Unreal Wiki

If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Phobos Moon.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2003.The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"After the first of the Phobos Moon orbital arenas was decommissioned and scrapped, its successor was launched to considerable fanfare and quickly became a staple deathmatch arena in the Tournament."
Map description

DM-Phobos2 is a Deathmatch map from Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. In both games, it's one of the stock maps.

Map description[]

Contrary to the common trend, Phobos 2 is not a remake of DM-Phobos from Unreal Tournament, but it shares some of its features, such as the corridor going around the ship and the large tower overseeing most of the outdoors area... and its unfortunate tendency to misname areas.

Named areas of the map include:

  • Space: The outdoors area of the map, considered the upper level of...
    • Central: The "indoors" area of the outdoors. It's still in the range of the Ion Cannon. Contains jumppads to both the "Space" portion as well as the nearby corridors, as well as a dropoff to the Link Gun Room a corridor located above the entrance to the Rocket Launcher Room, and a corridor east of the area with a dropoff to the Shock Rifle Corridor below; this last corridor also includes a rising platform straight to the Ion Painter platform in Space.
  • Minigun Corridor: A corridor located west of the map that contains the eponymous weapon. At the north extreme, it's a two-level area with a grate dropoff onto the lower level.
  • SuperHealth Room: A three level room located south of the map. Its upper level contains the eponymous item, while the lower levels feature jumppads leading to said level.
  • Link Gun Room: A two-level area with a bridge not united in the middle. It's recognizable by its canal and the jumppad that leads to the upper level.
  • Rocket Corridor: A misleading name for an area that contains the Bio Rifle. (For description reasons, we're naming the area "Bio Rifle Corridor") Connects the platform of the Central area with the Minigun Corridor, the Rocket Launcher Room and the lower level of the Super Health Room. The next area does contain the weapon, but is named instead...
    • Minigun Room: An area of the map that contains the Rocket Launcher in a ledge. (For description reasons, we're naming the area "Rocket Launcher Room") The weapon itself is located in a nearby corridor (the aforementioned Minigun Corridor). Connects the Central area at the lower level with the Minigun Corridor and the Bio Rifle Corridor.
  • Sniper Room: An area of the map located at northeast, containing both the Lightning Gun as well as an elevator to...
    • Tower: The top of the sniping tower.
  • Shock Rifle Corridor: A corridor that goes east of the Central Area, contains the eponymous weapon.
  • Flak Corridor: An inverted-L-shaped corridor that connects the Central area with the Link Gun Room.
  • Sniper Corridor: The second sniping location, this sniper roost located west of the Central area oversees it, with limited view of Space.
  • Super Shield Corridor: This corridor located south of the Central area simply contains a Shield Pack. (For description reasons, we're naming the area "Shield Corridor")

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Tower. 1x Link Gun Room, near exit to Flak Corridor.
W: 1
A: -
Weapon: Bio Rifle Corridor.
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: Shock Rifle Corridor, at the turn.
Ammo: 2x Shock Rifle Corridor, next to the exit to Central Area. 1x Rocket Launcher Room, below the Rocket Launcher ledge. 1x Link Gun Room, near upper level exit to Minigun Corridor. 1x Central Area, west upper corridor.
W: 1
A: 8
Weapon: Link Gun Room, northwest corner.
Ammo: 1x Space, southeast, next to the platform that contains the Ion Painter. 1x Space, north center of the Central area. 1x Space, corridor west of the Ion Painter platform. 2x Link Gun Room, near lower level exit to Minigun Corridor. 1x Link Gun Room, near upper level exit to Minigun Corridor. 2x Center area, at the corridor next to the rising platform to the Ion Painter platform.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Link Gun Room, northeast corner. 1x Minigun Corridor, at the T-junction.
Ammo: 2x Minigun Corridor, next to the lower level entrance from the Link Gun Room's lower level. 1x Central Area, west upper corridor. 2x Rocket Launcher Room, below the Rocket Launcher ledge. 1x Space, southeast, next to the platform that contains the Ion Painter. 2x Link Gun Room, upper level, near the exit to the Sniper Room.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Flak Corridor, at the turn. 1x Link Gun Room, upper level.
Ammo: 1x Flak Corridor, next to the exit to Link Gun Room. 2x Flak Corridor, near the exit to Central area. 1x Link Gun Room, near exit to Flak Corridor.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Super Health Room, upper level. 1x Rocket Launcher Room, at a ledge.
Ammo: 2x Near the Super Health Room weapon. 1x Rocket Launcher Room, near the entrance from Central area. 2x Bio Rifle Corridor, east end. 1x Rocket Launcher Room, below the Rocket Launcher ledge.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Sniper Room. 1x Sniper Corridor.
Ammo: 1x Tower. 1x Central area, ramp between the rising platform exit from Flak Corridor and the Sniper Room. 1x Sniper Corridor, next to the exit to Super Health Area. 1x Super Health Area, next to the exit to the east corridor in Center.
W: 1
Weapon: Space, at an upper platform located south.
W: 1
Weapon: Above the Central area.

Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: 1x Tower. 1x Link Gun Room, near exit to Flak Corridor.
W: 1
A: -
Weapon: Bio Rifle Corridor.
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 5
Weapon: Shock Rifle Corridor, at the turn.
Ammo: 2x Shock Rifle Corridor, next to the exit to Central Area. 1x Rocket Launcher Room, below the Rocket Launcher ledge. 1x Link Gun Room, near upper level exit to Minigun Corridor. 1x Central Area, west upper corridor.
W: 1
A: 8
Weapon: Link Gun Room, northwest corner.
Ammo: 1x Space, southeast, next to the platform that contains the Ion Painter. 1x Space, north center of the Central area. 1x Space, corridor west of the Ion Painter platform. 2x Link Gun Room, near lower level exit to Minigun Corridor. 1x Link Gun Room, near upper level exit to Minigun Corridor. 2x Center area, at the corridor next to the rising platform to the Ion Painter platform.
W: 2
A: 8
Weapon: 1x Link Gun Room, northeast corner. 1x Minigun Corridor, at the T-junction.
Ammo: 2x Minigun Corridor, next to the lower level entrance from the Link Gun Room's lower level. 1x Central Area, west upper corridor. 2x Rocket Launcher Room, below the Rocket Launcher ledge. 1x Space, southeast, next to the platform that contains the Ion Painter. 2x Link Gun Room, upper level, near the exit to the Sniper Room.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Flak Corridor, at the turn. 1x Link Gun Room, upper level.
Ammo: 1x Flak Corridor, next to the exit to Link Gun Room. 2x Flak Corridor, near the exit to Central area. 1x Link Gun Room, near exit to Flak Corridor.
W: 2
A: 6
Weapon: 1x Super Health Room, upper level. 1x Rocket Launcher Room, at a ledge.
Ammo: 2x Near the Super Health Room weapon. 1x Rocket Launcher Room, near the entrance from Central area. 2x Bio Rifle Corridor, east end. 1x Rocket Launcher Room, below the Rocket Launcher ledge.
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Sniper Room. 1x Sniper Corridor.
Ammo: 1x Tower. 1x Central area, ramp between the rising platform exit from Flak Corridor and the Sniper Room. 1x Sniper Corridor, next to the exit to Super Health Area. 1x Super Health Area, next to the exit to the east corridor in Center.
W: 1
Weapon: Space, at an upper platform located south.


Pickup Count Location
5x Minigun Corridor, at the ramp to the Bio Rifle Corridor. 5x Central area, ramp between the rising platform exit from Flak Corridor and the Sniper Room. 3x Shield Corridor, next to the entrance to Super Health Room. 3x Shock Rifle Corridor, next to the entrance to Super Health Room. 3x Center area, at the corridor next to the rising platform to the Ion Painter platform. 4x Link Gun Room, at the canal. 4x Space, behind the southwest radar.
1x Flak Corridor, next to the exit to Link Gun Room. 2x Central Area, west upper corridor. 1x Space, southeast, next to the platform that contains the Ion Painter. 1x Space, corridor west of the Ion Painter platform. 1x Central area, floor level. 1x Link Gun Room, at the dropoff from Central area. 1x Minigun Corridor, upper level.
Super Health Room, upper level.
Shield Corridor.
Space, west of the Central area.
3x Central Area, next to the Shock Rifle Corridor. 3x Link Gun Room, upper level. 2x Flak Corridor, next to the exit to Link Gun Room. 3x Flak Corridor, near the Flak Cannon. 3x Minigun Corridor, northwest, upper level, at a grate. 3x Space, near the sniping Tower.

