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If you're looking for the Unreal Championship version of the map, you might want to check DM-Inferno (UC map).

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"Paradiso. Purgatorio. Inferno. Those who have fallen from grace have little more to look forward to than an eternity of torment among fire and brimstone. They, and the soulless creations of the automata, will seek to destroy you and claw their way back to glory. Your job is to send them to hell."
Map description

DM-Inferno is a Deathmatch map from both Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In both cases, the map is a stock map.

Map description[]

A castle sitting in the middle of Hell itself, surrounded by flames. It's a short arena with many hazards. The named areas of the map are as follows:

  • Flak Tower: Located at the north of the map, holds the eponymous weapon. A teleporter in the lower level of the tower leads to the rooftop level of the Minigun Tower.
  • Shock Tower: Located at the west of the map, holds the eponymous weapon.
  • Middle Tower: Located at the center of the map. Surrounded by a smaller walkway that the one that connects the four weapon towers.
  • Minigun Tower: Located at the south of the map, holds the eponymous weapon. A teleporter in the rooftop level of the tower leads to the lower level of the Flak Tower.
  • Rocket Tower: Wrongly named "Burning In Hell" (see Trivia), located at the east of the map, and holds the eponymous weapon.
  • Burning In Hell: The outside portion of the map.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Minigun Tower, rooftop level.
Ammo: Middle Tower, outside, accessed via a ramp from the rooftop of the Minigun Tower.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Shock Tower, lower level.
Ammo: 2x Middle Tower, at the west entrance to the Tower.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Middle Tower, entrance from the upper path from Minigun Tower.
Ammo: 2x Middle Tower, next to the upper exit from the platform.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Minigun Tower, at a staircrossing.
Ammo: 2x Minigun Tower, lower level.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Flak Tower, at a staircrossing.
Ammo: 2x Flak Tower, lower level, next to the Teleporter. 1x Middle Tower, next to a set of stairs.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Rocket Tower, lower level.
Ammo: 2x Rocket Tower, next to the west entrance to the Tower. 1x Middle Tower, next to a set of stairs.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Flak Tower, rooftop level.
Ammo: 1x Middle Tower, next to a set of stairs. 1x Middle Tower, next to a set of stairs opposite to the first ammo pack. 1x Flak Tower, rooftop level, next to the weapon.

Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Minigun Tower, rooftop level.
Ammo: Middle Tower, outside, accessed via a ramp from the rooftop of the Minigun Tower.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Shock Tower, lower level.
Ammo: 2x Middle Tower, at the west entrance to the Tower.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Middle Tower, entrance from the upper path from Minigun Tower.
Ammo: 2x Middle Tower, next to the upper exit from the platform.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Minigun Tower, at a staircrossing.
Ammo: 2x Minigun Tower, lower level.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Flak Tower, at a staircrossing.
Ammo: 2x Flak Tower, lower level, next to the Teleporter. 1x Middle Tower, next to a set of stairs.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Rocket Tower, lower level.
Ammo: 2x Rocket Tower, next to the west entrance to the Tower. 1x Middle Tower, next to a set of stairs.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: Flak Tower, rooftop level.
Ammo: 1x Middle Tower, next to a set of stairs. 1x Middle Tower, next to a set of stairs opposite to the first ammo pack. 1x Flak Tower, rooftop level, next to the weapon.


Pickup Count Location
5x Outside area, next to west entrance to Minigun Tower, at a ledge.
1x Flak Tower, in front of the Teleporter. 1x Minigun Tower, lower level. 1x Minigun Tower, rooftop level.
Flak Tower, rooftop level.
Outside, in the upper path between Minigun Tower and Middle Tower.
At a small platform, between the Middle Tower walkway and the Southeast walkway between the Rocket and Minigun Towers.
3x Outside area, northwest corner. 3x Outside area, northeast corner. 3x Outside area, southwest corner. 3x Outside area, southeast corner.

Pickup Count Location
5x Outside area, next to west entrance to Minigun Tower, at a ledge.
1x Flak Tower, in front of the Teleporter. 1x Minigun Tower, lower level. 1x Minigun Tower, rooftop level.
Flak Tower, rooftop level.
Outside, in the upper path between Minigun Tower and Middle Tower.
At a small platform, between the Middle Tower walkway and the Southeast walkway between the Rocket and Minigun Towers.
3x Outside area, northwest corner. 3x Outside area, northeast corner. 3x Outside area, southwest corner. 3x Outside area, southeast corner.

