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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 2004.

"This great, mythical metropolis may have sunk to the darkest depths of the ocean, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's off limits to the Tournament. Even though it's located 20,000 leagues under the sea, strange Atlantean powers ensure that the competitors won't get so much as a toe wet."
Map description

DOM-Atlantis is a Double Domination map from Unreal Tournament 2004. It's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -


Pickup Count Location


"This great, mythical metropolis may have sunk to the darkest depths of the ocean, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's off limits to the Tournament. Even though it's located 20,000 leagues under the sea, strange Atlantean powers ensure that the competitors won't get so much as a toe wet."
Mission description

Before playing this match, you can switch the arena to DOM-ScorchedEarth by paying 110 game units.

Tips and tricks[]

Prima Official Guide[]

"This undersea maze is confusing until you realize the entire level is much smaller than you'd expect, and contains two sets of identical areas. Two stepped corridors to the sides of the main area link domination chambers "A" and "B," while the rest of the access points are through the middle of the level, via one of two holes to a tunnel below the central ruins, or up a small set of steps, around the central tower, and back out the other side. The chambers are grassy with a long T-shaped walkway and a letter at one end.

Spawn Point Strategies
This maze-like level doesn't always start in the same place. In fact, you can to appear in three main areas (on opposite sides for each team). You could appear at one end of a raised stepped corridor surrounded by water, at one side of an underground tunnel, or above the tunnel by a giant stone tower surrounded by ruins. What looks to be a confusing mass of small corridors is in fact a series of linked areas all leading to a grassy undersea courtyard, on either side of the central tunnel (with ruins atop) with each letter at the far end.
If you enter the raised stepped corridor that has a TV screen with "B" to the right or "A" to the left, you find health packs at each end and a waterfall. The main connecting corridor has a rocket launcher with two ammo packs at the top of the steps. The corridor opens at the other end to the chamber holding the letter shown near the doorway you entered. The corridor at the opposite side that has a TV screen with "A" to the right of the entrance and "B" to the left is identical except it contains a flak cannon and two ammo packs.
When you exit one of these side corridors, you appear on a small upper area (the side of it is a good place to set up an ambush) with three main exits. Depending on which exit you take (there are four, two on each side of the map), you'll find steps up to a walkway next to the central tower, and two adjacent routes: steps up to a large arch you climb on to reach a 50 shield pack, or steps down to the grassy domination area.
If you're on the upper walkway adjacent to the ruins, prowl around this area, moving to the junction where a lightning gun and two ammo packs wait. Find an adrenaline pill on either side of the gun. Look toward the middle ruins, peer into a gap below and see the main central tower; this is the spawn point mentioned earlier, although there's not much time to try spawn camping.
The tunnel area has six entrances, all accessed from the ground. The tunnel runs across the middle of the map under the ruins, and it's less complicated than it first appears. On each domination grass area, you can move under the walkway holding the lightning gun and enter the tunnel from a left hole, a right hole, or a set of steps in the middle. The steps lead to a platform around the central tower, where you can sprint into the opposite domination chamber, or fall between the platform and tower into the middle of the tunnel.
Take either hole entrance (two on each side) and you pass through three adrenaline pills as the tunnel bends around to a weapon—either the biorifle or link gun. If you're entering via the "B" area, the link gun is down the left hole and the biorifle is down the right hole. On each side of the weapon are two ammo packs of the opposite weapon.
If you're standing by one of these weapons, you can dash across and up the opposite hole to the other arena, or turn and run toward the middle of the map, through a narrow tunnel linking the other weapon, and around the central tower. Then you can grab the opposite weapon and head out of either hole on the opposite side.

The Domination "A" and "B" Chambers
The two chambers where the letters float are a lot more open, with the letters spinning at the very end of a long walkway. There are three ways to reach the letter: via the walkway under the shield pack arch, or up steps on either side of the walkway, from the grassy ground below.
Inspect the ground. In the area below and around the entrance to the side corridors and lightning gun walkway are two ammo packs with a weapon floating in a rectangular slab. The shock rifle is near the minigun ammo, and the minigun is near the shock rounds. Finding the right gun for the job depends on your location, but the shock rifle is always on the left slab if you're facing the center of the level.

Total Domination
The actual domination areas are reasonably easy to both defend and regain ammunition. You only use the rocket launcher and flak cannon at the beginning of your spawn, as the corridors are far away from the action. Flak is your friend in the corridor and underground, however—as is biorifle goop for spreading around blind corners or exits (such as the area out of a hole). However, a mixture of minigun, shock combo, and lightning sniping from the letter always wins through if your team is proficient enough and takes turns in grabbing extra ammo.
Don't forget to use the multitude of entrances to each domination area. Defenders should keep their strength by waiting at the letter itself to avoid enemies sneaking in behind them. A few good shock combos or lightning rounds from the letter, atop the shield pack arch, or on a perched point you double jump to are all great ways to increase security.
If you're hell-bent on taking over a letter, you need to soak up some damage when your team runs in. Try at least two players at a time, and shock combo the letter area to knock the enemy about, then approach from either set of steps to claim the area. Throw off your enemy by running in from the upper walkway and dropping down, or leaping up onto the shield pack arch, down to the walkway, and down to the letter (either onto the grass or down the middle steps)."



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 2004 Double Domination maps