Pickup Count Location
5x Minigun Corridor, at the ramp to the Bio Rifle Corridor. 5x Central area, ramp between the rising platform exit from Flak Corridor and the Sniper Room. 3x Shield Corridor, next to the entrance to Super Health Room. 3x Shock Rifle Corridor, next to the entrance to Super Health Room. 3x Center area, at the corridor next to the rising platform to the Ion Painter platform. 4x Link Gun Room, at the canal. 4x Space, behind the southwest radar.
1x Flak Corridor, next to the exit to Link Gun Room. 2x Central Area, west upper corridor. 1x Space, southeast, next to the platform that contains the Ion Painter. 1x Space, corridor west of the Ion Painter platform. 1x Central area, floor level. 1x Link Gun Room, at the dropoff from Central area. 1x Minigun Corridor, upper level.
Super Health Room, upper level.
Shield Corridor.
Space, west of the Central area.
3x Central Area, next to the Shock Rifle Corridor. 3x Link Gun Room, upper level. 2x Flak Corridor, next to the exit to Link Gun Room. 3x Flak Corridor, near the Flak Cannon. 3x Minigun Corridor, northwest, upper level, at a grate. 3x Space, near the sniping Tower.

Wildcard Bases[]

Items Count Location
Health PackSuper Shield PackBig Keg O' Health
1 Central area, lower level, at the small platform.

Items Count Location
Health PackSuper Shield PackBig Keg O' Health
1 -


"After the first of the Phobos Moon orbital arenas was decommissioned and scrapped, its successor was launched to considerable fanfare and quickly became a staple deathmatch arena in the Tournament."
Mission description

In this match, you have to beat your recently-chosen teammates to prove that you're deserving of being their leader.

Winning this match gives you access to the Team Ladders. The first ladder which gets unlocked is the Team Deathmatch ladder.

Tips and tricks[]

  • Pay attention to the computer voice announcing that the tower lift was called.
  • The outside areas are low gravity, so jumping there makes you an easier target.
  • There is an Ion Painter on one of the top of a buldings on the outside

Prima Official Guide[]

"Phobos Moon 2 is one of the largest and most unique Deathmatch maps in UT2003. Built on a platform that orbits the moon of Phobos, this expansive arena has every weapon and item you could ask for, and a gravity field that gets weaker as you go up.

At the ground floor of Phobos Moon 2, gravity is normal. However, as you near the top, the gravity weakens. At the top, you can leap tall obstacles in a single bound and reach areas that would not otherwise be accessible.
Variable gravity has two dangers. The first is that it is easy to overshoot your jumps at the top and leap into the vacuum of space, which kills you instantly.
The second danger is getting used to the weaker gravity at the top and forgetting that gravity is at full force at the bottom. If you leap off the top expecting to float gently to the floor, you're in for a rude awakening: As you fall, gravity increases. If you fall all the way to the bottom, you suffer a moderate amount of damage.

Ground Floor
The bottom of the arena consists of several wide-open areas connected by a series of tunnels, pathways, and ditches. Phobos Moon 2's ground floor holds most of the available weapons in the level—the Link Gun, the Minigun, the Bio-Rifle, the Flak Cannon, and the Rocket Launcher.
You can also find lots of Adrenaline, several Health Packs +25, a Shield Pack +100, and enough Health Vials +5 to choke a horse. Explore the passageways leading away from the central area to find them all. The ground floor should be used for weapon and item collection; the higher areas are more strategic in terms of combat.
One of the most valuable pick-ups at the bottom is the Double Damage modifier, located on a small ledge in a large, open area—a hot spot, naturally. Take the short set of stairs next to the Rocket Launcher to reach it, or use the jump pad in the open area to hop up. After you pick it up, it may respawn as a Big Keg o' Health +100 or a Super Shield Pack +100.

Movin' on Up
You can reach higher levels in one of three ways. The first is to run or jump onto a purple jump pad, which propels you onto higher levels. The second is to ride one of two elevators, neither of which can be entered through the large open area in the arena's center. Third, run up the set of stairs near the Minigun.
Along the corridors and plateaus that line the middle part of the level, you can find the Lightning Gun, two Shock Rifles, several Health Packs +25, a handful of Health Vials +25 and Adrenaline capsules, and a Shield Pack +50. Again, be sure to explore them thoroughly and learn the layout.
As you get higher up the sides of the center, you can pick up another Rocket Launcher, another Lightning Gun, and a Big Keg o' Health +100.

Reach for the Stars
There are several ways to get to the top of Phobos Moon 2, where the gravity is weaker.
The fenced-in elevator between the two Health Packs +25 and the Shock Rifle takes you to the top, but it doesn't put you in strategic position. You wind up in a wide-open space at the lower end of the top area. That's not a problem if you move quickly, but if an enemy is camping out and covering the elevator, you're in trouble.
Another fenced-in elevator is near the line of Health Vials +5 just past the Rocket Launcher and the Big Keg o' Health +100 in the upper middle part of the level. This elevator takes you up to the roof of the building at the top, where the Ion Painter awaits. Getting taken right to the most powerful weapon in the game is a huge strategic advantage.
Take the platform elevator near one of the Lightning Guns. This goes all the way up to the top of the highest structure in the level, a giant tower that looms over the rest of the arena. From here, you can jump down to the Ion Painter or just about any other location on the map. Watch out for that zero-gravity effect.