Tips and tricks[]

  • With the right timing, the path from Minigun Tower to Middle Tower gives you two weapons (the eponymous Minigun and the Link Gun) and the Shield Pack.
  • The Lightning Gun is located next to a Super Health Pack, making it a dangerous camping area. The safest way to travel there though, is by taking the teleporter to the Minigun area and going through the Middle area, as the path also gives you the aforementioned weapons and shield.

Prima Official Guide[]

"Inferno is an impressive, intimidating level. It is composed of one large tower encircled by four smaller towers. After you start running around on it, you'll see that there is little surface area in the arena—just a lot of long narrow pathways with plenty of weapon and item pickups.
A long grated catwalk encircles the large tower, passing through each of the four smaller towers. Along this catwalk, pick up plenty of Adrenaline. If you run around the catwalk, the items will respawn by the time you get back to them—assuming that your opponents don't beat you there.
On the inside of the catwalk arc, two of the smaller towers have paths that lead to elevators that take you to the large tower. One of these towers has the Shock Rifle; the other has the Rocket Launcher.
The other two small towers have winding staircases on the outside of the catwalk arc, and these contain Health Packs +25 and ammunition. You will find the Flak Cannon at the top of one of these staircases and the Minigun at the top of the other. A teleportation portal appears near the Health Pack in each, and it transports you to the upper part of the level.
The stairs in each tower lead to another circular catwalk that runs around the large tower in the center. Head up any of the three staircases on the inside of the catwalk to reach the Link Gun, a Shield Pack +50, and an elevator that leads to the top of the large tower.
Drop off this catwalk onto a platform near one of the smaller towers that contains a Super Shield Pack +100.
At the top of the large tower is an open area with the Lightning Gun and a Big Keg o' Health +100. Dual staircases lead up to a narrow ledge that runs around the top of the tower. This ledge is one giant camping opportunity. Jump onto it carefully and walk around to get an amazing view of the entire level.
On the side of the upper large tower opposite the Lighting Gun and Keg o' Health is another open plateau. This one has a Health Pack +25 and the Bio-Rifle, as well as the other end of the teleportation portals in the lower side towers.
Hot spots in this level include the catwalks (they must be used to cross from one tower to the next), as well as the elevators that run up and down the central tower.
Speaking of hot spots, stay out of the lava and away from the flames. Both will severely hurt you. And it goes without saying that you should make every attempt to avoid falling off the level or dropping from a great height."


Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • The map has a hidden flyby sequence in both games. Here's how it can be seen in UT2004:
  1. Make a copy of the map called MOV-DM-Inferno.ut2 in the Maps folder.
  2. Open MOV-DM-Inferno.ut2 in UnrealEd.
  3. In the Level Properties, go to LevelInfo and change the DefaultGameType field to unrealgame.cinematicgame.
  4. Open the Matinee editor (left toolbar, the "MOV" button).
  5. Rename the sequence in the Scenes tab from flyby to StartGame.
  6. Save the map.
  7. Open UT2004, and go to the Community -> Movies tab.
  8. Open the Inferno movie and enjoy the flyby.
  • References to other works:
    • The description of the map explicitly references Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy.

Location bugs[]

  • The Rocket Launcher Tower is wrongly named "Burning In Hell". This is a mistake present in both versions of the map, and is thankfully easily fixed by creating a file named "DM-Inferno.int" in the System folder with the following content:
LocationName="Rocket Tower"

LocationName="Rocket Tower"

LocationName="Rocket Tower"

Preview notes[]

"The DM map that we played was called Inferno and it was set on a fiery planet. It was kind of cool because of it's 'spoofing' of a Quake 3 map."
"Mark was playing on his laptop jacked into the LAN and Cliffy joined in for a round of DM on an Inferno Level that looked like something out of the depths of hell. There was fire, big black chains, shiny massive skulls, and a huge mountain in the middle with a ring around it at the bottom. Needless to say, I was falling a lot. After getting whooped once or twice on the level I actually managed to get a good score of 132 and be top dawg for one round so I was quite pleased with myself."


External links and references[]

  1. Tycho (May 08, 2002). "UT2003's Big Day Out". UnrealOps. Archived from the original on May 11, 2002. Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  2. Paligap (May 8, 2002). "Unreal Tournament Impressions 1.4". X-treme Gaming Radio. Archived from the original on June 28, 2002. Retrieved April 17, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 Deathmatch maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DM-1on1-CrashDM-1on1-MixerDM-IcetombDM-InjectorDM-IronDeityDM-Rustatorium
DE Bonus Pack maps: DM-DE-GrendelKeepDM-DE-IronicDM-DE-Osiris2
Unreal Tournament 2004 Deathmatch maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: DM-BP2-CalandrasDM-BP2-GoopGod
Semi-official maps: DM-Forbidden