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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Championship.

"The desert is an unforgiving place, and you would do well to remember that as you strive to control both Domination points against an unrelenting foe. Keep your eye on the enemy at all times, as they will undoubtedly do the same."
Map description

DOM-Deserted is a Double Domination map from Unreal Championship.

Map description[]

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location


Pickup Count Location


"The desert is an unforgiving place, and you would do well to remember that as you strive to control both Domination points against an unrelenting foe. Keep your eye on the enemy at all times, as they will undoubtedly do the same."
Mission description

After winning this match, the Bombing Run ladder becomes available.

Tips and tricks[]

Prima Official Guide[]

"Deserted is the perfect introduction to Double Domination. It’s simple and straightforward, yet can get complicated when the battle is on. Each team spawns in a small room. Then the race is on toward the two huge temples that hold the domination points.
Powerful weapons and other goodies are spread across the map, but you have to go out of your way to get them. Don’t miss the rocket launcher and super shield unless you’re really in a hurry. These items help you win and both points.

Offensive Strategy
In Deserted, your journey to the domination points is quick and unobstructed. Expect a lot of frenzied action at the points themselves. You can see who is in control of each point before you get there, so you can be somewhat prepared. When pursuing a point controlled by the other team, charge up your rocket launcher moments before you turn the corner into the room.
Unless the other team is about to score, don’t rush in an effort to establish control of the domination point. The most important thing is to clear the room of enemies. Then turn the domination point to your color and switch to defensive mode.

Defensive Strategy
On Deserted, as on any other Double Domination map, defense means stopping enemies before they even get close to your domination point. On this map, that means in the corridor leading to your room, especially if your time is counting down.
Be aggressive. Merely hiding out in a good spot risks letting your foes slip through to the domination point and block your score.
If a teammate is defending the domination point with you, you need worry only about your own corridor. If you’re defending the point alone, strafe back and forth between the two corridors to catch the enemy as quickly as possible.

Teamplay Strategy
In Double Domination, teamplay is a necessity—you cannot control both points by yourself. If your team works well together, you can make a less cohesive team fall apart.
Push your defense forward, and assign one player to control the middle and one to control the temple entrances closest to the enemy spawn point. The other two turn over domination points. Alert teammates when the enemy is about to attack. That advance warning may be all they need.

Single-Player Strategy
The bots are singularly focused in this map. If you control the middle area, you can help your bots run up the score.
Bots don’t fear sniper fire nearly as much as they should, so camp out in the middle and take out the enemy as they leave their base. Your teammates can just relax and keep scoring.

Sniping Spot
If you stand in the middle of the map, you can pick up a lot of cheap sniper kills as your enemies try in vain to pick up the heavy weapons located outside of their spawning point. Watch out, however, for enemies that may teleport into the middle area behind you. It's better to get clear to a spot closer to their starting point where you have the safety of a building at your back.

Defensive Position
Deserted doesn’t feature a single, great defensive position. The best place to stay on defense is in the domination point room, running back and forth to check both corridors. Use the flak cannon or rocket launcher to keep your enemies at bay for a long time.

Kill Zone
If you don’t mind people calling you filthy names, you can score a lot of easy kills by taking a flak cannon to the door of the other team’s spawn base. As soon as they step out, shoot them. Get ready to do it again, because they respawn immediately. If you catch more than one player in the spawn base, your kills add up so fast you’ll need a calculator to keep track."


Author's Notes[]

"BR-Adrift (UC) and DOM-Deserted (UC) were both made as split screen maps, they are very bare in decorations to improve framerate in 4 player splitscreen. Later on we found we could support splitscreen in all maps. Both these maps had the same idea, one set in the desert and the other on an icy plateau. I wanted to break away the barriers always enclosing maps. No water or cliffs. This allowed for a more open and a less confined feeling while running outside.

I was responsible for most of the layout / meshing / lighting and bug fixing. I had a lot of help getting the skybox in Adrift just right from Matt Tremblay and Mike Leatham."
Checker's Chapel[1]


External links and references[]

  1. Frank, Bastiaan (May 26, 2008). "Portfolio DarkSector(mmo) UC and UT2003". Checker's Chapel. Archived from the original on Oct 22, 2012. Retrieved Oct 20, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Championship Double Domination maps