The top is the most strategically important area in the level. It has several powerful pick-ups, including a Double Damage modifier, two Health Packs +25, a Shield Pack +100, and several Health Vials +5.
The biggest and baddest weapon in the game is found at the top of the arena. The Ion Painter sits atop a structure in one corner. There are three ways to reach the Ion Painter.
Take the elevator that leads up to the Ion Painter.
Take the elevator to the top of the tallest tower at the highest point and jump down to the Ion Painter.
Leap onto the exterior wall of the level and run around it until you can jump up to the structure with the Ion Painter.
When using the Ion Painter, aim for the bottom of the level. Its field of fire is so powerful that you will be caught in the blast if you're not careful.

The best campsites are in the middle and at the top. Two are found near the Lightning Guns. Stand in the two large windows near one of the Lightning Guns to get a full view of the open column of space in the center.
After getting the other Lightning Gun, run through the door to camp above the other large open area on the ground floor. Pick off enemies as they run into the room for the Link Gun.
Run onto the platform elevator near the Lightning Gun to ride all the way up to the level's highest point. From here, you can cover almost the entire center of the level.
Jump from the top of the level onto any of the grated awnings above most of the higher doorways. These allow you to see most of the central area, and plug anyone who runs through the door.
The roofs of any structures along the top are prime sniping real estate. Now that you know how vulnerable players are when they run through the open area in the center, take pains to minimize your exposure in this area."


  • The map was set to appear in Unreal Championship, as some of the hidden levelshots can tell, but it didn't make the cut.
  • This map lacked the Ion Painter in the beta releases of 2003, and also featured a different description:
"A space station near one of the Martian moons is a great place for a fast-paced DeathMatch, this has been proved in the first Tournament. The gravity is reduced on the top floor and there is a sniper point nearby."
UT2003 Beta Description
  • Opening the map in UnrealEd reveals that there are two SuperShieldCharger objects, however, only one of them is an actual Super Shield Pack, the other is just a regular Shield Pack.


Main article: Annex:Unreal Tournament 2004 Final Stats
  • Until the stats for the game were shut down, the map held the distinction of being the 58th. most played UT2004 map of all-time, with over 43.000 matches.[1]

Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • The map has a hidden flyby sequence in both games. Here's how it can be seen in UT2004:
  1. Make a copy of the map called MOV-DM-Phobos2.ut2 in the Maps folder.
  2. Open MOV-DM-Phobos2.ut2 in UnrealEd.
  3. In the Level Properties, go to LevelInfo and change the DefaultGameType field to unrealgame.cinematicgame.
  4. Open the Matinee editor (left toolbar, the "MOV" button).
  5. Rename the sequence in the Scenes tab from flyby to StartGame.
  6. Save the map.
  7. Open UT2004, and go to the Community -> Movies tab.
  8. Open the "Phobos Moon 2" movie and enjoy the flyby.

Location bugs[]

Much like its predecessor, this map shares the unfortunate tendency to misname map areas. In this case, the area named "Rocket Corridor" contains the Bio Rifle, while the "Minigun Room" contains the Rocket Launcher and the "Super Shield Corridor" contains just a Shield Pack. Thankfully, this is easily solvable: create a file named DM-Phobos2.int in the System folder with the following content:

LocationName="Bio Rifle Corridor"

LocationName="Rocket Launcher Room"

LocationName="Bio Rifle Corridor"

LocationName="Shield Corridor"

LocationName="Bio Rifle Corridor"


External links and references[]

  1. "Unreal Tournament 2004 Stats - Maps". UT2004 Stats. Archived from the original on Nov 25, 2018. Retrieved Aug 25, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2003 Deathmatch maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DM-1on1-CrashDM-1on1-MixerDM-IcetombDM-InjectorDM-IronDeityDM-Rustatorium
DE Bonus Pack maps: DM-DE-GrendelKeepDM-DE-IronicDM-DE-Osiris2
Unreal Tournament 2004 Deathmatch maps
Mega Bonus Pack maps: DM-BP2-CalandrasDM-BP2-GoopGod
Semi-official maps: DM-Forbidden