump across to secure the 50 shield pack."