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This article is about the map from Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict. If you're looking for other maps named "Nexus", you might want to check Nexus.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict.

"This overgrown shrine was dedicated to a mysterious warrior god, whose name has been lost to the ages."
Map description

DM-Nexus is a Deathmatch map from Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict. It's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]


Pickup Count Location


Ascension Rites[]

"The horrible Skaarj bloodsport comes to the Ascension Rites, courtesy of the Liandri Mining Corporation. You must slay more helpless Nali than your opponent, or face losing the tournament and thus the empire. If overcoming your sensibilities weren't enough of a challenge, you also must compete against a Skaarj champion."
Mission description

The cutscene is an interview between Malcolm, from the broadcasting comment desk, and Szalor, who is present on the arena.

Malcolm: "The Skaarj. Their brutality is legendary throughout the galaxy. Hands down, they're the most vicious warriors around. Which makes my guest a tourney competitor to be feared. Szalor, welcome."
Szalor: "Good to be here."
Malcolm: "Let's cut right to the chase. Why do Skaarj hate humans?"
Szalor: "You killed our queen."
Malcolm: "Sure, but that was at the end of the war. Why did you attack our colonies?"
Szalor: "We have no grudge against humans."
Malcolm: "That's a relief! You heard it here first."
Szalor: "We subjugate all inferior races, not just humans."
Malcolm: "Ohhh-key. Let's move on. Your next opponent is some Nakhti soldier... Anubis."

(Szalor growls)

Malcolm: "Must be tough facing an "inferior human" as an equal."
Szalor: "Not as equal."
Malcolm: "Competitor, then."
Szalor: "Hm... It is... unsatisfying... to rip them apart, only to have them respawn."
Malcolm: "Your next match is a Nali Slaughter. Some would say it's unwise to meet a Skaarj warrior in a game they invented."
Szalor: "It is always unwise to fight a Skaarj warrior."
Malcolm: "Tell me about the Nali. What are they like?"
Szalor: "They are sheep. Slaughtering them almost takes the pleasure out of killing. Almost..."

(Szalor laughs maniacally)

This level tends to be very difficult, so try to avoid confrontations with Szalor because you most often lose. Although if you are very good you can lure him to chase you so he forgets about killing the poor nalis and just run by the nalis giving them a good whack upside the head, then making an U-turn and hitting them again to kill them. If you aren't very good at running away from Szalor, just look for the udamage and go nuts.[1]

Raiden's Ladder[]

"Survival is a contest of endurance and self preservation. Both of your opponents are mighty warriors, but their mortal shells are showing signs of aging. You'll have to keep looking to find warriors for your cause."
Mission description

Szalor's Ladder[]

"The Torgr tribe wants to see your shameful death at the hands of a lesser race. A loss to a human like Anubis would bring them great amusement. Don't let that happen."
Mission description

This rung takes place at the exact point Anubis's Ascension Rites' match, which makes it a possible canon storyline.

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

  1. J0lly_R0ger (June 8, 2005). "Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict FAQ v2.4". Neoseeker. Retrieved May 27, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Deathmatch maps
Bonus Pack maps: DM-EvilHandsDM-Sever