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If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#DeathFan.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

"Step into the dark underworld of the Inquisition, where the ghosts of the innocent are your only companions."
Map description

DM-Insidious is a Deathmatch map from Unreal Championship.

Map description[]

This map is considered a spiritual successor of Unreal's DmDeathFan.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location


Pickup Count Location


"Step into the dark underworld of the Inquisition, where the ghosts of the innocent are your only companions."
Mission description

Tips and tricks[]

Prima Official Guide[]

"Insidious is another straightforward and hopelessly dangerous map. The design consists of a simple circle quadrisected by bridges across the middle. Beneath these bridges is a whirling fan blade that takes care of anyone foolish enough to fall over the side.
The map is designed to keep players moving, and you’d be smart to follow the plan. Anyone who stands still on Insidious learns the hard way why it’s not a good idea

Deathmatch Strategy
Many weapons, not much ammo. That sums up the main strategic concern with this map. Grabbing weapons is easy. Even the heavy weapons are readily available. But if you stay alive for a long time, you most likely run out of ammo.
Keep moving and acquiring backup weapons, and be ready to replenish your weapon any chance you get. You also need to make every shot count. If you run around with the rocket launcher’s secondary trigger pulled at all times, you’re out of ammo by your third kill.
Be proficient with the assault rifle. Because ammo is scarce, you often revert to your base gun. Learn how to use its grenade launcher secondary fire skillfully, and you pose as big a threat with that weapon as you do with a bigger gun.
Don’t get caught running away. You lose every time. Turn and fight. If you’re lucky you respawn and return the favor.

Survival Strategy
In Survival mode, control over the two power-ups takes precedence over ammo. Grab the rocket launcher, head to the lower bridge and run back and forth, watching both sides. When you see your enemy, drop everything and confront him, and then return to pick up the health and shield packs.

Team Deathmatch Strategy
Even with teams it is difficult to control both power-ups in a big match. In smaller matches, that should be the goal. Try first to grab one of the bigger guns, and then find a power-up to guard. Two players might patrol the lower bridge as a squad, wiping out opposition.

Single-Player Strategy
If you enjoy pounding on bots, this is your map. Weapons and power-ups in this map easily distract them. If you save ammo, you can slaughter them wholesale. Just grab a rocket launcher and flak cannon and head after them.
When you start cleaning house, they’re so busy running to the next gun that you get an easy shot or two off into their backs. Before long, you run the score up on them so far that they never catch up.

Sniping Spot
Even if you could sneak a lightning gun into this map, it wouldn’t help you much. Insidious was built for big guns with big splash damage, and standing in place in this map is asking for trouble.

Kill Zone
If you stay on the top bridge with the rocket launcher spawn point, you have more than enough action to keep busy. For the highest score possible, you have to treat the level like a giant Kill Zone and hunt your enemies down one by one."


  • The containers near the Shield Pack that contain human body parts are originally found in the Drakk homeworld back in Unreal II: The Awakening. The Drakk tried to create a Frankenstein-like creature from body parts of the Skaarj, Izarians and humans. Containers with body parts were named freak show by John Dalton.
  • The containers make an appearance at the very end of the game, once the player won the final match.
  • The betas had a much longer description text, which may also shed a light about the Nightmare Black Legion:
"Among the Battlesworn, fear grows old and dies quickly, leaving only bitterness behind. For those who have faced the Scorned in the arena, fear can return in an instant, striking deep into the soul. Eventually, a successful fighter will be called to spill blood on the nightmare planet, and learn what real fear is.

Cutting, twisting, tearing, flesh scoured from bone, tortured bodies twitching and screaming in the darkness, the howls of the damned welcome you to the insanity of the asylum. Deep in the darkness of this cursed hole the inmates are subjected to the unimaginable as the Overseers test the limits of human endurance.

Mutilated bodies hang from the walls and ceilings amidst an array of chain and wiring. Choked cries of pain, punctuated by agonized screams, fill the hallways like the sulfurous fog that drifts along the floor.

The suspension tanks that line the north wall greet visiting fighters with the deformed bodies of prisoners in Incubation, embryonic Scorned whose minds are twisted in sleep like the flesh that has betrayed them.

Some prisoners manage to cling to their humanity with bloody, broken fingernails, long after their body has passed beyond what anyone would recognize as human. The cells make short work of these; the acrid scent of electrocution and the wet sound of flesh meeting metal as their occupants dash their brains out against the doors punctuate the fact that what they contain is barely more than animal. Once the last trace of humanity is burned away, reeducation can begin, and the birth of a nightmare is witnessed.

Combatants who have bloodied these halls before find it a simple task to recognize new arrivals from old. Amidst the whimpered sobs of pain, the inexperienced choke out a single word again and again. The others learned long ago why the Overseers do what they do. They do it because they can."
UC Beta


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Championship Deathmatch maps
Bonus Pack maps: DM-Aqua MortisDM-InfernoDM-LeviathanB