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If you're looking for other versions of the map, you might want to check Recurring maps#Lament.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament.

DOM-Lament][ is a Domination map from Unreal Tournament. It comes with the Bonus Pack 4.

Map description[]

An update of DOM-Lament. The old station theme was replaced with a futuristic facility look, and the layout became more symmetrical, though the map's main gimmick (being able to see the three Control Points from the Central point) is still there. Recognizable, yet unnamed, areas of the map are the following:

  • South Stairs: Formerly "South Ramp", located at the south of the map, this time it holds two stairs, one per side, and a wall which splits the area in two (For description reasons, we're naming these areas Southwest Stairs and Southeast Stairs). The wall itself is intersected both at the upper and lower corridors and in the upper level it's also carved as a protected passage. It houses routes to every Domination point, and now only one of them still require players to go through this area.
  • West Corridor: Formerly "West Wing", now it's just a corridor connecting the Upper Corridor and the Center point area. Houses the Flak Cannon.
  • Upper Corridor: A long corridor spanning from both the West Corridor and East Corridor, intersected by the passage to the Upper Point Chamber as well as entrances into both the Southwest Stair and Southeast Stair areas.
  • East Corridor: Formerly "East Wing", now a corridor connecting the Upper Corridor and the Center point area. Houses the Rocket Launcher.
  • Central Point Area: The area of the map which houses the "Center" Control Point and from which the other two points can be seen.
  • Upper Point Chamber: The area where the "Upper" Control Point lies, and which is only connected to the Upper Corridor. Formerly a hub.
  • Lower Point Chamber: The area where the "Lower" Control Point lies, connected to the South Stairs area with a corridor intersecting the wall that splits the area.

Domination points[]

  • Central: Located at the Central Point Area.
  • Upper: Located at the Upper Point Chamber.
  • Lower: Located at the Lower Point Chamber.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: Corridor between Southwest Stairs area and Central Point area.
Ammo: Southwest Stairs area, near entrance to the corridor to the Central Point Area.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: South Stairs area, upper level, at the wall intersection.
Ammo: Near the weapon.
W: 1
A: 4
Weapon: Corridor between Southeast Stairs area and Central Point area.
Ammo: 2x Southwest Stairs area, upper level, balcony facing the stairs. 2x South Stairs area, in front of the entrance to the Lower Point Chamber.
W: 1
A: 3
Weapon: West Corridor.
Ammo: 2x Upper Corridor, near entrance to the West Corridor. 1x South Stairs area, in front of the entrance to the Lower Point Chamber.
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: East Corridor.
Ammo: Upper Corridor, next to the entrances to the East Corridor and Southeast Stairs area.


Pickup Count Location
2x Upper Corridor, next to the entrances to the West Corridor and Southwest Stairs area. 2x Southeast Stairs area, near entrance to the corridor to the Central Point Area. 2x Central Point Area, in front of the control point.
Lower Point Chamber.
South Stairs area, upper level, at the point where both stairs end.

Tips and tricks[]

  • Since the map is symmetric, the only thing you may need to take advantage of is the location of the weapons.
  • The corridors are less open than in Lament, and the map is more friendly to splash damage dealing weapons as a result.


Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs
  • There's a hidden Level Entry Text: "Break out the rubber, it's DOMINATION time!"


External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal Tournament Domination maps
Bonus Pack 4 (Christmas) maps: DOM-BulletDOM-CiDomDOM-Lament][DOM-WolfsBay
Unreal Tournament Bonus Pack 4 maps
Deathmatch: DM-BishopDM-CloserDM-Grit-TOURNEYDM-Viridian-TOURNEY
Capture the Flag: CTF-BeatitudeCTF-EpicBoyCTF-Face-SECTF-Ratchet
Domination: DOM-BulletDOM-CiDomDOM-Lament][DOM-WolfsBay