Unreal Wiki

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

DM-Tutorial is a Deathmatch map for Unreal Tournament. It's present in the demo and full PC versions as well as the Playstation 2 and Sega Dreamcast versions, in all cases as a stock map.

Map description[]

It is a small room with four pillars and a Shock Rifle encased in a cage. At certain points, a Nali and three barrels will spawn. This map serves as an introduction to the Deathmatch gametype. The basics of Deathmatch and certain general aspects of the game are explained here. Players receive some basic training about walking, strafing, jumping, aiming, firing, using the shock combo, etc. A mock game against Slain will conclude the tutorial session.

The tutorial is completely optional, and can be skipped.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: 1x Center of the arena, initially locked under a cage.
Ammo: 4x Next to the weapon.




PC (Demo)[]

"Learn the basics of Deathmatch in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy before entering the tournament proper."
Mission description

PC (Retail/GOTY)[]

"Learn the basics of Deathmatch in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy before entering the tournament proper."
Mission description

Playstation 2[]

"Learn the basic rules and systems of Deathmatch in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy before entering the tournament."
Mission description


"Learn the basics of Deathmatch in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy before entering the tournament proper."
Mission description

Tips and tricks[]

  • You won't have to worry losing against your opponent, as you will be invincible for the entirety of the match. Just pick up that Shock Rifle and blast those combos!


  • The Nali can be killed with any weapon and the announcer will still say the same line.


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament (Demo) maps
Deathmatch: DM-MorpheusDM-PhobosDM-TempestDM-TurbineDM-Tutorial
Domination: DOM-SesmarDOM-Tutorial
Capture the Flag: CTF-CoretCTF-Tutorial
Unreal Tournament Deathmatch maps
Epic Bonus Pack maps: DM-AgonyDM-ArcaneTempleDM-Cybrosis][DM-HealPod][DM-MalevolenceDM-Mojo][DM-Shrapnel][
Inoxx Bonus Pack maps: DM-CraneDM-SpaceNoxx
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: DM-BishopDM-CloserDM-Grit-TOURNEYDM-Viridian-TOURNEY
Semi-official maps: DM-Gen][
Pre-order bonuses: DM-Chronos (BestBuy GOTY)
Unreal Tournament (PS2) Deathmatch maps
Available from start: DM-BrickyardDM-CanyonFearDM-CoagulateDM-CoreDM-HoodDM-LoathingDM-SorayamaDM-Tutorial
Unlockable via ladder: DM-AgonyDM-CodexDM-CurseDM-Deck16DM-FluxDM-HyperBlastDM-KGalleonDM-LiandriDM-MalevolenceDM-OblivionDM-PhobosDM-PressureDM-StalwartDM-TempestDM-TurbineDM-Zeto
Unreal Tournament (DC) Deathmatch maps
Available from start: DM-BabylonDM-BlockPartyDM-BrickyardDM-CanyonFearDM-ColdSteelPressureDM-CoreDM-DamnationDM-DepotDM-DustDM-GearboxDM-GirderDM-GoogleDM-IndustrialDM-InfernalDM-InstinctDM-LoathingDM-MorbiasDM-MorpheusDM-NeoTokyoDM-PaladinDM-PantheonDM-Sector9DM-SingularityDM-SorayamaDM-SpaceNoxxDM-StalwartXLDM-StationControlDM-TutorialDM-Underlord
Unlockable via ladder: DM-AgonyDM-BarricadeDM-CodexDM-CurseDM-Deck16DM-FluxDM-HalberdDM-HealPodDM-HyperBlastDM-LiandriDM-MalevolenceDM-NebulaDM-OblivionDM-PhobosDM-PressureDM-Stalwart
Unlockable via SegaNet: DM-MegaplexDM-Outskirts